《Hell's Gate》Hell's Gate - Chapter 28 - Mourning Star


“Luce, if you don’t start talking right this second I’m going to cancel all my meetings this week and quit my damn job.” She looked up from her plate, “You wouldn’t dare” she teased, “You’d rather jump off of a building first.” He didn’t budge, his face displaying a wry smile, “Oh, I would. I have enough money to live a hundred lifetimes─ comfortably.” She sized him up and then pushed her plate away wrinkling her nose. “Fine, I’m not going to eat whatever that is anyway.” He chuckled, signaling the man behind the counter, “It’s called sushi, the best in the world, and you just insulted the best sushi-ya in Japan. You know, most people have to book four to six months in advance to have Jiro Ono make their plates.” Luci’s eyebrows went up and she turned to the chef apologetically. “Don’t worry about it, they know me and Kotone. We came every year, before the world knew about them. The Inoue and Ono family have known each other since before Kotone was born.” She nodded, but still held up both hands in a prayer-like motion apologizing. The man smiled and shook his head, indicating that he understood. He patted Scott on the shoulder and walked to the back. Scott smiled, knowing the old man was probably still working in the back. His son was visiting this location tonight, but Scott knew that the old guy was probably going to pass away in the kitchen doing what he loved. He admired that man more than most he had ever met. Not many people found their ikigai at all, let alone know so early in life. He hadn’t found his reason for being until he was damn near thirty─ Ono had been a boy of seven when he started working in the kitchen. There was a strange sense of peace knowing your place in the world and doing the job that made you happy. He had always found it odd that people back home constantly shifted from job to job─ never happy.


They were out under the stars moments later, holding hands. The Ginza area in Tokyo was especially beautiful tonight as they passed through Sukiyabashi Crossing. He stopped, staring at the white Sony building─ it’s clean, calming lines pleasing to the eye. Out of many of the wards in Japan, Chuo was his favorite─ especially all of the art and galleries that lined the spaces. Shibuya was fun, but this would always be his favorite. Celeste always loved Shibuya for the Hachiko statue and the energy of the people with the lights. She had to get a picture every time they passed through. He frowned, swiping at the tears that gathered in the corners of his eyes. “Yeah, I miss her too,” Luci echoed. The side of his mouth drew up into a half smile and he squeezed her hand.

They arrived at Millennium Mitsui Gardens Hotel in less than ten minutes. He marveled at the wind-like brush strokes that decorated the lobby and throughout the space. The wall was comprised of subdued LED’s that slowly shifted from color to color. Its shine reflected off of the dangling metal sculptures that floated from the ceiling. It was as if they were surrounded by a lighted wind tunnel, with bits of metallic dust suspended around them. It was calming and quite lovely. Luci hardly glanced at them as they checked in. He could tell her mind was elsewhere. Somewhere she really didn’t want to go. In minutes they were on their way up to their room─ Singular. His shirt collar suddenly felt extremely tight. Why had she only ordered the one room? He wanted to ask, but at this point the jet-lag had finally won. Scott was tired, and he wanted some damn answers.

They had barely crossed the threshold to their room when she kicked off her shoes and went straight to one of the beds. He relaxed a degree─ there were two beds at least. He knew that he was being a bit old fashioned, but there was something alarming about spending the night in the same bed with a woman he wasn’t dating. Heaven forbid, he poked at himself. Unfortunately, it had been so long since he had actually been with anyone that he was almost afraid he would screw it up. It’s not like he was an old man, it was just new to him. Scott had spent so many years pouring himself into work, that he had forgotten such little things like this. Enjoying a woman’s body. His eyes lingered along the generous curves in her hips and almost impossibly small waist. Her hair, usually straightened, was left natural today and he couldn’t help but notice how the subtle waves framed her angelic face. The thoughts charged through without him meaning it to, and he blushed. He actually, blushed. The guys at the office would have a field day with this love-sick puppy behavior. He wanted to enjoy his view longer, but a more pressing matter took its place.



“Come here.” She interrupted. He swallowed thickly, but obeyed, crossing the room to her. She sat up abruptly, her eyes wide with fear. Her nostrils flared slightly and for a moment, she reminded him of a feral cornered animal─ ready to lash out at any moment. He cautiously sat on a corner of the bed, easing himself down until it held all of his weight. Her eyes never left him as she tucked her knees under her chin, wrapping her arms around them. He was reminded of Celeste as a child when she knew that she was in trouble. If he was worried before, it was certainly justified now.

“Scott. I realize by now you are aware that what I’m about to say won’t be pleasant─ but please, hear me out until the end.” He stiffened, but managed to offer a smile to try and reassure her. Luci’s eyes flitted across his face, no doubt reading his expression. “Please” she begged, “just, don’t hate me.” “Luci.” She jumped at his tone. He sighed, rubbed his face and softened his voice. “I’m sorry, but it’s been tearing me up since we got here. Please, just tell me.” She nodded, but her eyes remained wide, her pupils dilated. “A long time ago, before any of this existed, I sat next to the most beautiful creature in the Universe─” “Are you going to give me the long winded version or just tell me who the hell you are?” Luci blinked a few times, unsure of how to respond. “Scott, if I just flat out say it, you won’t understand.” He practically growled his response, “The hell I won’t. I’ve seen some shit, Luce.” Her mouth twitched up in a half smile and she looked at the ground, “Funny you mention that…” she trailed off, letting what she said sync in. He looked from her face, to the floor, and then back to her face again. “No.” He stood up and paced the room shaking his head. “You are not about to say what I think you are, are you?” His mind spun with the possibility. Could she actually be what she was suggesting? Her name, never been touched by a man, her appealing nature, her dislike for man, her beauty─ “Oh god damn it,” he whispered.

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