《Your Secret's Safe With Me (I Think...)》6 - Amy - Days Of My Not So Average Life


I woke up earlier than usual today.

I got up from my bed and finger-combed my hair from my face.


I winced slightly when I touched the bruise on my head. It was still a little sore after being hit by that soccer ball yesterday. Uncle Kong would probably demand that I stay home for the day. But I wasn't having it.

Happy purred beside me. She stretched herself awake.

"Good morning, Happy..." I scratched her behind her ears.

Glancing at my bedside table, a framed photo of Mama smiling was looking at me.

"Mama, please watch over me today!"

I got out of bed and stretched before heading straight to the windows and pushing the curtains open.

A wide panoramic scene of the city lay out before me. The sun was just beginning to rise beyond the mountains.

Papa and I just moved into this condo the day before yesterday and with our unit being at top floor of this high-rise building, we have a scenic view. From here, I could see the start of the morning traffic. Early morning workers and students were walking in the streets below.

"Alright..." I say to myself, clapping my face, "Time to get ready!"

I turned to survey my room.

The personnel and movers had just finished moving all my belongings and furniture to my new room when I was at school yesterday. It was a fairly large room with an arc of floor-to-ceiling windows that curved due to the building's design. It has its own bathroom and walk-in closet.

I usually start my day with the usual morning yoga stretches. After which I headed straight to my private bathroom. I brushed my teeth for exactly two minutes and I took a soothing hot shower for five minutes. It took me ten minutes to dry and combed my hair then put on a new school uniform that Claire had prepared before-hand last night.

I took one look at the mirror and judged myself perfectly...normal! Just the way I need to!

"Okay! I'm off, Mama!"

I blew a kiss at her photo and wished she could still receive it. I quickly made my way to the main room of the condo where everyone was getting ready for the day.

There's Papa and his personal assistant, Roy Edwards, talking about today's schedules.

"Ah, good morning Amy!" greets Papa, looking up from his tablet.

"Good morning, Papa!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.


"Ready for school Amy-chan?" Roy gives me a "thumbs up" sign and I return in response.

I then turn to everyone else in the room. There's Chef Lorenzo, our personal chef. Auntie Bessie, our housekeeper. And there's Claire, she's my cousin from Mama's side. She's a fashion designer and also serves as my "personal" stylist.

I greeted them with a smile, "Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, Amy!"

I approached the bar counter where Chef Lorenzo was busy cooking a gourmet breakfast.

"Good morning, my dear!" greets Chef Lorenzo, with his accent thick in Italian, "Would you like your usual English breakfast or a taste of a traditional Filipino breakfast?"

"What's a traditional Filipino breakfast?" I looked at Claire.

"Oh, it consists of fried rice, eggs and a sausage the locals call "longanisa." You've gotta try the Cebu Longanisa! It's been a while since I had one of those!" says Claire.

Well, since she is a "Filipina" like Mama, I can see why she would be nostalgic for the local cuisine. I've heard Filipinos take pride on their cooking.

"Then I'll have that then, plus a glass of tea."

I guess I have to get used to this country's dishes if ever I am to live here for a while. And according to Claire and the many reviews on the net, the food here is quite exquisite.

"Coming right up!" says Chef Lorenzo with a flourish.

"Just don't make a mess, Lorenzo! I spent all morning trying to scrub that grime off the stove!" Auntie Bessie says as she vacuums the carpet.

"I am a chef! I prepare gourmet food!"

"Yet, I believe there's a cleanliness and hygiene in being a chef, no?"

I giggled as I sat on the bar stool right next to where Claire was eating breakfast as well. She cringed when she saw me.

"Ugh, what's with that "normal" look again?"

"It's my uniform...and I have to look normal! I don't want to catch attention."

"You've caught enough attention yesterday!" she nudges me playfully.

"Don't remind me..."

My thoughts trailed away towards that classmate and his flying soccer ball of doom. I would've noticed that soccer ball coming if I wasn't so distracted by that boy's...

"Good morning, Amy-chan! Are you alright? Have you recovered already?"

That's my bodyguard "Uncle" Kong. It was clear from the sweaty t-shirt and towel that he had just came from the private gym in our condo. He's a huge man with a rather brutish appearance but otherwise is caring towards me and is only worried for my wellbeing.


"I'm fine, Uncle!"

"Are you sure? Maybe you shouldn't go to school today just to be sure!"

"I said I'm fine!" I sighed.

Maybe I should rephrase that. I think overprotective is the right term. He is a bodyguard after all but I think he protects me way too much.

Ever since yesterday he's been trying to convince me and Papa to withdraw from school and hire a private tutor. We both vetoed him out of it. I didn't make all that effort just so I can be homeschooled! But I still don't think he has given up on the idea.

"For goodness's sake!" snaps Auntie Bessie, as she switches off the vacuum. "It was just a bump in the head not brain surgery!"

Uncle Kong turns scary-looking and is bright red with anger.

"I'm only concerned for her safety, Bess! It's my job to protect Amy-chan!"

"Your job is to protect her from potential harm not turn her life into Fort Knox! You worry too much and obsess over every minor thing! It's no wonder your ex-wife left you..."

Sometimes I admire Auntie Bessie's bravery and straightforwardness but I do think she can be quite tactless and a little too frank. Uncle Kong looked as though he wanted to tackle her but thankfully Papa managed to catch their attention with a loud clap of his hands.

"Alright, that's enough! I do not want any of these hullabaloos so early in the morning. Kong-kun, why don't you get ready and drive Amy to school"

Uncle Kong nodded, "Alright Hiroki-san..."

He gave me a long look of consternation and flashed a look of irritation towards Auntie Bessie, before heading to where the showers.

"Well, if you excuse me, Mr. Kawaii, I should probably head and start cleaning gym room. That muscle-head must've left his towels and underwear lying around there again."

Claire and I cringed. "Eww..."

"And Claire-chan, I believe you have to start the sketches for Amy's new outfit."

"So the plans for that are still on?"

I struggled to keep my face straight.

"That's a possibility but even then you can just submit it to our fashion division."

"I still need to get inspired though. Alright, alright, I'll start making some new designs. Good luck with school, Amy."

Claire gives me a pat on my shoulder as she makes her way to her room.

"Yeah, thanks..."

I mumbled as Chef Lorenzo served me breakfast.

I took a few bites. Yum!

Filipino Breakfast is definitely delicious!

Later after breakfast, I was now riding at the backseat of our car and heading to St. Francis Xavier School. Uncle Kong was still hesitant to drive me back there.

"I still don't see why you can't just have a private home tutor..."

"For the last time, Uncle Kong... That accident that happened yesterday is just as it is: an accident! There's no need for you to get worked up about it!"

"That's not what I meant...I mean you do know what would happen if they would find out? They already know that you've checked out of the Manila Hotel."

I know who they are...

"I know..." I sighed sadly.

"So why are you still forcing yourself in this risky situation?"

"...Because I just want to have a normal high-school life! I want to go to school! I want to learn with people my age! And even have real friends!"

"Friends, huh?" repeats Uncle Kong.

He looks at me at the rear view mirror. There was a knowing looking at his face.

"Just like your old group? And that other girl...If you were known as just the daughter of Hiroki-san, I'd believe that would possible. But having 'real' friends? I think that would be difficult. You can never tell if they are really 'friends' or starry-eyed sycophants or jerks simply taking advantage of you. Just like what they did..."

He gritted his teeth at the mention of them. The people who... Never mind. I don't want to bring up such memories.

It only stirs up old wounds.

"T-That's why I am struggling to keep a low profile and not attract attention."

"How are you going to gain friends them if you isolate yourself from your classmates? You are contradicting yourself."

"I'm just keeping a few parts hidden!"

"Which part? It's hard enough that school knows you are the daughter of a multi-millionaire foreigner!"

Uncle Kong turns around a corner while casting a long look at me again from the rear-view mirror.

"...Or...is it because you hid the fact that you are Mayph..."

I leaned back on my seat, biting back my resentment...and my sadness.

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