《Black Sun》Chapter 3: Awakening in the village
Chapter 3: Awakening in the village
"Haha not bad not bad, I didn't even had to intervene this time ...".
Sig suddenly opened his eyes, panting:
"Yet this feeling ..." he thought, stabbing pain in the back of the skull. Casting a quick glance around him he saw that he was in a bed in a corner of a single room made of wood. In the corner to the left, another bed, empty and undone.
"- Nero ! ". Where was his cousin? And where he was himself ? Getting up he found that almost all of his body was covered with bandage.
"Oh no, not all actually" he thought while lifting the cover, a small smile on his lips. After successfully getting on his feet, ignoring all the throbbing pain, he walked to the hearth in which some embers burning under a small pot.
- But what are you doing standing up !? " Shouted a female voice that he seemed to know. When he turned to see who was talking to him he received a ladle between the eyes.
- Ouch ! Fuck I'm pretty hurt already ! Does he yelled at his assailant.
- Well, the wounded should stay in bed ! curtly replied the lady that had saved him and Nero.
- You should not worsen his case Lucie you know.
- Nero ! Sig says he heard the deep voice of his cousin.
- Yep that's me! I present Lucie the damsel in distress. " Sig looked the lady in question, she had to make a meter sixty five. Her light brown hair was given to her hazel green eyes, however, he said that his brown coat was too much and gave him a too simple and modestly compared to his character.
"- Go back to bed both of you ! She cried again threatening them.
- I prefer the raptors ... " murmured Sig before receiving another blow, triggering the hilarity of his cousin which in turn received a blow. They went back to bed, and she served them soup that warmed gently in the pot that Sig wanted inspected before being hit.
"- Thanks Lucie ! said them both.
- I see you're yaking good care of your saviors darling. " The three looked towards the new voice, an old man hunched leaning on a stick had entered, by his side a woman in a red military uniform with a sword at her belt. Her flaming red hair held in a bun and her stern face coupled with her clothes gave her a noble appearance.
"- Good evening grandfather, hello Krista.
- Hi Lucie, then we torture our guests ? Say the famous Krista
- What? Whatever ! Why do you say that?
- We heard complaints from the other end of town, it was assumed that they were awake and with you, she said, sending a wink to the two injured.
- Girls, let me talk to these two young men please, said the old man by removing the two women from his path. Gentlemen, as head of the village I would thank you for saving one of us, and as a man I thank you especially for saving my little girl. The two cousins looked a little surprised, then Nero spoke:
- Do not thank us, it's really lucky that we went through there .
- Certainly, but nothing obliged you to save risking your life, look at the status of your friend here, he said, pointing at the mummy that was Sig, his injuries were very serious. Most people believed would have faced a horde of raptosirus let alone their alpha, raptodrome, just two.
- I was alone at first.
- Yes and you see what it gave.
- Shut it I saved you ass.
-And I too, for the record.
- Gentlemen please you do not measure accomplishes the feat it seems, but rather tell me who you are and how did you get into the forest of Sylvan Giants?
- She really called that? said Sig round eyes to the simple name.
- Yes of course, it's a forest as old as the world still harboring all kind of secrets. But please answer my questions. " The mestizo and the mummy stared a moment and then, preferring to play safety, said:
- Actually we only know our names and the fact that we are cousins.
- We do not know how we got into the forest or really how we shot the creature, it is so powerful?
- As I told you, a person normally constituted couldn't possibly eliminate a raptodrome by himself , same with the two of you.
Suddenly Krista spoke:
- Indeed, I have already faced his little minions but their numbers can quickly become annoying, only members of the fighter's guild and those of the Mages Guild are capable of such feats. The old man interrupted him and put an end to the conversation:
- Well, gentlemen, I think you need a rest, we'll discuss tomorrow after you're rested. Let's go ladies. With that they left two injured.
- Damn ... I feel like my head will explode ...
- Do not dirtied your bandages.
- You know what I mean, we saved the little girl from a village chief of a horde of monsters, and we got rid of a giant lizard that few can eliminate single. I was almost dead and now we are treated in this village where the chef came to thank us and tell us wholesale "you're not normal guys, even for a world with these critters!"
- Well if you put it that way it's a little "and bam, you got cookies wtf". But you summarizes well. So, what do we do now ?
- Well for a starter I wish I could walk normally and no longer look like a mummy, so we should be treated and recovered information on this world.
- I prefer you that way comparded as during the fight, you were covered with blood but smiling, a kind of bloody monster...
- Really? Didn't notice, he said, shrugging.
- Are you serious?
- Yes, well, drop it. I'm beat , we'll see tomorrow. "
The following day they were awakened by Lucie, who was being gently striking it landed in the pot and shouting
- Get up the convalescents, I have to make your beds and change your bandages and you have to go to grandfat... the headchief.
- Lucie gently with them. Krista appeared in the doorway. Prepares them food, Sig I will help you to change your bandages.
- Huh what ?! Well, not that I'm complaining ... but ouch! I'm just kidding Lucie! You do not need to help me Krista I can manage.
- Not at all. Just go there" The other three looked at each other silently and Sig had to drop the case. A kind of primitive pair of U-scissors in hand, she approached him for cutting bandages carefully.
- By the way, and Nero ? We must also change his bandages !
- Sorry old pal but my wounds are minor compared to you and I have already changed. The young man made a small "tch" with his tongue while Krista helped him to change the bandages in places where it was difficult to do it alone.
After eating and having received treatment, the two girls brought them to the chief. On the way they show them the village, the inhabitants of the village where staring from afar while muttering.
- Krista Uh, why the locals stay away from us ? Sig I can understand, he give us the creaps with his bandages, but me ?
- Fuck you.
- Give creaps ? The two young women looked incredulous.
- Uh scare them, correct himself Nero
- Ah! Because you are strangers, and you struck down the beast that terrorized us just with you two, respond Krista.
The village consisted of building of stone and wood, resembling mountain chalets.
- Everyone helps when building a new home. Each family has fields but we also have various shops and artisans and a forge. ah this is the house of the chief.
Before them stood a bigger house than the others with a carved pediment in the wood.
- It's the symbol of the village, explained Lucie, it's gran ... um, the chief, she said, correcting herself, who carved in the bark of a sylvan giant when he was young.
They pushed the small door inset in the double front door, and entered the village council room: high ceiling room with a chair, which stood in the head, face a large central hearth.
"- Hello my young friends, I'd like to reconvene our discussion from yesterday. Even if you do not really have an answer for your presence in the forest you can still you present yourself.
- It's the least we can do, here's Nero my maternal side cousin and I'm Sig. We found ourself in this forest without understanding, and while attempting to leave we heard a cry of Lucie. We ran and ...
- Wait! Please explain more slowly ! You just rushed like that when you were in an unknown forest when you heard a cry of unknown origin ?
- Actually there is not just the cry and the forest, this world is unknown to us fully, we are even surprised that we understand each other, said Nero.
- What do you mean ? Say the three other parties simultaneously. The cousins looked and nodded silently, maybe they could reveal a few things.
- We think that we are not of this world, we do not know why and how but we were transported here by an old temple in the forest. He disappeared behind us.
- That's when we heard Lucie's cry while wanting to get out of the forest, so yes we know nothing of this world and we were hoping that you would help us. " A long silence followed their statement and the headchief took a deep breath and knocked to the ground with his stick.
- Well, I do not know if what you say is true but you saved my little girl, this is undeniable, and for that I want to thank you... However I would like to offer you a deal...
- A deal ? " Sig said with suspicion, they had already made a big bet by actually explaining their situation to these foreigners. Back home, human greed would have earned them to be locked in a laboratory for all kinds of experiences, or at best asylum. But they were lost in a new world and had saved the village, they hoped to have gain certain favors for it to continue to survive here.
"- Wait hear what the chief has to say, Nero whispered, calmer than his hot-blooded cousin, we're listening.
- Thank you. Seeing your talents and abilities I have come to the fact that I would suggest you to be the defenders of our village. You will work here, and will stay nourished and we will make you enjoy our knowledge in exchange for your protection. "
The two young men took counsel and decided they had to analyze the situation, same for their guests. On their way to their cottage they were attacked by a gang of excited children.
- Wow wow wow what they want! Looks like the lizards in the forest jumping around like that !
The children spoke quickly and the two cousins had a lot to digest, fortunately Krista interjected.
- Children let them breathe, they need to rest, go, they will play with you later. The band broke up and walked her Krista injured, installed a long silence between them. Once inside they settled on their beds, still in silence.
Krista finally broke it:
- I do not know if you're telling the truth and I do not know if we can trust you.
New silence. She watched the two men in turn.
- However it does not change the fact that you saved Lucie while risking your life as said our headchief, and this... you earned my respect. Your story is not that important to me but the fact that you are useful to the village is. No one spoke, she then walked toward the exit when Sig begun to speak:
- We are not asking you to trust us or believe us directly, quite the opposite. It is I who would have been suspicious if you believed us, just like that. Both parties looked into eachother eyes, the hazels eyes with golden reflect of Sig planted in the hard steel one of Krista.
"Damn they look alike" thought Nero, glad to not be in between. Krista finally closed the door but Nero swore he saw the shadow of a smile just before seeing her face disappeared behind the door.
- Phew I was tense, whispered in Sig collapsing on the bed,
- Tense ? You were so quiet that is was scary! I felt trapped between you! Shit is someone that Krista ...
- That I not disagree, well we do as we say then? We stay here a few times, we get better and we try to learn a maximum?
- We have no choice, but for headchief of the proposal?
- We're going to keep a low profil and we accepted, let's get useful to get accept, we will get what we need more easily.
- works for me. And for all our ... "talents"?
- We limit what we watch, they know we're strong but not how, when our weapons, he said, pointing to their wrists. Let's limit it to your sword and my tonfas, there is magic here so we can show the weapons but if we appears as leaving armories that will draw attention.
- There is someone behind the door, hush! Nero got up quietly and stood behind the door, Sig was on guard. The mestizo suddenly opened the door and three children fell inside the house on the belly while 3 others stepped back yelping in surprise.
"- But what are you doing here ? asked their "gatekeeper".
- We wanted to see closely the monster killers ! Replied the young ones lying at his feet. He helped them to get up and dusting themself, Sig sighed and went to heat the broth that was left of the morning.
- Our parents do not want to approach you but you saved Lucie, said a ten years old girl.
- And killed a large raptodrome devouring our animals just the two of you, added a boy the same age with shining eyes.
- And that prevented us to go play in the forest ! Said two twins of 6 years.
- They say you have to be monsters but you seem normals.
- Normal, corrected Sig reflexively stirring the broth.
- Whatever! Replied the boy who was looking at up and down.
Sig poured himself a bowl and set on the bed but was soon joined by the older two who had spoken first.
- Tell us ! They said while he was just getting the bowl to his mouth. He watched the entire band, the bowl on the lips: the two seemed to lead the band, the twins were side by side in front of him on the bed of his cousin. The latter closed the door and sighed with a smile. A small girl that had not yet spoken stood behind the boy he had correct just now, she must have five years ago and was holding a rag doll. The boy in front of her looked with intensity at Sig, the latter liked his look but thought:
" A suspicious one, a little shy, inseparable twins and two energy balls leading the band ... interesting ..." He put down his bowl and began:
"- Ok you want to know what?
- Everything ! they all said.
- Ok but first introduce yourself before, you invited yoursefl in our home then the least you can do is to tell us your names , said Nero to them, getting on his bed.
- My name is Tatch, here's Claire and the twins here are Roric and Graham, said the famous Tatch for his friends.
- Leo, said simply the suspicious one, and Lyra my sister, the little one moved slightly to salute before returning quickly behind his brother.
- Ok everyone, I'm Sig, 20 years old. Nero looked at him while raising his eyebrows ans spoke too:
- Nero, his cousin 17 years.
- Okay so this is what happened ... then Sig and Nero told them their fight, by decreasing some details that could betray their talents. The bright eyes of the two oldest were transmitted to the twins, and even Leo and Lyra, who eventually settled cross-legged on the floor. By the time they arrived at the killing of alpha Lucie entered the room bringing behind it the night gently.
"- But what are you doing here all of you? Your parents are looking for you, go home immediately!
- Oh please Lucie wait a minute let them finish the story, started to beg twins and Tatch.
- No, your parents are worried and it is dinner time now! Lyra then grabbed the coat of Lucie and whispered something. What is it Lyra? Those savages scare you right?
- Hey ! complained them but Lyra shook her head, her brother spoke up:
- She wants to know what happened, the story is nice and even if it scares her they are reassuring. Leo looked at Sig and his body covered with bandages. In addition they risked their lives for you so she knows they are nice.
Lucie looked stunned, then turned to the girl.
- Really Lyra ? The girl nodded her head.
- Ok I'll tell your parents, she said, sighing. You two !
- Yes sir ? New slap.
- I brought you meat broth this time made heat gently while stirring, then she went out.
- Well, where were we ... " said Sig with a predatory smile.
The night was well advanced but the cousins were not sleepy, they were thinking to all the latest developments.
"- I can't believe what happens to us.
- Neither do I, you know.
- Getting from our little life to that ... I mean we just arrived in a completely unfamiliar place and we already risk our skin against dinosaurs ... shit, what the hell.
- I know, you still bears the marks on you. You were lucky they came and healed us. Next time we face this kind of stuff, instead of facing such a thing we run, I do not know if we can go home, but if we can I would like to be alive at that time.
- Yes I know... Can you check my injuries before he goes down?
- Yes go ahead. Sig removed his bandages carefully, and Nero saw that his wounds were already healed and almost no traces remained.
- Well shit ! I told myself that I was moving easily and my bandages seemed super clean for guy open everywhere ... the pains are mostly internal in fact. How long we've been here?
- Only 3 days since the fight. We slept one day and we woke up in the evening of the second day and there is the third.
- Either they have excellent healer talent or my recovery is very quick.
- It's more than fast there.
- Fortunately this morning Krista only helped me for the difficult parts where I was not cut open.
- Well tomorrow we give them our answer and we train? Since we are already treated as well enjoy it right?
- Yes, but slowly, I still hurt, remember we follow their guidelines. Go good night bro.
- Good night, but the beds are not too pleasant.
- Did you expect what frankly? We have a bed and a house we're lucky, sleep.
- Yes yes ok. Damn bro we're in a new world, we have a new body and ...
- And we almost got eaten alive "smiled Sig falling asleep !
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