《The Sacrificial Queen》Chapter 24


As Samuel stood in front of the barred dungeon, his thoughts swirled about how things within the castle were falling apart at the seams. The competition between the warlocks had become disastrous and had quickly devolved into a scene of carnage. Ronan’s questionable win over the aptly named Butcher infuriated King Nathanial to the point where he snapped. The Dulra King dispensed his form of harsh punishment against Ronan and ordered the warlock to be lashed over fourty-times. Samuel, along with a crowd of spectators, helplessly watched as sentries restrained Ronan, tied him to a post, and the castle headsman beat the warlock with a whip.

Any villagers who protested the penalty received their own beatings by bloodthirsty palace guards. Samuel felt powerless as his friend was thrashed mercilessly. When the punishment began, Ronan stood stoically accepting his fate and never once cried out as the whip tore the flesh off his back. But alas by the end, the warlock’s legs failed him as he hung from the post. And in some sick twisted plan, Nathanial had ordered Samuel to be the one to cut Ronan’s restraints and aid the defeated warlock to the dungeon. It was a moment the brown-haired warlock would not forget as Ronan, barley conscious, reminded him of his promise.

Before the battles begun, the dark-haired warlock had cornered him with a sincere request. Ronan pleaded that if he did not make it out alive, that he would take Isabella far away from this place and love her the way she deserves. Samuel very simply held strong emotions and a sense of devotion to the raven-haired witch, but he had not been blind to the obvious chemistry between Ronan and Isabella. To Samuel this was the ultimate sacrifice for a man to willingly trade him places to ensure her safety. He vowed to Ronan that he would protect Isabella with all his might. And he was grateful that Isabella was not present to witness the beating.

Now Samuel stood in front of the barred dungeon as he formulated a plan to whisk Isabella, himself and an injured Ronan far from this place. With good conscious, he could not leave his friend behind to die in this prison. Samuel was not convinced that the Dulra King was quite finished dispensing his justice. He stood guard mainly because he feared more harm would come to his friend. Samuel needed to keep watch over him and keep him alive. He hoped a day’s rest would help Ronan recuperate enough for the arduous trip away from Tipperary. And he needed to find a way to break the news to Isabella of the events that transpired.


The brown-haired warlock began devising a strategy in evading the palace guards and the Vilkros sentries at the foot of the mountain. He figured dawn would be the best chance to escape as the Dulra would be unable to give chase. How long did they have until someone noticed the three of them were gone? While contemplating his scheme, Samuel observed a black cloaked figure strolling slowly on the footpath. The barred dungeon was situated further down the circular courtyard, farther away from the castle closer to the rock quarry. Very few villagers passed by this secluded spot, so he was curious on whom the cloaked figure was.

The dark form with a smaller stature kept stride on the dirt path until whomever came to an abrupt halt. Curious, he kept watching as the person in the black cloak turned and began approaching him. Word may have spread about the aftermath of the competitions, and the cloaked figure could be a straggler, a friend or foe or hopefully a healer. Small hands pushed down the hood to reveal dark black hair encasing the pretty oval face of Isabella. Momentary relief at seeing her changed to dread on how to break the news to her about Ronan’s health. As she drew near, Isabella asked Samuel optimistically. “Where is Ronan?”

The Malagi warlock watched her face as her eyes swept past him and recognized the dark-haired warlock crumpled on the floor. Her serene expression turned horrified as she ran towards the metal cage. “Ronan! Oh my god! Ronan, he is hurt.” Samuel caught her as she reached the bars of the makeshift dungeon. She pleaded with the palace guard. “We need to get him help. He is injured.” He sympathized with her concern, but more importantly he needed to devise a strategy for them to flee. Samuel stated to her. “Ronan will recover. Right now, I need you to go back to your room until I can plan the best time for us to leave.”

She brushed her black hair out of her face with one hand exclaiming. “I can’t.” Samuel asked her. “Why not?” Biting her bottom lip and gazing up at the warlock she stated. “There is a 200-pound man passed out on my floor.” Samuel’s brows rose as his shoulders in an inquisitive glare. She broke eye contact with him to stare at the floor. “I had a visitor, the man whom Ronan defeated.” The implication hit Samuel in the face. The Butcher was sent to Isabella’s room to collect his prize. He felt sick to his stomach. The first promise he made to Ronan was keeping Isabella safe, and he did not do that.


Tears welled up in Samuel’s eyes at his failure in protecting her from harm. He found gazing at Isabella difficult fearful she would be furious with him over her degradation. She took pity on him and continued explaining. “I am fine. I fought him off, but sooner or later he is going to wake up.” Samuel could taste the bile that arose in his throat at how close she had come to being violated. And it hit him hard, the time to leave was now. The Dulra King had obviously given the Butcher permission with his wife. The Dulra troops were inside for the day, Isabella had to leave the castle now. But he had not yet figured out a plan for the human palace guards and the Vilkros sentries.

Grabbing Isabella by the shoulders, he demanded. “I need you to find a horse. It is time for you to go.” The raven-haired witch shook her head at him. “Not without you and Ronan.” Samuel would have to get Ronan onto his feet and onto the horse for Isabella. “Just find the horse.” Nodding, Isabella flipped her hood over her head and took off on the dirt path. Samuel opened the bars and entered the cage striding towards the crumpled man. He loudly stated. “Ronan, friend, I need you to wake up. Placing his hand on the warlock’s shoulder, he gently shook him awake. Ronan’s eyes fluttered open and shut again. Samuel leaning down took him by the arm stating to him. “Time to get up.”

The dark-haired warlock half-awake began groaning as Samuel supported him and dragged him to a standing position. Ronan weakly asked. “Isabella, how is Isabella?” Samuel supported the warlock’s weight with his one arm over his shoulder. “She is fine. You need to get on the horse with her.” The injured man released a few yelps and groans as Samuel walked him out of the cage. Thankfully, he saw Isabella coming back down the dirt road pulling the harness of a horse trotting behind her. Ronan stated to Samuel. “Get her out of here. Go without me.” The brown-haired warlock answered him. “No can do. You will die if you stay here.” Isabella brought the brown steed beside the two men. She came to Ronan’s other side wrapping his other arm around her as he greeted her softly. “Hello Princess.”

Samuel deliberated on how he was going to hoist Ronan up onto the back of the horse when he noticed the dark-haired warlock wore only a blood-stained shirt. He was going to freeze in the middle of the night. The brown-haired warlock unlashed his warmer vest and as Isabella supported him, Samuel began to wrap the garment around Ronan. Gently directing her, he stated. “Isabella, go to the other side of the horse. Make sure he does not fall over. Sorry Ronan, this is going to sting.” Samuel with all his might lifted Ronan up as the steed slightly moved. The injured warlock yelped and groaned as he assisted trying to maneuver his leg across the animal.

“Oh god.” The dark-haired warlock groaned as Samuel on one side and Isabella on the other positioned him onto the back of the steed. “Ronan move forward. Isabella get on behind him.” Samuel held her hand as she swung onto the horse and seated herself holding the reins with Ronan sitting in front of her. “Samuel, what about you?” Meeting her gaze, the brown-haired warlock shook his head stating. “You two go. I will keep the other guards distracted.” Isabella began to debate him until Samuel raised his hand up in the air. “Do not fight me. Just go.” The horse buckled forward anticipating the rider’s movements. The raven-haired witch asked Samuel. “Where am I going?”

“Ronan’s village is Darini. It is a three-day ride east from here. After riding for two days, you should come to a large river, the Bergus river, follow it North for another day. His village is in a valley before a row of mountains. Once you get a good day’s ride from here, there will be several woodlands for you to hide in.” Isabella simply nodded at him as she held the reins preparing to prod the horse forward. “And Isabella.” Samuel exclaimed to her. “I am sorry that I could not protect you. God speed.” The raven-haired woman nodded at him and nudged the horse forward onto the dirt path. Samuel breathed a sigh of relief as he watched them make their way through the village. He spotted a couple palace guards running out of the castle, and Samuel ran towards them shouting. “She ran over here.” He pointed in the opposite direction of where the horse and its riders had gone.

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