《Inter Dimensional Time Travelers》Act 1 | Movement 5
[Scene: A large sea surrounds the coast of a busy district of the city. It stretches far beyond the eye can see. About a few miles off the coast sits a large ocean mount that towers over the surface at around 170 feet, and is about 400 feet length. Like much of the mountains and bluffs on land, the ocean mount is crafted into such a way that it is used as a building. The rock is carved down to create windows, and thus presumably rooms and hallways.
Unlike the other buildings in the coast, this ocean mount is decorated with multiple large flags and is heavily guarded with troops. These troops can be flying in the sky riding orocs, or have a flying ability of their own such as the pterodactyl-like creatures. There are also those surrounding the mount in the sea riding some type of serpents. The troops themselves wear helmets covering their entire face and armored vests. Each are equipped either with a sword, spear, or a halberd. Despite their lack of visibility, one can see that they belong to a variety of different species.
It’s seems to be a few hours past noon as the sun’s brightness is enough to give everything a white tint. Around two thirds way between the coast and the mount we can see the Captain and her crew riding a giant sea turtle alongside Romance and three of his troops. His troops have their hands hovering around their weapons, ready to strike at any time. Romance seems relaxed and carefree. The Captain seems irritated while her crew seems focused as they are prepared for anything to happen. There is also Devonte who seems to be no more than a wallflower as he tries his best not to stand out.]
The Captain looks at one of the three troops who is sitting beside Romance. She eyes their hand hovering over their weapon.
Captain: “Must be tired holding your hand in place like that. Must hurt even.”
The Captain looks toward Romance.
Captain: “I can kill them whenever I want. As can my crew. Even you aren’t that dense. You know that.”
Romance is staring off at the sea.
Romance: “There are others uses for guards besides guarding.”
Romance turns toward the Captain and smilies.
Romance: “They look fucking cool.”
The guards seems to be a bit shaken up, but are trying their best to hide that fact. The Captain shows no emotion to the statement.
Enya: “That very well explains the trio. However, it is up ahead that perplexes me. The sky and the waters are covered with these ‘guards’.”
Romance: “You really did not get much info about this place huh?”
Romance turns toward the ocean mount.
Romance: “That mount right there, is the palace of Lisbala. Lisbala being the city or err state we are in. Stories similar to any other empire. Powerful tribesman conquers another tribe, forces them to join him, which they do so again once they encounter other, even larger tribes, and so on and so forth until one comes out on top.”
Enya: “That fails to explain the most perplexing issue.”
Romance: “Hmm?”
Enya: “If they are defending themselves from other tribes, why are the soldiers positioned primarily toward the city and not away from it? One would presume that a foreign tribe would come by sea.”
Romance turns to face Enya and chuckles and taps his index finger to his temple.
Romance: “Smart woman.”
Alistur: “One must remember the larger territory, the more difficult it is to keep order.”
Romance lets out a slow clap.
Alistur: “Surely there are at least dozens of major species populate this metro alone. Each well versed in their own customs, manners, virtues, and beliefs. Seldom does one disassociate from such crucial matters.”
Dark Prince: “You’re forgetting the most important thing cared for.”
Alistur: “Oh?”
Enya and Alistur both face Dark Prince.
Dark Prince: “History.”
[Scene: The giant sea turtle enters through a canal inside the palace. After a brief moment of the sight of soft darkness and stone, light begins to reach their eyes. The inside of the palace is revealed. The first thing one notices is the vastness of its scale. This entrance leads to a room that takes up roughly a fourth of the entire mount’s size. The entire ceiling is covered in what looks to be chandeliers made out of those bugs in jars. However, they are all of a different color and are encased in something much more classy, that is in the shape of a large pearl. Throughout this vast area there are multiple ramps and bridges to other rooms. Many span across the room from one end to the other, which has the ceililng look like a spider web. It is uncertain how many “doors” there are carved in from the room but it seems to be dozens.
Below, just ten feet above the sealevel are two 30 x 30 checkered tiled floors that are adjacent from one another. They each have ramps leading to the water so those boarding in can access them. Throughout the floor, halls, ramps, and even in the air are dozens of visible troops, each following the tasks they’ve been assigned. The giant sea turtle slows down as it approaches the the ramp to the left.]
Romance: “We have arrived!”
Romance leaps off the boat and onto the ramp. He turns around toward the Captain and her crew who gradually get off the boat, with the Captain being the first. Romance grabs the front of his fedora-like hat and tips it slightly down.
Romance: “Welcome to-!”
Captain: “Where’s Corsica?”
Romance pauses and lets out a smile.
Romance: “Right this way!”
The Captain and her crew are led by Romance up the steps and through the exit doors of the shuttle entrance. Through the doors is a lengthy hallway with multiple rooms on each side. Soldiers go in and out through each room as they perform what seem to be daily assigned tasks. At the end of the hall is a large staircase about two dozen feet across. At the entrance of the large staircase waits a large triceratops-like creature who is well dressed in uniform and seems to be decorated. Romance and the Captain’s crew eventually approach this soldier.
Well Decorated Soldier: “You’re late.’
Romance: “I’m not exactly late if I arrive when I want to.”
The Well Decorated Soldier gives out a highly irritated look.
Well Decorated Soldier: “If you were one of my kin I would have you for insubordination. A soldier needs discipline.”
Romance: “Never been much of soldier.”
Well Decorated Soldier: “You are clearly not fit to be one.”
The Well Decorated Soldier looks at the Captain.
Well Decorated Soldier: “You are looking for your crewmates yes?”
Captain: “Yes. Where are they?”
Well Decorated Soldier: “Eight stories up. In the great chamber.”
The room grows quiet.
Well Decorated Soldier: “Follow me.”
The Well Decorated Soldier, Romance, the Captain and her crew all climb up the flight of stairs. As they walk up it, parts of it gradually branch out to other pathways leading to other rooms and hallways. Soldiers are seen running both up and down the stairs to and from these branched stairways. As the group progresses up the stairs, it becomes smaller bit by bit. The Well Decorated Soldier faces the Captain.
Well Decorated Soldier: “I’m going to be very direct with this. My name is General Verdum and I have a well renowned reputation in these parts. We captured two, of wgi we believe to be your crewmates earlier today. They committed an act of terrorism against one of the most infamous militia groups known as ‘New Dawn’. Despite initially seeing her as an
‘enemy of our enemy’, we were informed that she was the key to something very valuable. Something piqued our interest.”
General Verdum looks toward Romance.
General Verdum: “Something described by this hoodlum. There is just one problem.”
General Verdum looks back at the Captain.
General Verdum: “Despite our best efforts, we have no way to make her and her companion talk. That’s where you come in.”
The Captain begins to laugh. She turns to Romance.
Captain: “You’ve really outdone yourself. What in the world have you gotten planned this time?”
Romance cracks a smile.
Romance: “That’s a surprise.”
The group climbs up a single flight more before entering a hall to their right. They walk down it and are greeted with a grandiose door decorated with large jewels and large pebbles of marble. It is guarded by four large guards. Upon seeing General Verdum approaching, two of them pull the door open, while the other two give out a salute.
[Scene: The doors open revealing a room that is very grandiose. The floor is made out of solid marble and stretches across fifty feet. The walls are completely covered in multiple colored gems with various fine paintings placed in-between them. There are another set of large doors on the opposite side of the room that seem to be made of pure marble. The ceiling has a large elegant portrait painted onto it with multiple light-up bugs hanging from them in oval glass tubes like a chandelier. Chairs surround the perimeter of the room with about half of them filled with audience. Facing away from the doorway in the middle of the room is an average height creature wearing a well designed yellow robe. They playing an instrument, one that seems similar to cello, only they are playing it standing up.]
The sound of the instrument immediately echoes throughout the palace once the doors are open. So much so it is a miracle that it wasn’t heard before. The music sounds very classical as it is elegant, and has a well crafted change of tempo throughout. General Verdum looks toward the Captain and begins walking forward into the room, the Captain and the others do the same until they stop about eight feet from the musician. The musician continues on for around fifteen more seconds as they finish the song.
Musician: “You’re late.”
General Vendum kneels on the floor.
General Vendum: “It took longer to find them then expected your Highness. I beg pardon.”
Musician: “Is it all of them? Are they all here?”
General Vendum: “Yes. This is all of them.”
The musician signals the two patrons in front of him to take his instrument. Once they’ve done so the musician turns around toward General Vendum and the group. The musician is a bird-like creature who looks identical to the Elder God. However, unlike him, the musician is dressed very well in a gaudy outfit complete with a tight fitting orange surcoat that is covered by a large yellow robe. Gems and other jewelry are present throughout his neck and fingers. Upon the musician’s turnaround, General Vendum and Romance take a bow, while the Captain and her crew stay standing.
Musician: “I am not accustomed to being disrespected like this. First tardiness and now ignominy.”
General Vendum: “My apologies sir! They aren’t from here! They do not know our customs!”
The musician takes a few steps toward the Captain with a perplexed look as he begins to face Romance.
Musician: “I initially thought that the buffoon was the boorish I have ever invited here.”
The musician turns his head to face the Captain.
Musician: “But this one, may be prove to be even more special.”
Captain: “Invite?”
The musician seems taken aback.
Captain: “You didn’t ‘invite” nobody. You're just holding what I want for ransom.”
The musician has an irritated look on his face.
Musician: “Special.”
The musician claps his hands three times. Two patrons open up the two large doors on the other side of the room. While everyone still sitting down stands up. The musician heads toward the open doors and signals to the group.
Musician: “Come now.”
General Verdum, Romance, and the Captain and her crew follow the musician who exits through the doors. As the other groups does so as well, those still standing in the room proceed to the exit as well.
[Scene: The next room seems to be twenty feet in width but seventy in length. Reflective marble covers the entire floor, and seems almost like a mirror. The walls are carved the smoothest out of all the rooms, with a large mural depicting kings, generals, and large scale battles, that covers all the walls and ceiling. The ceiling seems to go up thirty feet. There is a red carpet that leads directly to a large throne at the end of the room. Behind the throne is a large red curtain that hangs from the ceiling displaying what looks to be a family crest. The carpet sits in-between two very shallow pools of water that are filled with what looks to be roses, both of which are enclosed by silver trim. Hanging from the ceiling are several chandleries of the light bug creatures enclosed in glass. They illuminate up the room giving it a whitish tone. The musician walks the red carpet toward the throne which is decorated in gems.]
Musician: “You may be boors. But even boors have some intelligence.”
The musician sits on the throne without hesitation once he reaches it.
Musician: “I am King Soto. I have reigned these lands for the past forty odd years.”
Captain: “Where’s Corsica?”
King Soto holds up the palm of his hand in front of him.
King Soto: “There is no need to be impatient.”
King Soto looks toward his soldiers behind the Captain and her crew and gives them a signal. A group of five soldiers dispense and leave the room and begin jogging back to the stairs. As soon as they are out of sight, King Soto looks back to the Captain.
King Soto: “My great-grandfather sat on this throne when he was a little older than a child. This land was anarchy. Scattered between countless tribes and warlords competing for territory and power. My great-grandfather was no different, but in one regard. He had vision. A vision of future of a strong unified nation, a unified world. A place where the inhabitants do away with petty ethnic differences and culture, and unite under science and development. That was his dream and he pursued it his entire life, but it wouldn’t be until his last days that it was achieved. Ever since it has been the task of each subsequent heir to keep the state intact and flourishing.”
The Captain looks uninterested.
Captain: “Where’s Corsica?”
King Soto’s eyes widen as he gives an aggravated look on his face, and pounds the arm of his throne.
King Soto: “Don’t you understand!? This land has undergone untold transformation since my great-grandfather created it. Unparalleled technology, comfort, and might that has never been reached! And yet barbarians wish to tear it all down! Surely you can understand?”
The Captain still looks uninterested.
Captain: “Where is Corsica?”
The king seems visible frustrated, but proceeds to sigh and composes himself.
King Soto: “I have been told that you carry a device. One of unmatched power. The power to destroy even the largest towers instantly. Renewable. So miniature that it can fit in one’s pocket.”
The Captain and her crew all burst out laughing. King Soto and his men are taken aback by this.
King Soto: “What in God’s name is so funny!?”
The Captain turns her head toward Romance.
Captain: “What kind of bullshit have you been telling them?"
King Soto: “Do not pretend to be ignorant! Everyone saw the explosion! It was well known that New Dawn doesn’t have access to such technology. They’re a radical group that longs for the past, simply a terrorist group. The explosion happened only when your kin entered their quarters!”
Captain: “Listen, I don’t know what fairy tales dipshit’s been telling you. But the explosion was nothing more than a simple trick bomb.”
The Captain reaches in her pocket and pulls out a trick bomb of her own.
Captain: “It’s a bomb where you control how powerful the explosion is. You could have leveled the whole building if you wanted.”
The king looks deep in thought for a moment. He then looks up and signals his soldiers behind him. They each move to the side allowing a four legged creature that is reminiscent of a hippopotamus to enter the room. It walks in a brisk pace carrying a rider who is heavily covered in a veil. The creature jumps into the very shallow pool to the left and continues toward the king. It soon slows its pace until he stops when it is right to the side of him. It sits down allowing the the mysterious rider to fall right in the pool.
King Soto: “This ‘trick bomb’, is this common?”
The Captain frowns and gives off a face and tone of regret.
Captain: “Partly.”
King Soto: “Is it easy obtain?”
The Captain is silent with an expressionless face.
King Soto: “Would you be willing to retrieve a large sum for me?”
The Captain turns around and stares at Devonte for a few seconds, she then turns to Romance and does the same. After that she looks forward toward King Soto and shakes her head.
The king stands up and walks toward the fallen rider. He rips off the veil and it is revealed to be Coris and Zizi both chained up. They both look badly beaten. During this unveiling the king pulls out a knife and presses it toward Coris’s throat.
King Soto: “Will you now reconsider?”
The Captain’s eyes widen, she turns toward her crewmates who are also highly alert. Alistur grabs Devonte and throws him across the room. While that happens the rest of the crew runs toward Coris and Zizi. Devonte flies up in a fifty degree angle and slams against the wall about twenty feet from the floor. Alistur throws four throwing knives that land an inch away from Devonte’s limbs and penetrate the rock wall. Devonte stays stationary as he coughs up blood. Seeing the crew run for Coris, the king takes his knife and slices Coris’s throat. Suddenly Coris begins to tremble as her limbs quickly extend to the point of being eighteen feet long. She stands up as her face changes and her torso fills out. Her skin turns white and begins to take the texture of rubber. Her two eyes unite as one, and each begins to glow deep red. It’s obvious now that this isn’t Coris, but some type of humanoid type creature. It stands eighteen feet in height, but has a very slim build. It constantly makes unnatural grunting noises, displaying that it isn’t of sound mind. The king finds himself in state of shock, walking back away from the creature.
King Soto: “What in God’s name…”
The Captain hops up into the air flying toward the monster’s face. When she is only a few feet away, the monster swipes at her with it’s right arm and she flies across the room and hits a wall. Meanwhile, Enya is on the ground running toward the monster. She puts her right palm out and pushes toward the air, setting an orange rectangular piece of light. As she jumps up to her right to set another, the previous one begins firing a quick stream of laser-like bullets. The next one follows suit. Enya then leaps to the air as her body twirls. When her head faces the floor she sticks her hands out setting another piece of light. She grasps it and starts spinning on it like a gymnast. She soon lets go and she flies high up to the air directly above the creature. Facing downward she sticks her arms for a moment as they light up. Then a sizable orb appears in front of her. A second later, it shoots out a large laser right through the monster below and it decimates the ground floor beside it.
Alistur: “I welcome the cooperation madam!”
Alistur charges toward the monster. He throws a string of throwing knives at it while it’s distracted by the blow of the laser. The knives all penetrate its skin, and are vertically aligned. Alistur jumps on them and uses them as stepping stones to proceed to the monster’s face. He hops on the last knife toward the monster’s large eyes. Alistur pulls out a knife stabs it directly in the center. The monster lets out a loud scream. As Alistur falls back to the ground, Dark Prince is visible in the scene still in the same place he was at prior to the monster revealing itself. However, he has managed to transform his body in a manner of a bow and arrow, with his frontal face area being the arrow.
Dark Prince: “And here I was getting bored.”
He snaps his head back as the front of his “body” becomes a very sharp tip, like a spear. He then releases his “arrow” and shoots himself across the room and carves right through the monster’s body. The monster takes a step back as Dark Prince then proceeds to expand himself and cover the monster. Once the monster is fully covered, he begins to contract his body to crush the creature. As it looks to seem that the Dark Prince has succeeded, suddenly the monster’s arm pops out of Dark Prince’s sludge-like body. The other arm follows. Both arms grab Dark Prince’s ooze toward the front of the creature and begin to rip it apart. Soon, the monster’s eye and then face are visible. It continues to tear until it rips Dark Prince completely in two, in which it then throws both parts of his body separate ways across the room. One half of his body lands in a far corner, the other splats right beside Devonte. At the far end wall, toward the entrance to the room, is the Captain pulling herself up from the ground. She is approached by Shaska.
On the other end, King Soto is now seen looking both flustered and angry. He looks toward his soldiers across the room.
King Soto: “What in heavens are you doing!?”
The soldiers now have their full attention on King Soto.
King Soto: “Attack!”
The soldiers let out a battle cry and begin to charge toward the monster. As the creature begins to step forward, Enya is seen hopping on self put platforms in the air, assumingly trying to set up another laser cannon. The creature doesn’t seem to pay her any mind, when suddenly its left arm snaps back and hit her out of the air to the ground. It then takes notice to Alistur who is running in front of it. He readies six knives, one in each hand and two he is biting with his teeth. He hops up into the air, and midway through his jump is stomped on by the monster. Shaska is then visible as he hunches over to the Captain. He reaches for her, trying to pull her up.
The Captain grabs Shaska by the collar and pulls herself up. The soldiers are then seen charging toward monster. The monster takes rows of them out often in one swoop, either by whacking them with its long arms or stomping them with its feet. The Captain manages to pull herself up.
Captain: “Why! Are! You! Not! In! Combat!?”
The Captain punches Shaska twice who then falls to the floor. The monster is stomping on a group of soldiers. Its body then begins to tremble. All of its wounds begin to heal as its black blood begins to fade and the punctures left by lasers and blades begin to close. The monster begins to growl, as suddenly another one identical to it appears right behind it. As they both continue to walk forward a bright light appears behind them. They stop and glance back. Enya is standing under a dozen light cannons. They look just like the previous ones, but only this time they glow orange rather than yellow. Enya claps her claw-hands together, which results in the light cannons all firing at once. The sound of them roars throughout the entire room as the beams tear through the bodies of the monsters, as well as some of King Soto’s men. King Soto stares with a horrified look on his face.
Alistur is then seen running toward monsters in the same fashion as before. With one knife grasped in each hand and two in his mouth. He jumps up toward one of the large creatures and spins around. He opens up one of the holes in its stomach even more as he carves through it. He comes out the other side but lodges a knife in the creature’s back right by the hole so he swinging in place rather than landing back on the ground. The other monster takes note and readies to punch Alistur. Just before it connects, Alisur swings up to the creature’s chest. This results in the other creature punching through the previous hole Alistur was just beside. Alistur is now up in the air over both creatures, he pulls out many knives and begins throwing them at both of their eyes. The focus is then on the Captain who stands above a Shaska trying to get back his footing. The Captain looks to her side sees Romance walking toward the entrance just trying to exit the scene. The Captain grabs Shaska’s head and turns toward Romance.
Captain: “You see ‘em!? He ain’t going to strike ya if you lower your guard! He’s going to run!”
The Captain then throws Shaska back down on the ground forceful and proceeds to run toward Romance. She spins in the air and lets out a kick, to which Romance blocks it with his elbow. The Captain attempts to kick his head with her other foot, but Romance ducks just in time. Captain lands on the ground and throws a barrage of punches at Romance. He manages to block and dodge a majority of them while taking the occasional blow. The scene then changes to Dark Prince who is still a splotch beside Devonte. Devonte watches the battles unfolding in front of him with awe.
Dark Prince: “You best be grateful young one.”
Dark Prince’s body begins to stretch back down to the floor.
Dark Prince: “This is all for you.”
It is shown that Dark Prince has moved the part of his body that was split down to the floor directly below. He gradually has the part of him on the wall “pour” into his lower half of his body. Once complete, he transforms into a large four legged creature, similar to a sabertooth tiger. He charges toward the two monsters, leaping in the air and landing on one of the monster’s shoulder. Immediately he bites through their neck. As the other monster gets ready to hit, its arm is punctured by a wave of knives. It looks down to see Alistur running on the ground toward it, with two knives in each hand. The creature throws its arm at him, but Alistur swiftly dodges. It quickly throws the other with the same result. As it gets ready to lift up one of its legs, Alistur has already reached them. He performs a variety of slashes on the legs which brings the monster down to it’s knees. Suddenly, a large beam pierces through its head. Enya can be seen standing on a set platform behind it.
The scene then changes to Shaska who is kneeling down trying to keep calm. Shaska closes his eyes as he heavily concentrates. After a couple seconds the bodies of King Soto’s fallen men begin to stand up and move. They ready their weapons and gradually make their way toward the two monsters. One is still wrestling with Dark Prince’s sabretooth state, before it finally manages to grab him, pin him on the floor and extend its jaw to bite him. The monster behind him begins to wail it’s arms as it continues to battle Alistur and Enya. A group of three, presumably dead, King Soto’s men step toward the monsters foot by foot. King Soto takes notice and is taken aback.
King Soto: “My-m-my men…”
A moment later the monster that is pinning Dark Prince down takes notice as well. It takes a hand off of Dark Prince while keeping the other, and hammers into the ground at the group. However, each reanimated soldier is able to swiftly dodge as if they are being thrown around. After a dodging a few of the creature’s attacks, they begin to move forward in the same eerily swift manner. One leaps into the air, another simply hops, while the other continues to run forward. The soldier who jumped high readies his spear as he falls and thrusts it straight into the monster’s eye. The hopped soldier takes his sword and jabs it in the creature’s chest. Finally, the running soldier who is carrying what looks to be a halberd runs toward the monster’s arm and slices it clean off. The creature lets out a scream as it falls to the ground. Dark Prince manages to quickly escape, however the halberd carrying soldier is crushed under the weight.
Dark Prince: “I didn’t ask for your help!”
The monster slowly begins to pull itself up as its arm gradually regenerates. However, Dark Prince manages to expand himself and cover the creature's entire face, presumably chomping away at it. The two soldiers continue on penetrating the lower body, and in the background two more are resurrected as they begin to stand up. The scene then changes back to Alistur and Enya who are in combat with the other monster. They both are doing their best in avoiding the creature’s blows.
Alistur: “M’lady!”
Enya looks toward Alistur.
Alistur: “May I present a proposal?”
The scene changes once again, this time to Romance and the Captain. The Captain continues to be on the offensive as she punches and kicks Romance, who in turn blocks and dodges the attacks.
Captain: “Since when you’ve got so fast?”
Romance lets out a wide smile. This angers the Captain who does a heavy sidekick that while Romance manages to block, pushes him toward the ground. As Romance attempts to recover, the Captain does an overhead kick, to which Romance narrowly dodges, and the impact results in several broken tiles. The Captain looks up to see Romance a dozen feet away in a defensive position. The Captain begins walking toward him.
Captain: “You can only dodge me, but not fight me. And by the looks of it your manikins are at their ends.”
The scene changes to Alistur launching Enya in the air. She pulls her arms back as light builds up of a large sword beam. As the creature is ready to strike Enya, Alistur hops up as well. Enya quickly enters a defensive stance with the sword, to which the sword absorbs the creature’s blow, but nevertheless still sends Enya flying back. However, Alistur is spinning in the air and cuts the extended arm straight off. During this the Captain’s conversation with Romance can still be heard.
Captain: “Things have not gone according to plan. You’re covered bruises. We’re all still alive. And you are now known throughout here as a traitor with no allies.”
Alistur quickly runs through the monster’s legs and slices them once again. And just like before the creature falls to its knees, but not before attempting to deal another blow to Alistur, who retaliates by jumping into the air, dodging the attack, and then slicing the arm clean off like the other. The other monster can now be seen in the foreground, it is trying to cry in pain as Dark Prince continues devouring it from the top down and the zombified soldiers are hacking and slashing away at it.
Captain: “But not only do you keep trying fight. But you don’t seem bothered by any of this. Actually you’re the opposite.”
The monster that is being preoccupied by Dark Prince and Shaska’s ‘minions” falls to the ground. It begins to wither and shrink to a relatively small skeleton. In the background we see the other creature with Alistur slicing at the arms as they are regrowing. Unfortunately, he can’t keep up with the pace of regeneration.
Captain: “So why with the smirk?”
The camera pans and it can be seen that Enya has both hands in front of her as she is surrounded by two dozen orange beam cannons that are ready to fire.
Romance: “Because I have already won.”
As Enya begins to clap a large explosion happens at one of the walls. Debris flies across the room. As the smoke settles one can see a large hole in the wall. Outside one can see dozens of boats in the sea approaching the tower. They are filled with who look to be the Elder God’s soldiers. In the sky are multiple Orocs who are saddled with other New Dawn soldiers. As the crew and others are startled, the Captain runs toward the hole and looks outside.
Captain: “Shit!”
Upon closer inspection it seems that the ships are rigged with a trebuchet as well as a stockpile of trick bombs, which looks to be about a dozen each ship. Up in the sky the soldiers on the orocs also are carrying a bag with them. One can see them throwing trick bombs at the palace soldiers as they get blown to bits. The Captain looks toward her crew. She nods at them as a form of acknowledgement. They all head toward the Captain, except Alistur who runs toward Devonte who is still pinned down at the wall. The large monster is still present and is beginning to recover, yet none of the crew pay it any mind. As the Captain is about to jump through the hole, her eyes widen and she jumps back.
Captain: “Watch out!”
Suddenly a large explosion occurs. Smoke fills the room and much of the ceiling caves in, crushing soldiers as well as the monster. Several bricks on the wall fall, including three of the bricks holding down Devonte. Only the brick that includes the knife penetrated on Devonte’s right sleeve hold. However, as Devonte dangles in the air, his sleeve begins to rip. He falls the ground with a loud thud. He lets out a scream as it is apparent that by the height and way he fell he broke his left leg. He looks around very disoriented. The entire tower continues to shake, likely due to subsequent explosions in the surrounding areas. He soon begins to crawl but abruptly stops due to the intense pain coming from his leg. A few seconds later he is grabbed by a figure and is being carried at a sprint pace. He sees himself being carried passed the room and down the stairs as the palace continues to shake. The stairs feel unstable, but nevertheless his captor continues to run. Devonte looks up to see his captor, it turns out it’s Enya again.
Enya: “Pay mind to your surroundings. You are desired, you will never know who will come for you and when.”
As Enya continues to run a loud sound comes from below, the ground shakes violently and the stairs collapse. Enya keeps hold of Devonte as they both free fall to the ground. She puts her arm down and releases a beam of light in a form of a bar. She clamps it which results in her twirling around for a few seconds until she stops. She stays in the air dangling for a moment before she lets go, just to fall to the ground for a few seconds and repeat the process again. After the next fall she reaches the ground safely. “Ground” should be used loosely as the ground is nothing but rubble and debris. She lets go of Devonte as she inspects the area. Devonte looks around as he sees that he is surrounding by four walls of rubble. A red light illuminates the area as Enya has a red orb hovers around her right arm. She proceeds to punch through the wall of rubble ahead, penetrating through it. She then twists her arm which results in loud crackles and pops around the area. The rubble around her arm proceeds to melt away. Enya turns to Devonte.
Enya: “Come.”
Enya grabs Devonte and hops through the hole, over the molten residue on the ground. They keep running as the building continues to shake due to multiple occurring explosions. As they run through the hallway following the staircase, they see King Soto’s soldiers fighting with the Elder God’s New Dawn soldiers. Soldiers from both militaries attempt to attack Enya, but she dodges and counters them with ease as she continues running through the hallway. She can see the open door that leads to the palace’s entrance. It can be seen that there are three guards standing guard at the entrance. Without warning, three gunshots are heard and bullets are seen penetrating their skulls. Instead of falling down however, their limbs begin to extend as they transform to the manikins as seen on the floor above. Enya speeds up her run, hoping to run past them before they fully transform. However, just she’s about to exit, she smacks across some type of invisible barrier set on the door. She is punched back by one of the manikins. As she quickly gets back up from the floor, she sees all of three of them fully grown and heading toward her.
[Scene: Romance can be seen twirling a gun with a smile on his face. He is standing near the boat docks in the entrance room of the palace where everyone entered from before. Many of the bridges above have collapsed as the entire palace continues to shake due to the onslaught of trick bombs. There a plenty of New Dawn soldiers around, and plenty of King Soto’s soldiers who are seem to be dead on the ground. There are docked boats throughout the entire room, which presumably belong to New Dawn.]
Romance: “Damn I love technology!”
As Romance turns around, he sees another boat dock. This one is different from the others, far more fancy and is painted pure black. Out of the boat comes the Sub Elder, followed by a small group of soldiers.
Sub Elder: “You're transport is here.”
Romance: “I don’t recall asking for transport.”
Sub Elder: “It’s only courtesy.”
Romance: “What I actually recall asking was that once this building fell due to the weapons I gave you, you will give me what was promised.”
Romance puts his hand out expecting something to be placed in it.
Sub Elder: “But the building hasn’t fell, in fact it is still standing.”
Romance let’s out a smile. Another loud explosion occurs, shaking the entire palace. The New Dawn soldiers seem shaken, however the Sub Elder smiles.
Sub Elder: “Just a joke. Happy to do business with you.”
The Sub Elder reaches in his pocket and pulls something out. It’s the key that is so sought after and winded up in the mouth of Elder God’s beast. The Sub Elder hands the key to Romance he quickly grabs it.
Romance: “It was pleasure.
As he walks a step forward, Romance pauses and faces toward Sub Elder again.
Romance: “You do realize that all of the exits are closed off. No one can get through, including your troops.”
The Sub Elder nods.
Sub Elder: “To our people, death is the greatest salvation.”
Without warning, a spear pierces through the back of Romance and goes through and out of his chest. The Sub Elder and his men are all startled. Behind Romance is a visibly injured King Soto who is holding a spear.
King Soto: “If only I realized that death was salvation to you all, then I would have had me and my men do something far worse.”
The Sub Elder and his men draw forth their weapons. However, they ease themselves as Romance lifts up his hand.
King Soto: “Tell me. Were you always allied with them, or did you go back on your word?”
Romance let’s out a short a laugh.
Romance: “I’m not one for allegiance. I just do this for sport, that’s all.”
King Soto’s eyes widen and he thrusts the spear further into Romance. After two seconds, Romance smiles.
Romance: “It is disappointing.”
Romance casually walks forward as the tip of the spear sinks deeper in his body and leaves it. This stuns everyone in the room.
Romance: “Despite boasting so much of your power and people, taking your castle was quite boring. I expected better.”
Upon hearing this, King Soto grinds his teeth and clenches his hands on the spear.
King Soto: “First you deceive my people, then you dishonor us… You will rue this day as I cut out your tongue!”
Without warning, King Soto charges toward Romance who is a little over ten feet away at this point. Romance casually reaches in his pocket and turns around. He is holding up his hand in a flicking motion as he has what seems to be a drillbit clenched between his index finger and thumb. He flicks it at King Soto, in which the drillbit goes right through his head. Romance then gestures his hand in a calling motion as has his index finger rocking toward him. As King Soto begins to fall, the drillbit comes back around and goes through his throat. It then flies toward Romance, like a boomerang, to which he grabs it with his same index finger and thumb. Romance puts the drillbit back in his pocket as King Soto falls to the ground. The Sub Elder and his men are speechless.
Romance: “It bothers me. How did he even get in here in the first place?”
Looking around the room from top to bottom Romance discovers an open door that leads to a walkway across the room. It’s relatively small so it is likely a hidden pathway.
Romance: “...shit.”
As Romance turns around he is kicked in the face and flies across the room. His attacker is none other than the Captain. She walks up to him in a visibly angry manner. As Romance recuperates he pulls out a drillbit and flicks it at the Captain who catches it. She pulls her hand back and flicks it behind her toward one of the Sub Elder’s soldiers. The drillbit goes right through their eye.
Sub Elder: “The deal has been fulfilled! We have no loyalty to mercenaries! On the ship now!”
The Sub Elder and his men run to board his ship as they begin to set out back to sea. The Captain continues walking toward Romance. Romance reaches in his pocket as the Captain leaps toward him. She lands on top of him and grabs him by the neck. She then runs, as she drags Romance along with her. She throws him against a wall and tightens her grip around his neck.
Captain: “Open your barriers.”
Romance reaches in his pocket.
Captain: “Slowly!”
Romance slowly takes what looks to be a grey key card out of his pocket. He puts out his index and middle finger and swipes down on it. Within seconds the Captain’s crew begins coming through various exits. Alistur comes from an exit high up that leads to a broken bridge. He hops toward a wall and penetrates a knife through it. He then proceeds to slide down to the floor. Shaska is the next visible who seems to be right across from Alistur’s exit, only about a floor or two below. He pauses when he gets to the end of a broken bridge, but quickly is assisted by six undead soldiers. The first grabs the ledge and lets his body dangle, as the next grabs his legs. It goes so on and so forth until a ladder is made. The Captain then turns her head to the door a couple feet to her left. She hears loud growls and other noises. Soon Enya, with Devonte on her back, charges out of their and to the floor.
Captain: “Close them!”
Romance takes his same two fingers and swipes them up the sound of a loud thud can be heard at Enya’s exit as one of the manikins has punched the barrier. The Captain looks around a bit more, and then inhales.
Captain: “Get out here now!”
Laughing can be heard in the distance. Black slime oozes to the ground from the ceiling. It ends with the worm face of Dark Prince, who constantly cackles.
Dark Prince: “There is no fooling ya.”
The Captain stays focused on Romance. She puts her hand out.
Captain: “The key please.”
Begrudgingly, Romance reaches in his pocket and pulls out the key. He has it cupped. As he gradually moves his hand to the side to drop it on the Captain’s, a tremor shakes through the palace which rocks everyone and has the key falling out of Romance’s hand into the Captain’s. She puts the key in her pocket.
Captain: “I will ask you again, where is Corsica?”
Romance smirks.
Romance: “She’ll be here soon enough.”
The Captain punches Romance hard in the face.
Captain: “Where’s Corsica!?”
Romance: “Do you take me as a liar?”
The Captain angrily kicks Romance across the floor. As Romance recuperates, he reaches in his pocket and throws what seems to be jacks to the Captain, she dodges them and they land all over the floor. The Captain continues to walk toward Romance.
Captain: “You’re not even trying anymore.”
Romance smiles.
Romance: “Because I won.”
Romance snaps his fingers. This results in a huge electrical shockwave behind all of the fallen jacks. The Captain turns around to see her crew on the ground and out of commission. When she turns back she sees a relaxed Romance with two jacks in front of him. He snaps his fingers to which the Captain is then shocked and falls to the floor. As she stares at the ceiling, trying to keep herself conscious, she sees Romance standing over her.
Romance: “I’m surprised you aren’t knocked out. Despite what you think, the reason why you can’t move isn’t due to the electric shocks.”
Romance reaches for something. He then holds up one of the jacks. The shiny silver color is now gone, and instead it is a saturated red.
Romance: “The shocks are merely a method to transfer the deadly chemicals throughout your body. They disrupt most signals from the neurons, so you won’t be able to move for a bit.”
The ground violently shakes. Romance looks up toward the ceiling as debris falls.
Romance: “Not before this all comes down though.”
Reaching into the Captain’s pocket, Romance pulls out the key. He holds it up and stares at it. As he moves his other hand toward the key, one can see something crash into the Sub Elder’s ship. Romance pauses.
Romance: “Perfect.”
The boat capsizes, but ripples can be seen underwater. The ripples quickly lead toward the steps to the docking floor. Suddenly, Coris hops out into the walkway, and charges toward Romance.
Coris: “Motherfucker! Give me it back now!”
Coris hops in the air with a kick. As she is inching her way toward Romance, he bends his back backward to avoid the attack. Coris reaches the ground and hops again toward Romance, attempting at punch, just to get dodged again.
Romance: “I don’t wish to fight.”
Coris: “Shut up!”
Coris launches herself toward Romance with another kick. He blocks and braces for it. The impact from the kick pushes Romance back a couple of feet. Just as he’s about to stop, he is headbutted in the back by Zizi. Coris charges again with another kick, but Romance hops away. He then jumps back to gain distance on them. He looks toward Zizi.
Romance: “You two are never apart huh?”
Zizi braces himself to run toward Romance. In turn Romance throws two jacks on the floor. The resulting shocks incapacitates Zizi.
Coris: “Zizi!”
In a rage, Coris charges toward Romance. She let’s out a punch, but he ends up grabbing her by the arm and pinning her to the floor.
Romance: “You’re always running, and you always get caught. I don’t understand why you don’t team up with me? I have connections you won’t believe.”
Coris: “Fuck off!”
Romance: “So stubborn, just like our love.”
Romance smiles.
Romance: “Think about it. We’d have the only obtainable keys. They’ll be gone. No more being used, no more being abused, you’ll be shootin’ like star.”
Romance looks at Zizi.
Romance: “He could come along too. You’ll only be abandoning those you’re trying to run from. What do say?”
Coris is no longer struggling, she lays still on the ground. The entire palace still shakes, as it seems each rupture becomes larger. Romance stops putting pressure on Coris and releases his arm. As soon as the arm leaves, Coris turns around and bites Romance’s fingers off. He lets out a scream and runs to the other side of the floor. Coris stands up and charges toward Romance. When Coris is about to strike, Romance gets in close and knees Coris in the face. Coris lays on the floor. Romance who is visibly angry, quickly becomes frightened.
Romance: “Paramour!”
Romance is standing up as he has his bitten hand sticking out, reaching toward Coris. He stares at it and then puts it down his side. He turns around begins to walk. The palace then has it’s largest shake yet, Huge chunk of stones fall, including one that blocks the entire entrance. Romance shakes his head. He takes the key out of his pocket and concentrates on it. Colored fumes begin spewing out of the key and surround Romance. Meanwhile, Coris can be seen attempting to push herself up in the background. Suddenly, another large tremor occurs. So much so that much of the ceiling caves in above Romance. He looks up and notices this and then looks back at the key. He manages to disappear, but just before the mass amount of rock and debris fall on him. Coris finally manages to stand up.
Captain: “Corsica.”
Coris purposely ignores her as she begins walking toward what was the entrance to the palace. She looks concerned as she soon realizes that all of the exits have been blocked off.
Captain: “Corsica.”
Coris begrudgingly walks toward the Captain.
Captain: “If you want to get out of here. You’re going to have to do exactly as I say.”
The Captain slowly turns her head toward Devonte.
[Scene: It is outside and King Soto’s soldiers are all but gone. New Dawn is currently throwing multiple trick bombs toward the palace, specifically focused on already exploded areas to cut deeper in. After a few seconds, the palace collapses in on itself.]
Blackout ✓
Untameable Vivian Sok works hard and plays even harder, but her carefree senior year is ruined when the infuriating yet irresistible varsity linebacker moves into her dorm.⋆☆⋆Controlled chaos. Vivian Sok lives by it.With emotional walls that rival Everest, Vivian strives for organised mess in all areas of her life. She sets careful rules to have both fun and her future: getting into Med school comes first. Vodka comes a close second. Screw the patriarchy at every opportunity.And never, ever, fall in love again.When college linebacker Jamie Tanner moves into a new hall of residence, he does not expect to meet wildfire personified. Fiery, powerful, and a little destructive, Viv becomes a temptingly bad idea he cannot shake.Except, the thing about chaos?It can't be controlled.⋆☆⋆[ Winner of @ContemporaryLit's Spring Write-Off Challenge 2021 ][ Stand-alone. Completed. Word Count: 80K - 90K ]
8 75Sword and Bloodline
Bloodlines the pride of several families, without it you can't cultivate well and need to forge a path for yourself. These bloodlines were those of mystical beasts, strong ones who could split mountains with their claws. One way or the other cultivators began to posses the blood of this beasts and their human blood was flushed out, and so their generations were being born with the bloodline of mystical beasts. Lee our protagonist, was born in a clan with no bloodline and so they had to forcefully carve out a path for themselves through weapons. Our protagonist was suddenly struck with a very good luck that granted him two paths to tread. That of the.... SWORD AND BLOODLINE.
8 97Wandering Dungeon
Garrett finds himself reborn as a small crystal, a dungeon core. Why does he exist? How did he get here? His dungeon guide will have to work extra hard to make him a great dungeon, but how is Garrett suppose to become a great dungeon if he can't even create monsters? This story might sound like a standard dungeon core story and might be a little slow or awkwardly paced sometimes, (This is my first story that I'm seriously writing) but I promise it is a dungeon story unlike any others. Any and all comments and reviews are welcome. They will help me learn and become a better writer so I can provide a better and more well written story for you and others to enjoy.
8 150Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)
(This book has nothing to do with furries, otherkins, or irl therianthropes. Both by their own definitions and my own, we have nothing to do with each other. Keep being your weird selves just don't pretend I'm a part of those groups because I wrote this book with animal/human hybrids in it. Any comments trying to talk about furries or otherkins will be deleted because it makes me physically uncomfortable. Therians are ok tho because it's basically the fancy way to say people who have spirit animals)There are two races in this world, humans and therianthropes, which are humans with animal qualities, that can shapeshift into their animal counterpart. The therianthropes, once divided by predator and prey, joined together in hiding after the humans began to hunt therianthropes for sport. California, a young grizzly bear therianthrope, was always curious to see the world beyond the forest he and his people lived within. Texas, a young farmhand, always wanted to catch a therianthrope, believing it would make him the hero of his village after violent massacres and thefts had been performed on it, supposedly by therianthropes.But when these two young men's paths collide, secrets, strange new feelings, and a magical adventure turns everything they thought they knew about the others race upside down.Warnings:- statehumans- countryhumans - the country and statehumans are all kinda just mixed together. There is no obvious separation between state and country, they're all just people - guns- and ships- hunting - idk, vegans?- gay stuff- not super gory, but people do get hurt - maybe death
8 250Changing the human made villainess.
°Status: On going°°After dying in a house fire, Aria got reincarnated as the daughter of Duke Callista. Lady Aderi Nova Callista. A villainess in a story. A villainess who was made and forced to make the main character's life miserable. She was fated to die according to the novel. Aria swore that she'll stay away from every event in the novel that will lead to her death. But can she really change the fate of the villainess? °{Disclaimer} This story is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story also contains drawings by the author, and there will be misspellings and wrong grammar.°Published: February 20, 2022Finished: ???
8 208Only you babe
so i have seen the sandlot many times and ik Phillips is the "bad guy" but like cmon you can't lie he's cute or whateva 👀but anyways this story is about Benny's sister Sofia falling for the enemy🧍♀️(lowercase intended)Anyways this will probably be kinda slow updates we'll see started:7/11/21ended:
8 77