《Hell's Gate》Hell's Gate - Chapter 21 - Lost
Daniel stared across the field behind his house, absently bringing the mug to his face. The air stirred outside of his window─ the sky an angry shade of grey. They had been getting an unusual amount of rain for this time of year. So much so that several parking lots had collapsed Downtown. He took another sip of the bitter liquid, the warmth felt nice against his sore throat. Yesterday’s case was in a large warehouse near the industrial district and he had to yell most of the day just collecting info on the latest victim. They were up to over twenty cases now. The press was having a field day. Even with all of their self-interests, they had a valid point─ it wasn’t just these murders that had everyone on edge. The shift in the air had been palpable. It was if every criminal had been coming out of the woodwork lately. The city’s crime rate had nearly doubled since last year. It wasn't just the crime rate, but the types of crimes─ missing people, people committing suicide in bizarre manners─ one woman had literally eaten herself to death. There were mothers abandoning their children, and the homeless population had skyrocketed as people simply stopped coming to work. Were people going mad? Daniel wanted to believe that it had something to do with the crises within the last year, or chalk it up to people reacting to the economic state of the country. He wanted to, but he knew exactly what it was. He exhaled, slowly massaging his face. These hours were going to kill him. He glanced at his phone. Shit, it was already nine o’clock. He’d been up since six reading and re-reading case files. At least he had gotten a chance to break free from all the chaos today to do more research. He was kind of surprised that he hadn’t gotten a single call from Mike or the station. He must have sensed Daniel needed time to himself. Granted, it was the weekend, but he was used to getting at least one call. In fact, most people at the office lately had been eerily quiet. You would be too if it felt like the world was coming to an end, he mused.
It had been almost six months since they had tried to breech the doors of Hell, and still they knew nothing. Whether the Demon King had felt the day or time wasn’t right, they didn’t know. One thing they did know was that nothing had changed. The gate was still closed and the world had survived another day. He wasn’t so sure that was a good thing. His phone vibrated and he looked at the screen─ speak of the devil, he thought, “Hey, what’s up?” “Hey,” the deep rumble responded, “Any word yet from John?” “No, you?” Daniel asked. It had been close to two months since he had last heard from him. “Not a damn thing.” He ground his jaw in annoyance─ typical of the jackass to not call either of them. He set down his cup and crossed the living room, careful to step over the sleeping ball of fur. It was beginning to feel like less and less was getting accomplished lately. Celeste was still gone, John was floating around somewhere, and Daniel had files on his table that he could probably cite word-for-word over Celeste’s disappearance. Of course, he didn’t need them─ he’d been there when it happened. They had interviewed several people at the station─ workers, train operators all of them had seen nothing. They had been hopeful when they spotted cameras at the train station, but were quickly disappointed. The footage showed her answer the phone and then she was just, gone. He could write a damn book on what they didn’t know.
John had promised that when he returned from his trip to the Æther he would explain who he was and what he was working toward. None of that had happened. Then again, it wouldn’t have been the first time John had bailed when things got tough.
Daniel knew he wasn’t being fair, but after seeing what Celeste went through he could barely bring himself to tolerate the asshole. Scott had hinted that there were reasons for John’s behavior, but he didn’t care─ nothing excused that. Part of her had to be human, he had felt her deep ache looking back on that day in the daycare as she knelt with the other girl. The look that she had given the dying child, the struggle to accept that memory as an adult─ someone that genuine was worth saving.
“So, what now?” Daniel asked. He couldn’t get over it, the gates had been right there. John had finally gotten the scrolls of binding─ all they needed to do was get to the other side. Ten feet from everything and then in seconds it all went to hell. Literally. He heard Scott sigh on the other end. He could feel the pacing from here. Didn’t need a therapist to know that reaction─ Scott was as clueless as he was. Damn. “By the way, how’s Luci?” Maybe changing the subject would help them think of something. “She’s alright. Still blaming herself,” Scott answered. Since Celeste had disappeared she had become more of a workaholic than usual. Daniel rarely saw her and Scott had practically been living out of the office. Couldn’t say that he blamed them, Daniel felt just as responsible. They all did. It was probably why they avoided the obvious. There was nothing any of them could do until Celeste showed herself, or a miracle happened. Then it clicked.
“Hey. What about that crazy old lady Celeste knows?” Scott chuckled on the other end, “You mean Matilda?” “Yeah, her─ Do you think she might know anything?” Scott’s voice was surprisingly gruff, “Son, what kind of father would I be if I hadn’t already thought of that months ago? Lain might as well be family and she’s staying there. Of course I did.” “Hey, had to try.” Daniel said. “Who is Matilda anyway?” There was a pause on the other end. “Suffice it to say, she is a long-time family friend.” Daniel groaned, “Oh come on, aren’t we past all of this secrecy bullshit? I’ve seen things my boss would send me straight to psych eval for and suspend me indefinitely. I’m not saying anything.” He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
He needed to calm down, he was already on thin ice for spending a month in Japan. Thankfully Scott had pulled some strings and saved his ass. “Listen Scott, I’m sorry─ I know you’ve got your reasons. I’m just on edge. I feel like I’m doing everything all wrong.” Scott grunted on the other end, “You’re telling me. I’ve exhausted just about all of my contacts. I’ve got maybe one more possible lead in Tokyo,” he paused, “but I really don’t want to go unless I have to.” Daniel started, hearing the emotion behind the last sentence. “Who is it?” Daniel knew he probably should have minded his own business, but they were in this together now. There was a long silence on the other end. He thought for a second that Scott had hung up, but then he heard the phone being moved. “Celeste’s real mother.” Daniel blinked as the phone went silent. Scott had really hung up this time.
Celeste’s real mother? Oh good. Things just kept getting better and better. Renji looked up at Daniel and yawned, his eyes narrowing to a slit as his bright pink tongue arched. Daniel eased himself onto the couch and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to think, they were running out of time before she woke. Hearing Scott say that they were going to backpedal and return to Japan wasn’t a good sign. Where was that weird-ass connection to Celeste when he needed it? Renji chirruped and slinked across the floor. His sleek fur nearly blended in with the dark maple wood. Daniel silently thanked his lineage for not being colorblind─ fifteen pounds of claws and fury in response to being stepped on was not a good feeling. He had stepped on Renji’s tail once. Once. He chuckled as the cat leapt into his lap, and scratched Renji behind the ears, “hey boy.” He purred and kneaded into Daniel’s leg. Good thing Daniel was wearing jeans─ Renji’s claws were no joke. He sighed and checked his phone for the hundredth time─ still no word from anyone. He set Renji on the couch and got up to check the latest files on his laptop. He was halfway across the room when the doorbell sounded. Renji hissed and then bolted to the back. “Traitor,” Daniel muttered as he trotted over to the front door. Renji hated visitors almost more than he did. It took him the better part of three weeks to even accept Daniel’s pets when he first got him. His mood darkened as he remembered the first time he’d found the poor little guy. The home owners had locked him in a closet and he was covered in his own waste. He was so angry when he had found that, he was almost glad that the tragedy had occurred. Unfortunately, he wasn’t that mean. The couple had died at each other’s hands. He always hated seeing such animosity when at one point, the two had loved each other.
He frowned as he looked through the peephole. No one was there. His eyes flicked over to his spare holster and he pulled out the 9 millimeter and slipped it into his pants. To most people, it probably seemed silly, but after years of seeing the worst in people, it was hard not to assume there was someone outside planning his death. He sighed as he opened the door. A package. Shaking his head, he reached down and picked up the little brown envelope. It was light and small, something that probably could have fit in the mailbox. He turned it over in his hands, searching the outside. There wasn’t an address─ or a name. He glanced down his walkway and then over to the bushes. Nothing. The door closed with a hard click. He set down his gun, and then locked the door. The package wasn’t sealed, just bound with metal clips at the top. There was something light but heavy at the bottom. He strode over to his table and spilled the contents on top. Something small and metallic dropped out. It was a ring. He lifted it to his face and turned it in the light. There was nothing significant about it, it was just a simple silver band. It was light-weight but well made, possibly platinum. He set it down and then peered into the envelope. There was nothing else in it. He sighed and sat on the table. He had a sneaking suspicion this was one of Scott’s or Celeste’s buddies. Careful to not touch it too much, he placed it in a plastic bag and placed it into one of the casefiles he had going for Celeste. Whoever it was, didn’t want to stay and chat, which meant they were afraid. Daniel eyed the ring. He’d see if someone in forensics would mind taking a look at it for him. More than likely, he would have to do a big favor for them since it was non work related. He rubbed his face and looked over at the files. He probably had combed through these dozens of times. There had to be something Scott and he missed when they had stood outside of the gates. Some─ thing. His head snapped up and he grabbed the phone, frantically dialing the familiar number.
* * *
Scott hung up the phone and glanced up from his desk. He knew she wouldn’t walk in, but he had to check. Luci had been oddly quiet. And the only thing more disturbing than a quieted Luci was how much he was behind in work lately. Tokyo had been on his ass about training the new interns. It couldn’t be helped─ he would have to fly out personally to make sure it got done right. He needed to get his life in order again. No matter how hard as it was to not think about his daughter. Where in the hell was that damned angel? He knew John wasn’t sitting on his ass, but he learned not to place faith in anyone. Even angels lie.
He turned to the digital pictures, Kotone’s face smiling at him as she held her wedding bouquet. She had been the only person he ever placed faith in. He smiled at her, his face softening as he took the picture from the desk and drew her closer. “Help me find our daughter, love,” Scott whispered. The picture transitioned to Kotone’s sundress picture staring off at Mt. Fuji. Then it changed to her profile staring off. What was she trying to say? The picture switched to a panoramic of the forest in Ise they had walked through. It was just before they found out they would be with child. He smiled at the tall, dark Torii gate gleaming from the morning sun. Somehow, that image always made his heart warm. He could vaguely make out the bridge that led to Amaterasu’s shrine. It looked as enchanting as ever, newly built at the time they had gone. Just like this last year. The picture stayed for several seconds─ much longer than normal. Was this it? Was this what she wanted him to see? His eyes bore into it, soaking up every detail. There. Just off to the right of the gate, deep in the forest, was a small spec of something. He squinted and leaned in, tapping the screen with his fingers to zoom in. What was it? The picture blurred slightly but it was unmistakable─ those ever-present, cold, and calculated eyes. The damned demon-witch, she had been following the both of them all along. He leaned back in his chair, his hand covering his mouth. The real question was, for how long? This picture was in the same forest, but taken almost two years prior to them even meeting the deity.
The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. It was all too perfect. First there were the miscarriages and then the walks in the woods that seemed to restore Kotone. When in all actuality, it was probably the whole reason they could never bare their own─ why Kotone’s body was poisoned. Scott’s brow creased, his jaw twitching as he stared at the bug-like eyes. She stole their child, and replaced her with a demon. Worst of all, a demon that had no idea what she was or what she could bring down upon this entire world. It was why they had all worked so hard to prevent this. April fourth was weeks away. How could they stop the next Blood Moon from happening? The realms were getting restless. John had to hurry─ they needed those scrolls to cross the borders into Daimono’s realm. Even he knew that in order to do that, they would have to cross over into Abaddon itself. Which would leave them, “fucked,” he muttered to himself. “Well, not entirely, but yes it seems we do have some worrisome shit ahead of us.” Scott jumped and looked up. Luci’s face smirked at him as she leaned over the desk. She was in a power suit today, all black with a red undershirt and a pinstripe suit. Her heels clicked as she walked over to her usual spot and sat down with the tablet.
“So, Matsumoto-san and Kennichi-san will be expecting you on Tuesday afternoon for your training session with the new employees,” she scrolled past to the next page and continued, her sultry voice taking on a bored tone, “I booked the flight for Sunday morning after your breakfast meet with Linda.” Scott frowned and pointed at her, opening his mouth. “Scott, don’t you dare tell me you won’t meet with her, you have put off your financial advisor for over three weeks and your accounts need attending. Also, you need to meet with David, so I opened a window between your 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. appointments today to Skype.” He balled his fists, “Why do I need to talk with him? I told them every single thing I know about Celeste,” she arched a brow at him, “well,” he added, “at least what they would believe,” His hands beat the surface, his voice booming, “and who are they to question me, as if I don’t want her found. No one wants to find my little girl more than me, God─” “Scott,” she cut him off firmly, “you are a prime suspect in a high-profile missing person’s case. We cannot stave off the FBI much longer, they are still at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. You need to talk with the investigators immediately to ward off suspicion.” Luci swiped past the next page, her eyes flitting across the information on the screen. He deflated, his chest still slightly puffed. “You can’t hole yourself up like some hermit crab and expect people to be understanding about your situation.” “It’s none of their business,” he quipped. She hardly reacted, “You are the head of the company, now grow up and act like it.” Her voice had returned to its calm, dismissive tone as she typed in a few things with the stylus.
Scott sighed heavily and placed the picture on the desk, she had him there. Luci paused and she looked up, her voice softening, “We can’t escape man’s law, Scott, it’s pointless. Yes, we know the truth, but we have to play politics for a while until we find answers.” Scott remained silent, his eyes burning as a picture of Celeste and Kotone popped up. They were laughing, as Kotone tickled Celeste on the living room floor. It was a perfect moment, captured before the cancer crippled her hands and body. Nothing would ever bring back that smile the young Celeste wore in the picture. No matter what, she was still his little girl. His eyes darkened as he clasped his hands together in front of his face. He searched the city, glancing down at all the people as they hurried from one place to another. Every one of them was on their phones, or laughing with friends. If only they knew what lurked beyond their grasp. He was reminded of a line from Orwell’s novel 1984, “We are the dead. Our only true life is in the future.” All of this was pointless if they couldn’t stop the inevitable. The key word in that sentence was, of course, inevitable. How do you stop fate? He wanted to tell Daniel more, but he knew how this worked. It was best that he found out everything on his own.
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