《You Booster! (Tian Lang Xing)》Chapter 6: Heaven-Defying Talent


Chapter 6: Heaven-Defying Talent

The hall was large.

It was spacious, with the roof so high there was even wind, moving freely within. The floor was made with granite stones, ones they have never seen before. In the middle, there was a large floating jade, with disciples guarding. The three elders in charge of the testing hall were surprised by her presence – Grand Elder Ling, followed by three other elders.

With deference, they greeted her. Whatever her order, it seemed these elders would do it without so much a question. They just do it.

‘As I thought… she’s a big shot here?’

Shu Fen thought. At the time, the girls knew nothing about the hierarchy of the sect. A Grand Elder of the Sect was only below the Ancestors and Sect Leader. In Blood Oath sect, an Earth-ranked sect, there were only twelve or so Grand Elders at one given time.

Each one of Grand Elder was a Yuan Yin expert, no less. A Yuan Yin expert could have from ten to twenty times more Qi than a Golden Core elders. Not to mention, the quality would be different as well.

With a chair readied for her, Grand Elder Ling gracefully took the seat. Soon, a table and a cup of warm tea arrived as well. She sipped it slowly, then told them as they waited;

“I’ll just be spectating. Elders, proceed,”

“At once,”

The testing elders understood her intent. There were rumors that she had a soft spot for children, so they dared not be discourteous, even for these two without their guardian. Kindly explaining things slowly to the two, the elders waited till they were ready.

Shu Fen asked;

“Just put both hands on?”

“Yes, that’s right…”

As Shu Fen understood, they just had to put their hands on the rainbow-like jade in the hall. As for talent, it would be enough if the crystal lit up above red in the bottom, reaching orange. That was the minimal value for the Blood Oath sect to accept any candidate, as the lowest “Trial Disciple”.

The talent would be estimated by the Celestial Rainbow Jade, a very expensive jade embedded with elaborate and powerful formations. At first glance, the jade seemed to have six colors. However, at the top, there was a short line of color; the violet. What common people called average, above average and high talent, in their proper term, was Dawn, Earth, and Heaven-rank talent, respectively.

— Dawn - red, orange color (Average)


— Earth - yellow, green color (Above Average)

— Heaven - blue, indigo color (High)

However, unknown to common people, was the highest rank… A person with such rank was known to appear only once or twice every hundred years in the whole continent;

— Zenith – Violet color.

The elders just explained it in a passing, adding an element of wow for the children. Of course, no one was even expecting anything from them. It was just that, if the children were pleased, this could also be a bonus for them, with the Grand Elder watching and all.

The reason it was called Zenith, was that it was the necessary talent for someone to reach the peak of cultivation, the Dao Seeker stage. However, they had no hope of ever getting one anyway. Even Divine-ranked Sects would turn crazy if someone of such talent appeared. It was possible for a war to happen just to grab the person. After all, even Divine-ranked Sects only had maybe two or three, and often they were their own Ancestors and Sect Leader. And, in the whole continent, there were only five Divine-ranked Sects. For them, it was a matter of survival. They needed a new, capable generation to head the sect, else they would diminish.

“Close the door,”

The elder in charge instructed the disciples. Soon, the main door to the place was shut. This was normal procedure, as they tested the children either one by one or together with their siblings. However, this took a minute at most. Since Grand Elder Ling was here, the procedure took longer than normal.

Noticing Shen Ai was anxious, Shu Fen patted her head, smiling wide as she did.

“Big sis will go first, alright? Stay here with the elder,”

“O, okay… G-good luck, big sis!”

She headed forward, putting both hands onto the Celestial Rainbow Jade. She felt as though something entered into her, then came right back into the jade. Soon, the bottom, the red colour lit up. In a few seconds, the orange color lit up too. Seeing this, Shen Ai was happy. Then, the yellow color lit up as well. This only add to the little sister’s happiness… But then, as they waited more, the jade did not light up any more color.

“Alright, you may stop,”

The elder in charge told Shu Fen. She took her hands off, turning to see her happy sister, and the kind Grand Elder. Grand Elder Ling smiled, nodding to Shu Fen as she said;


“Not bad,”

Her comment elated her. She rushed to hug her sister, lifting her up and making a swirl. The elder was about to insist the younger sister to step forward, but Grand Elder Ling raised her hand, stopping him. For awhile, they let the girls had their share of joy.

Realizing she was taking their time, Shu Fen stopped their celebration. Holding Shen Ai’s hand, she turned to the elder, asking;

“May I?”

The elder nodded. She immediately led her sister forward, then guide her to put her hands on the jade. When she put it, the jade slowly lit the color up. Red, orange, yellow…

Then, as the elder was about to tell her to stop, the green color lit up. Seeing this, he raised an eyebrow. It took way longer than normal, since he was not rushing the procedure at all. Looking at Grand Elder Ling, she nodded while sipping her tea. At times, there might come an oddity which took the jade slower time to assess.

For Shu Fen, seeing the green color lit up. She almost jumped in joy. But as they waited… The blue color lit up.


Shu Fen could not comprehend. From what she heard, the blue color should be rare, really rare. It was said that there were only one or two in the whole recruitment. Seeing this, Grand Elder Ling commented;


The elders were satisfied as well. Heaven-ranked! This kind of talent, in just a few years of training, she would be placed in Inner Court. In ten or so years, she could become a Core Disciple, learning directly from a Grand Elder.

As the elders nodded at each other in congratulations, the Indigo color lit up. Seeing this, Grand Elder Ling forgot about her teacup, letting it fall freely to the floor.


The sound was loud, yet none in the hall bothered. Their eyes were fixed on the rainbow jade, with the six major colors all lit up. Shu Fen too, was dumbfounded. What was happening, she could not process. Her brain seemed to go on a vacation.

She saw, that the Indigo color, lit up.

What was Indigo color meant?

Indigo color meant that, finally, in the Blood Oath sect… the ninth one appeared.

Heaven-ranked, First-class!

A talent which was said to guarantee the person entering Yuan Yin in the future. In the sect, only the two Ancestors, Sect Leader and three Grand Elders including Grand Elder Ling, possessed such talent. The other two, were the direct disciple of Sect Leader and the most senior Grand Elder. With such talent, it was possible for them to reach the Peak of Yuan Yin, a step away from Dao Seeker.

For most Grand Elders, however, their talent was in blue color. They would be stuck ultimately, in the middle of Yuan Yin stage. Seeing this, Grand Elder Ling immediately ordered;

“Seal… seal the hall!”

“…!! Yes, at once!”

The disciples moved faster, locking the door tight. If there were idiots who opened the hall at such a sensitive time, then people would immediately know the possessor of this Indigo-colored talent. Such information should always be kept secret, since they would become a prime target for their enemies. Destroying the most promising talent for the sect, that would be an easy way to destroy their hope for the future.

The elders were a bit slow to react, as they themselves had trouble processing this. For the elders, they had to seal the hall using a formation, to prevent prying eyes. Using special techniques, others could see the Qi flow of the jade from outside. While this was rare and risky to do, it was not impossible.

The elders, their hands moved in an incantation gesture. Then immediately, all six elders in the hall slapped the ground at the same time. A flash of light lit up on the floor, effectively sealing the hall in a protective formation. This way, even the most powerful spying technique would be blocked. Whether it was too late or not, that was out of the question.

At least, they did what can be done.

As Grand Elder Ling confirmed the formation, the elders whose hands still in formation trembled. Noticing their petrified expression, Grand Elder Ling turned her eyes back to the rainbow jade…


Hardly believing her eyes, she turned stiff. Her legs, seemed to give in. She sat back on her chair, her strength was leaving her.

It was something which never happened before. If this event was known to outsiders, then even Divine-ranked Sects… And even those in empires, people they absolutely must never offend, would move.

“Is this a blessing, or…”

A curse?

Because, for the first time, in the history of the Blood Oath sect, since the founder…

On the rainbow jade, the small violet line was shining.

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