《Zero Percent Remaining》1:15 PM


Day TWO - 1:15 PM - S - Abandoned Hospital

Battery Life: 90%

Hello, it’s me again.

I know you probably won’t reply to this, but you are my only contact to the outside world.

I don’t know if you actually exist or not. I will simply continue updating you on my progress.

Maybe one day, you will see all this and respond. Or maybe, someone else may come along in the future, and use this to find their own way out.

I will act as their record keeper, so that if anything happens to me, at least what I discovered could be of some use.

I am still at the hospital.

Yesterday, when I last messaged you, I had found a way up to the second floor.

The stairs from the ground floor to the second floor are still broken. Some of its steps are missing.

I tried to climb up through the rumbles, but couldn’t make the last jump. The gap was too wide, and there was a gigantic hole underneath the staircase.

I didn’t think it was wise to risk falling into that. I didn’t know what could have awaited me on the bottom. Or if there was a bottom at all.

So instead, I found an elevator in one of the corridors.

I didn’t want to take the elevator. There was no way out if it gets stuck, and I didn’t know what awaited me on the other side.

The feeling of no escape was unpleasant.

Fortunately, nothing happened to me.

I explored the area around the elevator for a while, then found a small room to sleep in. I made sure to barricade all the potential entrances to the room.

It was a small storage room. There was nothing left in there, except the bare shelves. I curled up in the corner for for the night, but could only get a few hours of sleep. The tension kept me awake, and I was forcefully jolted from my slumber by a loud noise from outside the room.


I am updating you from the inside of the room right now.

The noise had stopped.

I still can’t remember anything. What I was doing here. Why I am here. And most importantly, who I am.

I woke up yesterday in this abandoned hospital, with a backpack, a phone, and rations enough to last me three days at most.

Today is day two. I have enough food and water for one more day. I will need to find more to survive past that.

There is nothing on my phone that tells me what to do next. I only have one contact number. You.

There are also a few other applications: a calculator, a flashlight, the battery percentage bar, and a mapping system that updates as I explore.

So far, the map showed all the areas I went to yesterday on the ground floor. This may be handy if I ever want to backtrack later on.

Finally, there is a lock screen with the day number, time, and letter “S” on it.

I am not sure what that “S” represents, but for identification purposes, you can call me “S.”

Now, I think that’s enough of a summary of my current situation.

I can tell you more later. But I need to make my decision.

Should I go outside to investigate the noise, or stay in this room and wait it out?

If I go out to investigate, there is a good chance I may not make it out alive.

But on the other hand, whoever or whatever made that noise may be of some importance to me.

Friend or foe? I will just have to see.

Or, I could simply stay in this room, and wait it out.

But, what exactly am I waiting for? I may be wasting precious time here.


I will wait for your decision.

But sooner or later, I will be forced to make my own.

What should it be?




From Hikaru and Sachiko:

The chapters are text messages from the characters to the reader. Choose an option from the two, majority wins!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!

See you soon...

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