《The Sacrificial Queen》Chapter 22


Cradling her blankets against her face, Isabella snuggled into the softness as laughter echoed throughout her dreams. She pictured herself chasing small white balls of lights hovering amongst the rows of trees. As she moved towards these spheres, Isabella could hear childlike giggles emanating from them before disappearing. The lights would reappear further down the path spurring her to pursue them. She knew wholeheartedly this was a friendly game. A cat and mouse race with her a Malagi witch and the fairies of the forest. The train of her maroon gown flowed behind her as she delighted in being utterly carefree.

Boisterous noise cut through her pleasant dreams rousing her from sleep. She turned in bed, grabbed a pillow and placed it on her head. More thunderous noise broke her away from her pleasant musings and closer to reality. In a flash she recalled that another round of Malagi warlock competitions was being held tonight. Pulling the pillow from her face, Isabella sat up in bed becoming fully aware her bedroom was pitch black dark. Nobody had bothered to wake her or collect her even though the outcome greatly affected her. Still clad in her evening gown, Isabella jumped out of her bed, stumbled around her room until she reached her door.

As the door flew open, Isabella stumbled into the hallway as she fumbled with her shoes halfway on her feet. Stopping in the empty corridor, she fitted her shoes properly as she listened to the raucous crowd from outside. Isabella knew her hopes and dreams for the future relied on Ronan being victorious in tonight’s battles. With her footing resolved, the black-haired witch sprinted down the empty passages hoping to catch sight of the warlock. Isabella was too nervous to remain locked in her room anticipating the aftermath. Moving swiftly through the hallways, she arrived at the large entrance out of breath.

Several palace guards stood in front of the grand wooden door that stood closed to the outside events. Breathlessly, Isabella inquired of the men. “May I be let out to watch the battles?” One of the guards with a stern face stepped forward. “No, your highness. The king has forbidden you from leaving the castle.” Loud cheers from the external crowd stirred her curiosity about the events transpiring. Knowing these guards were inflexible with their orders, Isabella huffed moving away from the tall door. Isabella travelled back through the hallways determined to find a window where she could see the competition.


Isabella gazed at the closed doors wondering if any one of their windows had a clear view of the courtyard. She knew these were rooms occupied by members of the royal court who she hoped were outside at this point. Isabella began shaking the doorhandles one by one hoping for an unlocked room. Finally, a door opened to a bedroom where Isabella ran over to the window flinging open the drapes. She cursed under her breathe as the view only showed the audience of villagers mixed in with castle occupants. Isabella estimated she needed a room further down the hallway as she exited the bedroom shutting the door behind her.

Once in the hallway, Isabella caught sight of the mysterious blonde woman who popped in and out of her life recently. Her words caught in her throat as the young woman motioned to Isabella stating. “Pssst. Come this way.” Shocked, she checked behind her if anyone else could see this blonde woman beside her. The young woman insisted. “Hurry, come this way.” Feeling a sense of urgency, Isabella took her chances and followed the blonde. She had so many questions for the young woman, but she decided it could wait as she jogged after her. The blonde woman came to a stand in front of a closed door and stated to Isabella. “Here, you should be able to see.”

Isabella strode forward towards the door as her eyes settled on the woman’s beaded purse. Too many questions but not enough time she decided opening the door. The black-haired witch entered a sitting room lined with fancy couches and chairs. Isabella strode towards the windowpane covered with peach colored fabric. Moving the material to the side, she sighed as she had the perfect view of a makeshift arena occupied by two men. Neither of the competitors were Ronan, but she could see the dirt flying in the air as the men in the arena fought. Glancing behind her, Isabella saw the pretty young woman standing in the middle of the sitting room.

“Thank you for all your help.” Isabella politely exclaimed to the young blonde who still stood in the middle of the room. She glanced back out the screen and watched as the match became more violent and aggressive. Glancing away, Isabella concentrated on the men standing off to the side as she scanned them for a familiar face. She spotted Ronan’s dust and dirt-soaked face and released a large exhale. It was a relief to Isabella that her dark-haired warlock was safe. She recalled how good it felt cuddling up to him earlier this morning. She could feel from him the love he had for his home and his family in his voice.


The blonde woman behind her spoke. “Be ready to leave tonight.” Startled, Isabella turned to face the young woman as more questions arose. “Do you know him? Have you spoken to Ronan?” Her companion did not answer her, she only gently smiled at her. Isabella wondered if the dark-haired warlock had help or friends, that he had never disclosed to her. She questioned the silent woman more. “How do I know you? I have seen you so many times before, but I do not know who you are or your name.” A roar from outside distracted Isabella as she turned her head to witness the previous match finished with the apparent loser laying on the ground.

Isabella turned back to continue addressing her companion and found herself alone in the sitting room. Alarmed, the black-haired witch gazed around the room to check if the young blonde was playing a trick on her and hiding. Isabella found the disappearance of the blonde unsettling as she wondered if she were hallucinating. She checked out the window as Ronan began entering the arena for his match. Isabella’s heart sped up with a mix of excitement on glimpsing her warlock and an overwhelming fear for his safety. The winner from the previous match remained standing in spot as the previous loser was being carried out.

She heard Nathanial’s voice speak out loudly to the crowd. “Time for our final match of the night. Will our current champion remain victorious or will our new challenger overthrow him to win the heart of the Queen? Warlocks, good luck.” Isabella grimaced at the end of her husband’s speech. What surprises did the platinum blonde vampire have up his sleeve? She shook her head to focus on the two burly men circling each other in the arena. Isabella bit her bottom lip concerned on how this match would play out. She was lucky enough when Ronan defeated Samuel that he was a good-hearted warlock, but she feared her luck on finding decent warlocks was going to run out soon. The challenger Ronan faced was a large brute of a barbarian easily twice the size of her dark-haired warlock.

Letting out a loud yell, Ronan’s opponent charged him managing to knock him onto the ground. The dark-haired warlock appeared surprised as the brute of a man backed up laughing. Isabella faintly heard the brute speaking but did not know what he said. Only that whatever was said infuriated Ronan as he quickly regained his footing. Her dark-haired warlock held up his sword and sliced it through the air connecting with his opponent’s arm. The large man did not flinch but launched a second attack, but Ronan was prepared this time. He held fast his spot as the two men came chest to chest trying to push the other man to the ground.

His opponent changed tactics and wrapped his arms around Ronan and began compressing the warlock. Isabella’s hand shot up to the window as she could see the dark-haired warlock’s face contorted in pain. A sob escaped from her throat just as a large boulder rose quickly from the ground underneath the barbarian smacking him straight in the privates. The brute of a man released Ronan crumpling to the ground. Her dark-haired warlock free from the man’s grasp took the moment to compose himself before he strode over to the fallen man. The brute began trying to stand up until Ronan kneed the man directly in the face.

Isabella watched as the heavy muscular man fell backwards knocked out cold. On the other side of the window, she began jumping up and down deliriously happy that Ronan was victorious. It was not the most glorious of wins as there were a few villagers in the crowd that shook their heads. She could see Nathanial at the top of the stage appearing appalled, but she did not care. Isabella figured her Dulra husband set up another round of competitions with possible snares to eliminate Ronan from her sight. But Nathanial had lost this battle, and now Isabella looked forward to escaping this godforsaken place with Ronan.

Rushing out of the room, Isabella gleefully began running back to her room. She had to begin packing as she was leaving tonight. Nothing could hold her back.

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