《Reinvention of the Master Manipulator》5- I Will Change the World Part 2



The time was 10:30. The city had gone to sleep, leaving the streets empty, save for those looking for any stragglers they could mug. The exception to this rule being the three of us, standing in an alley, faces covered by horror movie masks. "This is really all you had?" I whine, readjusting my 'blood covered' hockey mask. "Hey, man, maybe some of us don't have money for the high quality stuff." Alex said, face covered by a cutout of Freddy Kruger's face. Oh, and Neville was there too, wearing a mask of a demon. "Whatever. You guys have everything?" The two boys nod. "Alright, then let's make this quick. We have maybe two minutes before we get noticed." I repeat my warning from a few hours before. With their confirmation, we sprint down the street. Once we arrived in front of the large building, I did my part quick, taping copies of the photos from 7th St burning, before backing away and letting them do their thing. Watching them work was wonderful. I remember the first time I went out on a job with them. It was a simple job, then. Spray painting some rich guy's car. He'd been taking anger out on the hired help...Chris included. So, you could say we went easy on him. If 'I'll pay ya to let me abuse ya' being written on your car is considered tame. "Done! Take the pic!" I'm pulled from my nostalgia and make a motion. My glasses flash for a moment, before showing me the picture they had taken. Above the pictures was written, "Is this what YOUR justice looks like?" After that, we booked it. The sound of a door opening persuaded us to run faster. We ran down the dark streets, running into a scruffy looking man driving a van. We banged on his window. "Who the hell are you-" "Help us out!" The man looked both ways. "Hop in." The three of us jumped in, closed the door, and he shot off. "So, what ya do that's got you all wound up?" I tapped Alex's shoulder, putting a finger over my mouth. "We vandalized a government associated building." I felt my hands wrap around Neville's neck when the man clicked his tongue. "Tame, huh? Good to hear there are still people like that. Kinda lost hope after 7th St." I perk up. "Do you know who did it?" The man laughed. "Just a few randos. You know how it is. They start feeling cramped, decide if they're gonna be locked up, then they're gonna fight, and it all just keeps going downhill." I nod. "If only the people up top had a backbone. We may not be suffering right now." The man shakes his head. "I doubt it would change much." Confused, I ask, "What do you mean?" The man goes silent. The drive continued on for another ten minutes, before he stopped in front of a motel. "You guys rest up. And maybe not go on with any plans for future excursions, kay?" We nodded our heads, making our way out of the truck. He sped off with no further words. The brothers collapsed to the ground. "So close." Alex mumbled, laughing. Neville was doing the same. "Alright, moment of truth. Send the photo, Francis." I nod, opening my photo gallery and sending the photo to the two of them. "Alright, this should work fine. Come on, we should go before we get noticed." Alex says, before him and his brother walk off. I, however, stand in that spot for a moment longer. "Of course it would change things. I mean...it should, right?"



Once the photo had been taken, it was only a matter of mass creating bot accounts, posting the picture over and over, and placing the pic under every tag in existence. The accounts slowly got taken down, but the photo garnered well deserved attention. Soon, it had become the top hashtag. While this was happening, I was sitting in a cafe booth, in front of a few nervous kids, just about Tamilia's age (18, somewhere around there.) Speaking of, Tamilia and a girl with dyed grey hair, green eyes, and wearing a black jacket and jeans named Elizabeth (but I called Ella under threat to my life) were on either side of me, making me feel squished. Yesterday they succeeded in bringing over thirty five people to the group. With that said, we still needed more. "So, um, we won't, like, get in trouble or anything, right?" Unfortunately, they'd picked a rather cautious bunch. "Well, obviously. If you're gonna go against the president, you may get in serious trouble." Ella scoffed at them, leading to the group giving some terrified faces. "Um, we should be good." They started getting up. "Wait wait. Just five more minutes, please? You won't get in any trouble just talking to us." They looked at each other, groaned, and sta back down. I tap Tamilia's shoulder. "Mm?" "Well, convince them." Her face went pale. "No, maybe you should." "Tam, have faith. You got this, kay?" She took a deep breath. "How many people have tried to mug you in the past week?" The three went into thought. "A good amount, I assume?" They nod. "And I also assume each of them got away?" Again, they nod. "Does that seem fair to you? Having to let other people walk over you because the people with more power don't do anything?" They didn't respond to that, but I could tell their answers from their faces. "Why do they get to keep acting all high and mighty while we sit here and suffer? Is a leader who does that even a leader? No. They're just selfish cowards. Cowards who need to be brought back to reality. So, are you really scared of getting in trouble? Cause I assure you, your fates are a whole hell of a lot worse the moment you step out that door." They started at her, their eyes reflecting the fiery expression on her face. "I-I want to join your match, please!" The boy in the middle declared. "Y-yeah, me too!" "Don't forget me!" Tamilia smiled. "Thank you for joining us!"


They left soon after. Then, it was just me, Ella, and Tamilia. "Well, good on you, rookie. For a second there I thought you'd screw us. Ain't that right, Francis?" She jokes, leaning into me. "I'm just glad we have there more people going with us. Thanks, Tamilia." She nodded. "No problem. Maybe you were right about me after all." I respond, "Well, we'll say I just have good intuition." "Yeah, that's the spirit." Ella blurts out before yawning.

I set to work on writing. Strange, what had once caused me great stress was now much more peaceful. Maybe my extracurricular activities were starting to put me at ease. Well, whatever the case, my fans seem happy, at least. My right hand reached out and grabbed the book I also, at one point, had been stressed about. The signs of use where clear on the things now wrinkled spine. I flipped through the pages, when my thumb got stuck between two. Opening the caught pages, I found my father's recollections on his first discussion with the keeper of the abyss.

He told me he took me because of my fiery spirit. That I may prove useful in his battle against the emperor. Something I was, unfortunately, unable to be.

Fiery spirit, huh? Was that really my dad? Well, no point thinking about it now. I set the book down and returned to my work.

I do not know how to explain the dreams that haunted me that night. Dreams of flames brighter than the sun itself. Of watching people I'd come to know be burned to ash. Of feeling cold metal wrap around my ankles, pulling me into darkness. Of falling. Falling, falling, falling.

I feel water flowing across my cheek. With hesitancy, I opened my eyes.

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