《You Booster! (Tian Lang Xing)》Chapter 2: The Xin Clan


Chapter 2: The Xin Clan

It was a secluded residence within the wide mansion of Xin clan. With a small garden, a pool and a building with only three rooms, any outsiders who had seen the mansion of Xin clan, would thought this residence was specifically for servants. By the pool, a woman was sitting on a chair, accompanied by a young woman standing by her side.

Her eyes were on the pool, ornamented with lively rainbow flowers. It was a beautiful sight, yet her expression, filled with melancholy. Every time she saw the pool, made by herself many years ago, she recalled her early days back then…


In her vision… a familiar, innocent-looking girl was smiling at her, with tears and snort coming out. She looked silly, yet cute nonetheless. The woman’s heart ache, filled with regret. Yet, she knew there was nothing she could do… Or was it? She thought of the possibilities. It had been many years, surely the other party felt the same?

And, as she was thinking so;

“Aunt, aunt! Trouble!”

An anxious child’s voice shattered her reminiscent, invading the tranquility.

The owner of the voice, a young teenage girl, rushed into the residence. The woman in green, with worn-out eyes, turned to the rushing young girl. As though she had seen such event numerous times, she smiled.

Her smile was filled with kindness, yet also weariness.

“Aunt! Trouble, little Shi and brother Lu…”

“What reason this time? I thought Shi-er is mature enough… Anyway, Xui-er, calm down first,”

She sighed, as if such thing was normal.

It was not daily occurrences, but it did happen often before. Her son was a bit stubborn, he never relented. Aside from his cousin Xin Lu, there were other bullies within the family, so such a thing used to be common. Only on his recent 13th birthday, she was able to make him promised her, that he would be more patient.

This lady in green, was Xin Shu Fen.

Xin Shi’s mother.

“It’s worse this time Aunt! Little Shi beat up brother Lu and the three idiots real bad! He even kicked their… their… err…”

“…I see. What about Shi-er?”

“He’s injured bad, too… B-but that’s not the point! The elders were furious! I’m worried what father and the elders would do—”

“Say no more. Guide me over, Xui-er.”

“Madam, You mustn’t!”

As she was about to stand up, the woman standing by her side protested. She was her personal maid, the only one lady Shu Fen had after all the maids she had in her household left years ago. The maid reasoned;

“Madam, the physician asked you not to stress over things… Let me appeal to the elders instead.”

Smiling, Shu Fen answered.

“He’s my one and only child, Sui Sui. I will be even more worried if I ignore this.”


“Alright, Xui-er, take the lead.”



Sitting next to the all-bruised, bandaged boy, Xin Shu Fen smiled bitterly. By their side, stood the girl Xin Xui and the maid, Sui Sui. The other four boys were already taken by the guards to the infirmary, leaving only him in the guardroom next to the gate.

Caressing his hair, the lady asked;

“Shi-er… My dear, did you not promise me already, that you would have better temper? Or is it they who attack you first?”

“…I did. I am sorry, mom… I just couldn’t stand them.”

“So you did attack first… Do you, have a reason?”

Hearing her question, Xin Shi hesitated. Should he tell her? He did not wish her to worry over things, but since the fight already got the elders’ attention, he would have to tell it sooner or later. Realizing it, he opened up;


“…Mom, what should I do, when they insult you and dad? Should I just ignore it?”

“I see, so that’s what happened.”

“Em. They said dad, died a dog’s death, and you, they were betting for your end, mom. There’s no way I could stand it… Tell me, was it wrong for me to beat them up?”

“I understand. I’m not blaming you, so just yell me their exact words, Shi-er.”

“But mom, it’s too—”

“Your mother knows. It’s fine, just tell me.”

He related their provocation, word by word. After listening, she kept quiet for a moment, digesting things in her mind. Her hand caressed her son’s head for a bit, then kissed his forehead and laid him to bed. Slowly standing up, she went out through the door, followed by the maid. Two steps out, she turned to her son, smiling assuredly;

“Shi-er, I shall answer your previous question another time. Now, you young man, need to rest. Your mother has some things to do.”

“Em, but… Please don’t stress over it mom. Your son isn’t a coward. I can accept whatever punishment those old fogey—”

“I get it, I get it. Lay down. Xui-er, could you please watch over your stubborn brother for a while?”

“No problem Aunt. I’ll watch him so he won’t run around and make more trouble. Can I… cane him if he didn’t listen?”

Hearing the word cane, and seeing Xin Xui bringing out a thick bamboo cane, he protested;


“I want to try this new one I just bought…”

“Just where did you hide that one just now?!”

Seeing Xin Shi panicking, Xin Xui giggled.

This girl was just two months older than him, yet she always acted as if she was his older sister. Among the many cousins he had in the Xin clan, Xin Xui was the closest to him. Looking at the two cousins bantering, lady Shu Fen chuckled for a bit. The two reminded her of a certain time in the past.

A sweet, yet bitter memory…

“Thank you, Xui-er. Do what you must. And Shi-er, stay put, alright? Listen to your sister and don’t trouble her further.”

“Y-yes, mother…”

Looking straight into her eyes, Xin Shi could not protest. He nodded, laying himself on bed. By his side, Xin Xui sneered at him, as if savoring her long-awaited victory. She playfully waved the bamboo cane right before his eyes. Xin Shi’s eyes twitched, but he just swallowed his pride and kept silent.

…For now.


At a later time, in a large hall…

A woman stood straight, facing seven men in wide room lighted with orange-colored jades. She made her case;

“While it’s true he started first, it was done due to provocation. It was a four against one fight. In such unfavorable circumstance, would Shi-er be the initiator? He was equally injured as well. Elders should take that into account.”

Her voice was calm, yet decisive. As soon as she finished, she covered her mouth, coughing.

She was standing in an audience with the clan leader and six other elders of Xin clan. Sitting a shoulder higher than the place she was standing, they displayed the status of elders in the clan. Not all elders were there, but these seven were the closest to the clan leader. As the top management of Xin clan, they managed the clan’s business and solved any problems arising from day to day.

The Xin Clan was one of the three leading clans in Spirit Mountain City. The clan had thousands of workers employed in their business ventures, and hundreds of guards securing their interest within the city and beyond. No one within Spirit Mountain City dared to disrespect the Xin clan, especially so the elders. Yet now, these exalted elders of this prestigious clan, had to listen to this sickly-looking lady;


“There was no doubt that Shi-er was provoked into attacking. Elders, I pray you to be impartial in judging the matter.”

Hearing her, the elders were quiet. They were looking at the lady, who was defending her son, with obscured disgust. This lady, once Xiao Shu Fen, was a mere nobody married into the clan 15 years ago. She had no family, no backers… What truly united her marriage was the love between her and her husband.

Her late husband, anyway.

The marriage was not blessed by any elders in the family, as it was seen as a disgrace to marry someone whom they not even know her origin. All they knew was that she was a former Inner Court disciple to the neighboring Blood Oath Sect. The sect was powerful, but with the sect treating her as nothing special, even excommunicating her, she had no reputation to speak of.

In addition to her being an orphan, she was considered ill-suited to be a bride to the famous Xin clan. To make matters worse, the Blood Oath Sect was considered a hostile sect by the clan’s patron regional protector, the Heavenly Tower Sect. Though there was peace, it was an uneasy one.

Her being in the family could be seen as irregularity. All men and women of Xin clan had arranged marriage, prepared for them when they reached adulthood at fifteen years of age. Her late husband, Xin Jian, had one too. Unfortunately, his first wife passed away while bearing his first child. Many years after, he met Xiao Shu Fen. Their meeting could only be described as love at first sight, fated by the Heavens…

Yet such a thing like love at first sight, was treated as ludicrous in the Xin clan, as well as in other influential family. Usually, such saying was used by debauchers to make a noble claim over their own lustful desire. It was treated as something impossible.

The marriage was not blessed, but tolerated instead.

Xin Jian was favored by his grandfather, one of the two Yuan Ying ancestors of Xin clan. If not for the bare consent made by him, the marriage would never be accepted.

Xin Jian was talented. Not only that, he was the pearl in their ancestor’s eyes. Since childhood, he knew how to please the heart of that old man. The ancestor treated him differently from his other talented cousins, the current elders of the clan. Not only that, he was the number one candidate for the position of clan leader. In a way, these elders resented Xin Jian’s special treatment since forever.

After his untimely demise three years ago, the ancestor fell ill and went into seclusion, but they… his cousins, quietly rejoiced. Finally, the eyesore was no more. A bright new future for their sons and themselves was ahead of them. The Xin clan was theirs!

Yet the thorn of him still lingered in the clan; his wife and son. The two reminded them of the man who made them felt insignificant, so outshined, so helpless. Just the thought of the two living together with them in the mansion made their stomach churned.

Even knowing how biased the elders were, Shu Fen continued still;

“Not only for the provocation, I also asked the elders take into account the fact that these four… Insulted my late husband and me. Insulting your elders is a taboo, but insulting the spirit of the dead is a serious taboo. One should not treat this lightly, lest one wishes to invite unlucky repercussion.”

Her final words jolted the elders.

While some of them wanted to punish Xin Shi severely for injuring their son, even almost stopping theirlineage altogether, the law of the clan must be upheld. Should the ancestor knew, they would be admonished for that.

After some silence, the clan leader, Xin Yan, spoke;

“There is still some investigation needed. If they truly spoke ill of brother Jian and you, then I, Xin Yan, shall uphold my duty. You have nothing to worry, lady Shu Fen. We will not punish little Shi unfairly.”

Hearing so, lady Shu Fen slowly nodded while tilting her body down a bit. It was a gesture of appreciation and manner of ending conversation for a lady. While she knew well not to take such words as sincere, she had no way of forcing them.

For now, reminding them of clan rules should be enough.

“Then, please forgive me for my lack of courtesy earlier. I bid you farewell, elders, clan leader.”

Waiting till Xin Shu Fen to exit the building, one of the elders commented;

“This lady still has fangs, I see. Too bad she looked old now… Nothing like what she was 3 years ago. Aii, truly unfortunate… A beauty now turned into a hag,”

Not commenting on the leisurely remark of the elder, Xin Yan ordered;

“Activate the concealment formation.”

“Understood, clan leader!”

The six elders put their hands in incantation gestures, activating their Qi together. Light brightened the audience hall, revealing an already prepared formation covering the entire area. Soon, the light faded, leaving only a few light beacons around them. With this, the concealment formation was activated; a necessary formation should a group wished to discuss highly sensitive matter. Soon, the clan leader waved his hand; a signal for them to speak their mind.

The elders finally let out their pent-up emotion;

“Clan leader, my son almost lost his manhood this time around! I say we deliver that rascal the heaviest punishment we have!”

“I support the notion, clan leader. My poor Xiao Bu swelled all over, it’s unbearable.”

“My precious nephew was turned into panda today! If I cannot get justice today, then I shall change my name!”

“This old man is of the same opinion—”

Xin Yan raised his hand, calming them down. When they settled, he spoke;

“You think I’m not angry? My little Lu almost turned into eunuch today. No matter what, we will get our justice… but! Any serious movement might alert that old man, and if that happen, it’s we who will be in trouble.”


“Y-you’re right, clan leader. We were impatient,”


Seeing the elders calmed down, he changed the subject;

“Aside from that, elder Ji, still no progress from your spy?”

Hearing so, one of the elders, a thin man with sharp moustache, clasped his hands.

“Reporting to clan leader, still no progress. That Shu Fen seemed naïve at first, but she showed no signs of actually possessing the scroll.”

“It’s been three years… She should really trust that maid of hers. How could this be?”

“Perhaps… she really didn’t have it? Could the ancestor hold,”

Another elder commented. Hearing so, Xin Yan shook his head.

“No, not possible… Ancestor no longer has interest in Sword Arts. So when he gave it to Jian, unlikely he will take it back. That’s just his personality… The wife surely holds it!”

Clan leader Xin Yan gritted his teeth.

He had always been fond of sword arts, and had been the clan’s pride. However, Xin Jian ruined everything for him. As he grew up, everyone kept repeating the name Xin Jian instead of him. To the public, he was just another genius in the Xin clan, while Xin Jian was the genius. Everything, all prizes for number one spot, in tournament and friendly match between clans, had all been taken by Xin Jian… all these years!

To make matters worse, hany years ago, the ancestor even bestowed him the secret sword art he was holding, a prize he got from another Yuan Yin expert. Since it was a prize from a Yuan Yin expert, the sword art could not have been any weaker than top Earth-rank skill, maybe even Heaven-rank!

Cultivators possessed various skills throughout their life. However, how many had the luxury to practice Heaven-rank skill? Most cultivators below Golden Core only knew some Spirit-rank skills. Those from prestigious clan like Xin clan, possessed a few Earth-rank skills for direct successors and elders.

However, Heaven-rank skills were really rare. Usually, only Yuan Yin experts could practice such skills. To be able to practice the skill from a young age, he imagined only those direct disciples from Heaven-rank or even Divine-rank sects, had such luxury. In cultivation world, it was not only your talent, wealth, and connection which matters… The skill also matters. Being an avid enthusiast of sword skill, the scroll meant everything to him. To Xin Yan, now a clan leader, it was ticket or sorts for him. The right, belonging only to him.

The scroll was not just a sword skill, to him, it was…

The potential to reach the Heavens!

The top of all cultivators!

Recalling all his sacrifice, all his deeds to reach this position, Xin Yan thought;

‘Yes... I should be one of them… That’s right! I’m not lacking any talent, I’m just lacking opportunity! And now, Heavens finally open their eyes, bestowing me, me, such opportunity… Finally rid of Xin Jian, finally becomes the clan leader, having the elders in my grasp… Close, so close… but three years! Already three years! This one skill, continues to escape my grasp... How! At this rate…’

“Clan leader,”

A call disrupted his thoughts. One of the elders cupped his hands, gaining attention for his sudden formality.

“Elder Yu? Why the formality? Just speak…”

“I wish to suggest something I had in mind for long, but it was somewhat serious… So I hope everyone here could take it seriously.”

Hearing so, Xin Yan paused for a bit. Looking around, he realized the other elders also turned silent. He nodded to elder Yu.

“…Very well. Whether we accept it or not, what you suggest will stay only among us. Please speak your mind.”

“Thank you, clan leader. As you know, my fellow brothers, it’s been three years since we rid of that Jian, yet the prize we wish for, continues to elude us. I fear, if we continue playing safe like this, we might lose it all…”

“Uh-hum? Then, you suggest?”

“Then, rather than losing it, clan leader… Why not take a little, calculated risk,”

He went on to suggest, using the recent incident to their favor.

And what elder Yu suggested, turned their eyes wide open.

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