《Inter Dimensional Time Travelers》Act 1 | Movement 4
[Scene: The view is underwater. The camera is pointed up at the sky. The sun is extremely visible and lights up the surrounding waters. Suddenly a figury shadow appears and dives head first in the water. It is of Coris who seems to be unconscious. Her top half of her body seems to be dunked into this body of water. Her eyes open up and she gives a very distressed expression as she screams and struggles to breathe. She is then pulled up out of the water. The scene changes to her now being outside. She is in a dense (near) tropical forest right by a river. Coris is sitting with her legs out and her palms down supporting her body. Zizi is standing right next to her.]
Coris: “How long was I out?”
Zizi: “About fifteen minutes.”
Coris looks at her surroundings and notices that the city she was just at in the distance. It seems to be two miles away. One can still see the piling smoke and even flames from the destroyed tower.
Zizi: “Nobody followed us. The ones who knew of us are dead. Those who could have cared about us, were distracted.”
Coris seems calm, at least for someone trying to catch their breath, but then her eyes become wide open.
Coris: “The key!? Don’ tell me that slimy fucka has that key!?”
Zizi: “He doesn’t have shit...but we don’t either…”
Coris clenches her fist and seems to be filled with rage. She’s about to yell but then sighs and calms herself, and lays back on the ground.
Zizi: “After you got knocked out, I grabbed and coughed up a trick-bomb at Romance’s face. I grabbed the key and ran. I was fast enough to dodge the bullets, but one Romance got himself together he struck his knife at my arm. I may have not dropped you, but I dropped the key.”
Coris stares at the sky with a neutral expression.
Zizi: “The trick-bomb was armed though. After I held you and jumped off the tower, the bomb exploded. Wasn’t enough to kill Romance, but left no chance for the others. The explosion had to launch the key. I was running fast, but I still caught a glimpse of some glimmer heading this direction.”
Coris turns on her side as if she’s sleeping at the fetal position, Zizi walks past her and takes a couple steps into the wilderness before coming to a pause.
Zizi: “I’m sorry you didn’t get more time during your bath, but it wants to be found.”
Zizi continues onwards as Coris begins to stand up and follow him.
[Scene: A large rainforest like location with tons of trees and countless foliage. Despite the sun being out, it is raining. The rain drops make small rainbow flashes throughout the area. There are multiple small animals and bugs about, but they clear away once Zizi and Coris pass by. In the distance, one can no longer see the city, due to the thickness of the amount of trees. Coris and Zizi walk through the dense forest.]
Coris: “You know if it were this far it would have found its way to us by now.”
Zizi: “You’re onto something chip.”
Coris: “Why keep going? We should be turn back and search other areas.”
Zizi: “We couldn’t be far from its trajectory. If it had a way it would have found us.”
Coris: “What’s your god damn point?”
Zizi stops and turns toward Coris.
Zizi: “It’s a runaway. Get it? It doesn’t want to be found by us. It knows our plan now. That it would go to Romance. You think that’s the life it wants? With that lame fuck? Pft. Hell no. He has no vision. Passion? Yes. But vision...vision brings about the context. And he contextually sucks and it knows that.
Standing dumbfounded as well as a bit angry, Coris rolls her eyes as she begins to walk toward Zizi.
Coris: “It ain’t gonna hide here much less up there. The city is there, up here is nothing but a bunch of trees and shit!”
A loud squishy sound is briefly heard. Coris stops and looks at the floor. It seems that she managed to step on dung on the ground.
Coris: “Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!”
As Coris hops off the pile of poo and kicks her leg out in an attempt to flick it away, Zizi walks toward it for a closer look.
Zizi: “This is fresh.”
Coris: “Well aren’t you Mr. Fucking-Observant!”
Zizi turns his head observing the area, as Coris walks to a nearby rock scraping off the poo of her shoe.
Coris: “Never took you for a scatophile.”
Zizi: “It’s not the scat that interests me.”
Zizi grabs a thick leaf and claws it with his hand. He then grabs another nearby leaf by a small pile and picks it up. The picked up leaf has streaks of poo on it.
Zizi: “It’s what it’s on.”
Coris: “...so you’re collecting it now?”
Zizi: “This was used to wipe. Dumb creatures don’t wipe. This was left by something with smarts.”
Zizi drops both leaves on the ground.
Zizi: “The key went this way, it is gone, something with smarts was here, now it’s gone, put two and two together.”
Coris tilts her head down. She continues to walk in the direction her and Zizi were walking in before. Zizi joins her just a few seconds later.
Coris: “So which way do we go.”
Zizi: “As deep as we need to go.”
[Scene: The scene changes as sound of thunder roars. The rain changes from a drizzle to a pour. It is much darker now due to the heavier clouds and the sun being near twilight. One can see a long line of footprints from the top to the bottom of the screen caused by Zizi and Coris. The camera pans down until the duo is visible. They are sitting right across from one another, sitting under a makeshift umbrella that consists of a long stick with a couple very large and thick levels attached to it. These makeshift umbrellas are anchored directly into the ground where they won’t move.]
Zizi is kneeling down on the ground holding a pointy rock. He seems to be drawing something. It is shown that he is drawing a picture of him holding what seems to be an axe, while riding the giant bird-like creature he was riding earlier, as he is fighting many of the various creatures he’s encountered in the city. This would normally seem amusing or even humorous, if it wasn’t for how incredibly detailed and impressive the artwork was, especially for it being in the mud. Zizi snickers from time to time while drawing.
Across from him is Coris who has laid out a few large piles of leaves like a mat, with the bag Zizi was previously carrying to her side. She has placed a few rows of cards that cover up the mat from top to bottom. There is a deck of cards at the far side of the mat, as well as the cards she is holding. It seems that this is a single player card game much like solitaire. She stares at the cards on the mat as she ponders what to do. After a couple seconds, she then looks at the hand she is holding and shakes her head. She reaches to grab another card and turns it over. It is a card numbered “11”. Coris smiles and tries to contain her joy. She then hunches over and smacks the card down on at the end of one of the rows, when an even louder noise can suddenly be heard. She is alerted and looks to her side. She sees a spear sticking out of the tree right next to her. She immediately jumps and rolls forward, while Zizi charges toward where the spear was thrown.
Zizi: “There!”
Coris grabs her cards and places them with care in the bag. She then clenches the bag and sprints toward Zizi’s direction. She runs through the forest in the same direction for a few seconds when she notices she has lost Zizi.
Coris: “Did you get them!? Zizi!?”
Zizi: “Th...pla….cat...!”
It is difficult to hear Zizi who has managed to gained quite the distance from Coris’s delayed start. She picks up the pace even more to close the distance.
Coris: “I can’t understand a damn thing coming out of your mouth!”
Due to running for a few more seconds at the increased speed Coris has seemed to considerably close the distance.
Zizi: “I s...id...at their plan was to catch us!”
As she process what Zizi says, Coris seems to run over a set trap and has her feet wrapped around a rope and is launched in the air. She tumbles back down as she hangs from a tree. She bounces around due to the impact of the “land”. She manages to harshly bump Zizi who is notably more still as he is positioned right next to her. After a couple seconds, Coris begins to straighten out. Both Coris and Zizi have irritated expressions on their faces.
Zizi: “I said that their plan was-”
Coris: “to catch us I know!”
As Coris stays flustered, she notices that Zizi is still and silent. Curious, she looks in front of her, and sees figure standing in place. After a few seconds she can focus her eyes and sees that it’s some type of creature. It looks very similar to most of the others she saw in the city, particularly in the run down parts. It seems to be the most similar to raptor but with not quite as long of a body and is relatively short with a small frame. It’s feathers are a dark red/brown color. The creature is wearing only a skirt and has various painted markings on its body. They have a strap on their shoulder that leads to a quiver which holds various spears for throwing. Zizi begins clapping slowly.
Zizi: “Congrats. You caught us. The method was simple, amateur, but you caught us.”
Zizi puts out his hand.
Zizi: “Put ‘er there!”
The captor just stands and stares and Zizi.
Coris: “They’re not that dumb Zizi.”
Zizi: “It was worth a shot.”
Zizi puts his hand down. The captor walks up to the duo and then kneels down as they search through their quiver. They pull out a large net and then throw it at Zizi, it quickly encases him. They then do the same to Coris.
Coris: “You think you’ll really be able to carry both of us through this jungle?”
Coris lets out a laugh.
Coris: “Good luck with that.”
The captor holds up their hand in the air and snaps with their index and middle finger. Immediately, four other creatures similar to the captor, but notably larger, emerge from the dense foliage of the forest. Coris gives an expressionless look.
[Scene: The scene changes to that of a large old spiral shaped tower. It seems to be about nine stories in height and has plenty of various markings and drawings on it. However, these all seemed to have aged substantially. The stone of the tower is very worn as it is in a very faded green color, while the drawings and markings are very washed out. The top of the pyramid are a series of stairs that climb down below to the ground floor. There are dozens of buildings built out of the same worn out stone with the same type of worn out markings and drawings. However, these buildings aren’t anywhere as grandiose as the previously described tower. While they tend to be circular in their base as well, they only seem to stand only about three stories at most, and the markings and drawings are far less common and seem to be done with less ambition. Throughout the area are also other buildings that are similar in nature, however are made of a bamboo like substance, and tend to be built right next to what seems to be a previous stone-made building that is now in ruins. All of these buildings seem to be built in a town square fashion, as dozens of residents walk around the area. The residents all look similar to the captors who were in the previous scene. Unlike, those in the city, life here seems to be much more slower. While there are markets and other commodity shops, they don’t seem so dominate in life. Most residents seem to be focused talking with others or doing work and other projects in or around their home. There is also a large body of water that runs through the center of town that flows right past it. Upon closer observation, it is a river source. A dozen or so residents are bathing in the water with a few of them drinking it.The outskirts of the town are nothing but deep and dense jungle forest. The previous storm has also seems to have passed as the rain is now only a very light drizzle.]
The captors of the duo walk into the entrance of the town. One of them holds the net that contains Zizi over their shoulder. Another holds the duo’s bag with one arm with a tight grip. The captor in the back, the one that the duo originally saw, is pulling on a rope with both arms, the rope leads to the net that contains Coris who seems to be restless inside of it.
Coris: “Are we here!? This the place!? Who’s the asshole who’s gonna to get stomped?!”
A figure from the top of the largest tower notices the group arriving. They run into a nearby large horn and quickly give out a deep blow. The loud roar from the horn echoes across the village. The residents stop what they are doing as they take notice of the loud echoing wail. The captors begin walking again as they take Zizi and Coris through the town. As they drag them along (one of them literally) the townsfolk give out an intrigued stare.
Coris: “Fuck you looking at!?”
Eventually the group reaches the entrance of the tower. They come to a stop. The one dragging Coris’s body comes to a stop. He lets go of the bag. Coris immediately rolls around, attempting to escape. The captor raises their right hand and snaps their index and middle fingers together three times. The ground begins to shake violently. It shakes so hard that Coris is pushed back to behind her captor. The large tower begins to part as it literally split in half. After some seconds it stops and a large stairway is revealed that seems to go underground. The captors move forward with one carrying Zizi over their shoulder and the other dragging Coris on the floor. As they go down the staircase Coris’s head hits each stair going down as she demonstrates her unease with the obnoxious pain. The stair ways are shiny like marble but have a saturated green color, the walls are the same only with a slightly lighter green tint. There are also rows of torches that light the stairway. However, the torches aren’t shades orange, but rather green. After a couple dozen steps the captors eventually reach what seems to be the leveled floor.
[Scene: A large hallway that extends about two hundred feet. In the sides of it are various large pillars that connect to the ceiling. Each pillar has large amount of markings on it. In between these pillars are bodies of water, kind of a slimmer version of what is up on the town. The hallways ends to a stairway that leads to a throne. On the throne sits a bird like creature wearing a long loincloth and having a thick satchel, while having multiple markings on on their body as if they were substituting for clothes. In other words, this creature looks just like the one that oversaw the end result of the destruction Zizi and Coris had sought. Standing next to him are three disciplined guards to the right, and three other to the left. Each are dressed in robes and wearing masks, while holding what looks to be a halberd. Soon the captors reach about twenty feet from the entrance of the throne.]
Throne Sitter: “Is this the one? The wench who has been causing so much trouble?”
Coris: “Wench!?”
Coris attempts to stand up but falls down on her face as the net doesn’t allow enough space. She then gets on her knees and kneels up.
Coris: “Motherfucka who you calling ‘wench’?”
Captor: “Silence! Such disrespect will not be tolerated!”
Coris: “Fuck off! You only caught us because of your bullshit tricks!”
Captor: “I will cut off your tongue!”
Coris: “You’d regret not cutting of my limbs as soon as I get out of this fucking net!”
The sound of a dark cowbell echoes the room. The captors, Coris, and Zizi look at the Throne Sitter and see that he is shaking some type of archaic bell.
Throne Sitter: “It seems that I have gathered your attention. That is good.”
Coris bites the bottom of her lip.
Throne Sitter: “We are very blunt people, very direct. So I’ll just be very forward with this.”
Zizi puts one of his hands under his chin, demonstrating that he is intrigued.
Throne Sitter: “We know what you two did. We know that you destroyed our tower. Killed our men. We know about your dealings with that insufferable insect.”
Coris: “Insect?”
The Captor immediately pulls out a knife.
Throne Sitter: “Pay it no mind.”
Captor: “But my Lord such disrespect!”
Throne Sitter: “Pay it no mind!”
The Throne Sitter focuses on Coris who seems to be a bit puzzled.
Throne Sitter: “The purple one who can’t keep his mouth shut.”
Coris: “Romance?”
Coris shakes her head.
Coris: “ ‘Insect’ does him no justice. I prefer ‘shitstain’ or ‘retard’.”
Throne Sitter: “Argue semantics if you like, but he is not trustworthy. He’s a swindler who has betrayed us.”
Coris lets out laugh and continues to do so while the Throne Sitter is talking.
Throne Sitter: “We made an arrangement. He supplied us with his advanced weapons from his homeland and some of his brawn, and we would repay him with pleasure and soft power.”
Coris continues to laugh. The sound of her laughter echoes throughout the room. It is shown that Zizi is laughing as well but is doing his best to hide it. The captors seem to be bothered, especially the one that was pulling Coris as they are grinding their teeth. The Throne Sitter looks at Coris curiously.
Throne Sitter: “What is it that you find so funny?”
Coris: “That you trusted him to begin with. Dumbass looks like a straight up conman first glance.”
A cocky smile covers Coris’s face.
Coris: “It really says a lot about your judgement that he was able talk his way by you.”
The captors gag. Zizi chuckles. And the hall falls silent.
Throne Sitter: “Well we all misjudge. If I recall you fell to his stratagem.”
Coris looks confused.
Coris: “Stra-wha?”
Throne Sitter: “He got one ‘over’ you did he not?”
Coris: “That’s different. We knew he was going to doublecross us from the start. We just didn’t realize he had a private fucking army at his disposal.”
Throne Sitter: “True...but unlike us in which he is a mere stranger of, you dwellers have known this individual for much longer. You should have known what he was capable of.”
Coris: “Not capable of having a damn army!”
Throne Sitter: “But regardless he did didn’t he? And on top of that you didn’t just happen to stumble upon him in the thick dark. You were led to him. Passed by his allies, saw the scope of his power. And after seeing him, in such an ascended state. You did not bother to become apprehensive of your strategy or even attempt to become more cautious of your surroundings?”
The Throne Sitter readjusts himself on his seat, making himself more comfortable.
Throne Sitter: “That to me is a valid concern for judgement.”
Coris gives off a highly irritated expression and spits off the side of her mouth into the pool of water beside her. Zizi seems distraught and exhales.
Throne Sitter: “You would like to face him again as reprisal, correct?”
Coris just stares at the ground with an irritated look.
Throne Sitter: “I recognize that you don’t have much time to be here. Word is a small company is looking for you.”
Coris’s eyes widen and she quickly lifts her head up and looks at the Throne Sitter. ZIzi also pays attention.
Throne Sitter: “Oh, I have your attention now? Yes, a small band of unique species. One with an appearance just like you. They’ve been asking around town.”
Zizi: “Oh shit.”
Throne Sitter: “However, judging from their tactics and this whole arc that surrounds yourself, they aren’t hunting to kill you. But to capture you, possibly to obtain something from you.”
The Throne Sitter reaches into his satchel and pulls a glowing object out. It is the key that is now illuminating orange.
Throne Sitter: “Does this peculiar object happen to be it?”
Both Coris and Zizi’s eyes widen. They immediately dish out desperate attempts to break out of their nets. They flail around but have no luck. The Throne sitter begins laughing while the captors chuckle.
Captor: “Those nets are made of the strongest material known. You haven’t got a chance of breaking it.”
As she rolls around, Coris eventually falls into the pool of water that was some feet to her left. She is in such a frenzied state, that she barely seems to care or even notice that she is in the water, she continues to attempt to break free from the net. However, she keeps sinking. After a couple of feet, she stops trying to break it. She looks around and attempts to assess her situation. She doesn’t see much of anything but black due to their being no light in the water. She then begins trying to break the net again, likely to prevent her from drowning. Suddenly, a bright light illuminates Coris, as if headlights are shot at her. Coris looks to her right to see a large green light approaching her. She then feels a strong impact and is pushed up to the surface. She is thrown into the air and lands on the floor.
Zizi: “Get your hands off me! Get off me! Get off!”
Zizi is near the edge of the pool where Coris fell off. He is held down by three captors, though not by the one who dragged Coris in. Zizi looks up and sees Coris to which he begins to calm down . A moment later the captors let go of him. Coris seems confused.
Throne Sitter: “If this is what you two are seeking you can have it. However, you will need to do something for me first.”
Zizi: “What do you want?”
Throne Sitter: “‘Romance’.”
Zizi: “I’m flattered.”
Zizi puts out a fake blush.
Throne Sitter: “He wants this object. He likely believes you have this object. Or more accurately will not question if you say you do.”
Zizi: “I see where this is going.”
Coris: “You want to use us as bait?”
The Throne Sitter sits in silence and just stares at Coris. After a moment Coris lets out a chuckle and a smile while Zizi cracks a laugh.
Coris: “There’s nothing more I want than to smash is his face. Of course we’ll help you.”
The Throne Sitter continues to sit and stare at Coris without saying anything.
Coris: “Uh...I said we’ll help you!”
Zizi: “Coris.”
Coris turns around and looks back at Zizi who lifts up his arm and puts his hand against his head.
Zizi: “Think.”
Throne Sitter: “One doesn’t earn the title ‘Elder God’ by being aloof. I realize that once I cut those nets, either one of you would take the first slight opportunity to kill me and my men and take this...stone of yours.”
The Elder God takes an acute whistle out of his satchel. He puts it toward his mouth and blows. A very high pitch sound echoes across the room as it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Coris and Zizi cover their ears while everyone else seems unscathed. Seconds later a large figure leaps straight up from the pool and rests on top of the ledge. The figure is shaped similar to a slug, but seems deflated. It has a slightly transparent body but with fluscorent green light shining off of it. It stays lying deflated like a balloon with little air. Coris and Zizi stare at it.
Zizi: “It doesn’t look...well...”
The creature on the floor begins to make strange noises, it then proceeds to inflate itself to become much larger. It now looks much like like whale, only with no eyes and very sharp teeth. It opens its mouth up for an exotic roar. Coris turns to the Elder God.
Coris: “Hey! We said we would help!”
The Elder God ignores Coris. With the key in hand, he pulls his arm back and throws it to the creature. It opens opens its mouth, catches, then shuts its jaws. The illuminating light on its body changes from green to cyan. It then slides back in the pool.
Coris: “What the fuck!? What the fuck is wrong with you!? Shit! We said we were fucking going to fucking help!”
Zizi: “Coris.”
Coris turns back to Zizi.
Coris: “What!?”
Zizi puts his hand up to his temple.
Zizi: “Think.”
Coris turns back to the Elder God.
Elder God: “Do you think I would destroy something so sought after? That animal is nothing but another one of my servants. I summon him once again, and I retrieve the valuable. She was raised by me and my closest men since birth. She was trained, nourished, and disciplined. It’s suffice to say that the only way she will give it back, is if I contact her.”
The Elder God picks up his whistle and wiggles it. Coris looks to the side, deliberately not making eye contact with the Elder God.
Coris: “So, when and where do you want us to meet him so you’ll do the ambush?”
The Elder God chuckles.
Elder God: “Ambush? No. No. Our pride goes too deep for such petty tactics. I have something much more intricate.”
[Scene: Coris and Zizi are still in their nets. They are lying on top of a circular field. Long grass surrounds the area, but it seems to have been pushed down toward the ground as it lays in an angle. The field is wrapped around large stones that are positioned above and beside one another like bleachers. They seem to stack up for a dozen feet or so. On top of the stones stand various high ranking members who are under the command of the Elder God.]
The Elder God’s underling who was carrying Corsica seems to be in the highest stone. He takes out an arrow from his quiver. He lowers the tip of the arrow down to another member directly below him. They reach in their pockets and pull out some type of wet gray clay and press it on the tip of the arrow. Once smothered, the underling then proceeds angle the arrow down so it touches the edge of the stone he is standing on. He bends down and grabs a rock near by. He hits it against the stone in a circular motion with the tip of the arrow in between. Suddenly, the clay like substance on the arrow catches fire. He picks up the arrow and aims it right at Zizi. He fires and it hits directly at one of the strands of the net. As a result the net quickly catches fire.
Zizi: “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
Zizi continues to scream as the heat from the fire causes discomfort. Soon the clay begins to drip on Zizi, like loose candle wax, and as a result it burns some of his “skin”. As he screams, the underling gets another arrow ready and then points it to Coris.
Coris: “Asshole! We’re here to help!”
He shoots the arrow at Coris, which just like Zizi, hits the net and lights it on fire, and achieves the same results. However, Coris does a better job at hiding her screams. After a couple seconds, the entire net is burnt off with only the piece of clay-like substance still ablaze. It falls on Coris’s lap to which she quickly brushes it off. She looks beside her to see Zizi standing up right. Coris then begins to stand up herself, facing the Elder God’s company.
Coris: “You’ve ever heard of fucking knife!?”
Underling on Highest Point: “Sub Elder.”
Coris looks confused.
Coris: “What!?”
Underling on Higher Point: “You may refer to me as the ‘Sub Elder’.”
Coris: “Sub-suck a dick! What the hell are we doing out here anyways!?”
Sub Elder: “We’re executing a test.”
Four other underlings are dragging along a large cage with wheels on the bottom. Ruffling and rumbling can be heard inside. They walk toward the circular field Coris and Zizi are in. Upon reaching there they come to a stop. Zizi seems amused by the situation, while Coris doesn’t take her attention off of the Sub Elder.
Coris: “Test for what? And why wouldn’t you just use a knife?”
Sub Elder: “That material is the toughest ever known. No known substance can cut it, it an only be burnt.”
Coris begins to calm herself.
Sub Elder: “I’m going to be upfront about this. We want, if not need, your Romance dead. Like you he betrayed us, and he has sided with the king. The problem is that he fully is expecting one of us to come and retaliate. And even if we do so ourselves, we will have the enemy on high alert of our presence.”
Coris: “What the hell are you talking about? You care about making it known that you are out to get them? That’s obvious.”
Sub Elder: “They know that we will strike but not when.”
The underlings by the cage go to the front door and begin to open it. Zizi looks at the cage excited, Coris still pays no mind to it.
Sub Elder: “He has a soft spot for you does he not? I heard that he spoke of you fondly while he was expecting you. He’ll lay his guard down toward you, even given the context. We’re not sure if you’ll even fight, but we need you to be at least competent enough to, hence the test.”
Coris seems annoyed and doesn’t let her gaze off of the Sub Elder. Zizi stares at the cage in front of him with an amused look on his face. The underlings gradually unlock the cage by pulling bolt by bolt. The cage rattles throughout. All of the subordinates surrounding the Sub Elder ready their bow and arrows and point them at the entrance of the cage. As soon as the last bolt is taken out, the cage bursts open. Out hops out a large panther-like creature. It stands at around four feet in height and seven feet in length. It has silky black fur throughout its body, and a thick black mane. Its eyes are a light neon pink with dark black pupils. A few inches down is its large snout and long fang-like teeth. The animal lets out a loud roar. As the bow wielding subordinates stay focus and Zizi looks even more amused.
Sub Elder: “Begin!”
The large creature charges toward Coris who seems to pay it no mind. It quickly leaps onto her and pushes her to the ground. In just a moment, Coris punches into the animal’s mouth and proceeds to grab its tongue and rips it out. She then kicks its head multiple times until it ceases to move. After a few seconds, she turns back to the Sub Elder, in which he has an emotionless expression, while his subordinates seem to be shocked. Without warning, the Sub Elder cracks a smile.
Sub Elder: “Fantastic! Just as described.”
Zizi sighs with a bored look his face. Coris turns toward the Sub Elder.
Coris: “Just cut the shit and tell me where he is!”
The Sub Elder gives an amused look. Coris looks visibly angry and walks up toward him as she walks up the large stones.
Coris: “Listen asshole! The only reason why you’re still breathing is collateral. Just tell me where he is!”
The Sub Elder lets out a smile.
Sub Elder: “Of course.”
The Sub Elder begins walking up toward the top to leveled ground. Coris stares at him and spits to her side, as she then begins to follow him.
[Scene: A shot of sizable plains that cover around a dozen acres. Surrounding it are dense trees and foliage from the forest. It marks this place as some type of oasis. Throughout this area are multiple huge bird-like creatures, just like the one that initially transported Coris and Zizi to the city. They seem to be simply going about their day as they are either resting, interacting with one another, or simply just walking around. The Sub Elder appears to enter the area, in which Coris and Zizi follow.]
Sub Elder: “This is one of the gatherings they like to go to.”
The Sub Elder stares at Coris.
Sub Elder: “You recognize these creatures correct?”
Coris stares at Zizi, implying that he shouldn’t say what’s on his mind.
Sub Elder: “The official term for them is ‘Orocella’. But we simply call them ‘Orocs’. They provide us with transportation, we repay them in patronage.”
The Sub Elder puts two fingers in his mouth and lets out a loud whistle. Quickly two orocs fly his way. They land on the ground only half a dozen feet in front of him.
Oroc 1: “It’s highly disrespectful not addressing one by name.”
Sub Elder: “Where are my manners?
The Sub Elder turns his head to look toward Coris and Zizi.
Sub Elder: “Coris and Zizi, I introduce to you to Galven Granowzk and beside him Johten Bellows. They have been informed of the mission and will be your transporters. They will take you to point where you will be given detailed information on the tactics and the target’s whereabouts. ”
Galven: “Please to meet you.”
Both Galven and Johten bow toward Coris and Zizi in a courteous manner. Despite this, Coris and Zizi do not bow back, and give a skeptical look on their faces. The two orocs rise back up.
Johten: “It seems that your friends are taking after your manners.”
Sub Elder: “And I’m proud of it.”
Coris: “Where’s my stuff!?”
The Sub Elder looks toward the two orocs once more.
Sub Elder: “Proud of it.”
The Sub Elder walks toward Corsica and puts two fingers in his mouth. He lets out a loud whistle. One of his underlings runs toward him from the narrow entrance to plains that is surrounded by trees. The underling seems to be carrying a sizable bag with one of his arms. About 20 feet away from where the others stand, the underling quickly stops, braces with his arm back and throws the bag their way. The bag lands right beside Coris. She wastes no time in immediately opening the bag and inspecting it. She takes out each one of her items. The items are three of the trick-bombs, a sapphire colored card, a platinum colored gun, and a deck of her previous cards which seem to be stuck together as if they are magnetic. Coris briefly inspects each item and stuffs it into her pocket. Except for the deck of cards. She looks at it carefully. The top of the deck starts off at twenty one and each card counts down from there. She looks each card one by one, as she goes through cards number twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, and sixteen.
Galven: “We have quite a flight ahead of us young lady. I would appreciate it if you would make haste.”
Coris spreads out all the cards to see the remaining numbers. Fifteen, fourteen, she sees the three from thirteen as the previous card covers the one. The same with twelve, eleven, and ten. Coris then looks toward Galven and gives him a nasty look. She proceeds put the cards in her pocket and stand up to walk towards Galven. Zizi follow suite and walks toward Johten.
Johten: “Climb aboard younglings, there’s no time to waste.”
Zizi puts his hand towards his mouth and pretends to blush.
Zizi: “Oh I’m flattered.”
Coris jumps on Galven’s back, while Zizi does the same to Johten. Coris looks toward Johten.
Coris: “Don’t let him fool you. He may act young, but both his age and mind are anything but.”
Zizi: “Pfft. You’re making it sound like I’m a fossil.”
Both Galven and Johten look at the Sub Elder. All three of them nod at one another as they have an understanding. Coris and Zizi seem to just be getting comfortable up on top of the the orocs backs.
Galven: “Are you ready young lady?”
Coris: “I’ve been ready.”
Johten: “And you young at heart?
Zizi: “Of course.”
Both Galven and Johten turn to the left and take a few steps back. They then begin to jog which gradually turns into a sprint. A few seconds later they jump high into the air and begin to soar across the sky. The Sub Elder stands and watches the two orocs fly into the distance as his underling approaches behind him.
Underling: “May I inquire you with a question sir?”
Sub Elder: “Not at all.”
Underling: “We already captured them. Why not just come us?”
Sub Elder: “We kept pointing that out, but to no success. He’s quite the odd fellow in a number of ways. He’s very particular about having those he seeks come to him, not the other way around.”
The Void Wolf
A ritual, with the sole purpose of obtaining immortality, goes horribly wrong. What's left in its aftermath is a boy who receives an inheritance from the Void, a mysterious place that embodies darkness. With a newfound power, he is given a chance to carve his own way into the world.
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A boy is born through sacrilege.A priest for a father.A succubus for a mother.The devil wanted a son, and, using his evil trickery, was able to obtain one while simultaneously spitting in God's face.Follow the path of a teen once loved by everyone who is now hated. What makes him so different isn't just the horns that sprout from his head, but the powers the devil has bestowed upon him.Will he use them to slaughter the followers of God? Those who so easily turned their backs on him? Will he accept his heir to the dark throne?Or, will he use his powers to fight his serpent of a father and all his minions?**I release a brand new chapter weekly!*****This is a Dark Fantasy revolving around traditional religion. No ideas expressed in this book reflect the author's views or beliefs.*******Read more from Stevie Collier at www.StevieCollier.com ****
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I do not own Eternals, nor do I own the Marvel Franchise. All rights go to Marvel Studios.-------------As a fellow Eternal alongside Sersi, Ikaris, Sprite, Gilgamesh, Kingo, Thena, Makkari, Ajak, Phastos, and most importantly Druig, most of your life has been dedicated to spending time with your family. Everything seemed to be normal. Fighting Deviants and what not till defeated. But centuries later, you alongside Sersi, Sprite, and shockingly Ikaris, fight an evolved version of what you thought was easy to be rid of. Sersi was left in the hands of Arishem. She requested all of the externals reunited. But, Y/N wasn't sure she was ready to see the person she had loved after years.
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