《World Blueprint: Variety of Life》2-3: A Materialization of New Infection
Part 3: A Materialization of New Infection
The speed of the horse was rated almost similar to a machine car due to its number of implementation runes, but crossing over the border to the Feliner Kingdom had taken a lot of forever-chores due to a spot check for an unforeseen disease.
An outer city gradually merged down the spacious road for two transport paths. The landscape slowly entered into essential buildings that stood through exotic materials, and then framed in thick plates. Many loosen stalls were seen and some were prepared for the second day of his daughter's birthday party. It was noisy with many people running around with boards and stuff.
The advent of my contract with the driver here, its effect was ceased after a day.
I scoped the brightness whizzing shouted from the castle over the sky and million cities of Feliner Kingdom's night. It always impressed me how Riurian born in a normal family had to command this kind of platoon's size.
Relocated the money to the conductor's, I paced down to the tactful road. The Feliner Kingdom was known as an empire, its environment had excessively unfair space than the Veizralia Kingdom.
The woman ― with a grocery basket and a baby in her grasp ― put a runic key into the slot and the door shot out a yellowish light to the rune before it unlocked. Marching to haul a heavy board, the bald young man wore a runic glove that reduced the weight limit so he could lift alone. At the window, one owl flew over, the girl caught it and picked a letter in the pouch. She used a runic lens that enchanted with a decoding rune.
Moving on to the castle, passing through a trial of many choir lines, someone was waiting for me at the castle's gate. When I showed my invitation, the steward designated me straight to my planned room; I discorded against him when he acted upon my suitcase.
"When should I come here to get you, sir?"
"No need." I unlocked the door. "I will be there soon."
"Certainly, sir." The steward of the old man descended toward the stairs at the end of the hallway.
Waiting until he truly emigrated, I meshed the door tied and used World vision to silent a nearby existence.
The windows sealed still behind the shade of the curtain, the bed organized firmly in the shallow darkness. The illumination of candlelights around the castle had made them sipped into this room. The ceiling had nothing other than the shadows of lining artwork.
"No one here." I tore down my killing stance, accessing the situation near extravagant windows. Looked out from the balcony, my head alternated up and down, still under captivation of World Vision. I marked down at out of sight next to the castle wall, two existences of opposite gender about to hit the safety barrier.
However too bad, a girl was walking in and said, "Papa? Mama?"
"Oh, darling! There you are." The woman fixed her dress, looking at nowhere.
"How about you wait for us inside?"
The woman elbowed him toward his stomach. "Let's just back inside."
Had established my flawless report, I slid the suitcase under the bed and then erased its presence with an overdose of my World Value. One World Territory held for seven minutes. To raise the duration, I bonded multiple of them together and let it activated when the last territory was over.
It would be enough for about five hours.
Before my hand glinted over the doorknob, something struck me again about that no owned item. The golden ring. If I arrived sooner, I could bring it to the appraiser for inspecting the rune effect. The basics of touching, shaking, rotating, voicing, and tossing had no outcome. I stopped further to reduce accidentally activating a dangerous rune. Although, it might already be switched on.
Deposited into my pocket, I lumbered to the front hall.
It was obvious how to distribute normal people and the ones with special status. The hybridized invitation seemed had outplayed some people who possessed a reputation to suffer. They discounted a hungry woman near the food trays who making all sort of rumbling sounds as if a dog rummaged in a dumpster behind a restaurant.
Afterward, they returned to their aristocratic communication just how they were disciplined.
I moved into the distress source. "Somebody is never changed."
"Hm?" The chicken wing in her mouth reverted to here, temporarily digesting few drops of sauce to the air, juicy texture with a burned grilling smell.
Unfortunately, my steel stomach didn't release any beep despite not having food for a day. Nanocells worked well to preserve my bowl of suck hospital porridge from yesterday. Un-yucky, me.
I surveyed at the various colorful biscuits and ironic pieces of bread that appeared working hard to hop into my mouth.
"Walmmtmrenmm!" She hugged me in the middle of munching the meat, her witchy hat adjusted to the side from her overboard hysteria. "Ohmm nm mmseemm yoummm mtmhermme." The hat was fixed by itself after she stepped back. Modification from magic.
"Eat first, then talk."
"Ohmmm!" She hit her chest furiously.
Her official dress was coordinated with the theme, groomed in red option with scintillating as if ruby rays tended at the sidewalk of a beauty pageant. However, her full starless-black cloak and that striking hat remained as her identification that notified a singularity right away had ruined all her make-up. Still, her allurement preferred to stay. It was more like a famous pink elephant that no one care but hard to ignore.
The chicken wing pulverized in a quick bite choked when at her throat. I passed to her blue water that washed all bits into her body.
"Ohoho. Our fate encounters again, young child." She flapped out her cloak in a fast motion, two crows barged out loudly and disturbed that once a calm feeling where people had tried to swim in.
Everyone had an intense passion to hunt her out from this convention but since Riurian invited all kind society classes through his direct title, they had no absolute power to pull the trigger for no reason. Disobeying a king meant an instant termination.
"What happens to your scarf?"
I unconsciously reached my neck. "I guess I dropped it somewhere."
"Oh ho! Serendipitous." She pulled to front a strap bag inside her cloak, grabbed out a long fur scarf. "Here, for you."
"Today is not my birthday..." I nodded for editing. "Oh, sorry. I didn't wish to marry any soon."
"Why I got love rejection out of nowhere? I'm a witch. All men are my slaves."
"So what this all about?"
"It's one of my research."
"And I'm your 123456789th pig?"
"You forget {guinea} part. No. The research is done. It should give you the ability to block the Seventh Tier Magic Spell and below."
I spread the scarf. "Is this a red void?" The mass was light with transparent sight. But it had many threads intertwining, making it seemed like fur and reduced the transparent gradient. "Let me guess its duration. None."
"Ura(correct). I weaved it without Materialization."
"I see." I snatched her hands, she jumped a little. "Thank you, Vishell." There were some scratches of needles about to heal.
"Better so because it took me ten years." She said patting my shoulder like a sister. It was always like that.
"Ten..." I chuckled, "seriously, Vishell?" I glared around. "By the way, are you alone?" I said while wrapping the scarf around my neck. I just realized how incomplete my life without it.
"Nope." She continued grappling everything on the trays, shoving into her throat. "I lost sight of all Brainxus' members during my adventure. {Sicrony: Bavolin}." One waiter dashed, Vishell caught cupcakes with her magic wand. It floated into her mouth.
"Adventure? You start living here now?"
"Uno(no). It's a cruise at a food festival.
"I regret asking."
"{Sicrony: Bavolin}." Her wand pulling a food that had a green vegetable-alike on top of a brownish block.
I hooked out Riurian's letter. "Do you get about you-know-what?"
"{Sicrony: Bavolin}. Every person with destiny(blueprint owner) did have one." Vishell knocked her hands and took my hand. "Let's haste to inside first. That rabbit seems delicious. Rekin to here rabbit, {Sicrony: Bavolin}." She continued to cast her magic in a reality that accepting one and with her uncalculated mana.
As someone older than me, I tracked her from behind without resistance as much as a horse.
Most of the people were swiping their legs at the center of the main hall, lengthy and colossal.
The food trays were systematized in marked ranges where every table had its own region punch. Three light fixtures were jabbed into the heightened ceiling of checker boxes, clear and dark orange. Instead of a straight level, it molded to up like a pyramid or cone. It was a castle anyway.
People who not dancing were standing and talking around with a variety of personalities. Enough to give me a headache.
While my sight dismissed from her pointy hat, she managed to seize ten baked flour-bases smelled fresh and sour. "Nacious!" Vishell raised her last cupcake for the hurray in her language before a mouthful bite.
"When last time you make a house in the jungle?"
"Not anymore. I moved to the Sixth World to research about exotic plants. But it's hard dealing with storm season, although eject season seems fun."
"That meant you still luxuriate in a jungle. More craziness in its birth statistic."
One man entered from the outside yard, he wiped his forehead on a handkerchief before strode to the woman that circled by many qualified men.
The woman rebuffed all invitations for dance.
Until the man came and said, "I-If you never mind for me, would you pair with this unpretentious gentleman instead?" His leg was behind other and his arm extended to her.
All deserted men huffed and scorned him as if the woman would select someone worse than their sky-high titles. They muttered in a loud yet unclear and unvoiced, veering the man's eye contacts went astray, increased the clip of a repeating blink, and a revision to his tie. That was how most people looked like when called to the police station or torture chamber.
The woman pretended she didn't apprehend any unsightly remark about him, assigned her entranced hand on top of the offering-hand. "Why not? I love to."
Shocking resonated the man's face with the obvious artificial motion.
All men nearby had expressions as if their superior gave a stupid order to fire themselves. When they were scared and terrific, lifting the guns to their heads, the superior said "April Fool" and found the guns had a chalk bullet. It was still hurt, even chalk, the superior was laughing and forced them to shout together like it was going to be real gun next time. It became a despair funfair.
"There the wicked siren," said Vishell, eating a beef stick with powdered cheese, "Karin."
"Isn't siren baiting victims through ugly lullaby?"
"Isn't it?"
"That doesn't matter." Vishell gripped her hand while eating beans from the bowl.
Karin's hobby was toying with a man's heart. Despite anger and madness, she knew the fine line that made everything she did couldn't be put in a court. After all, they who asked to dance first, nothing could be proof for their guilties. That included the timid man who had no idea she played with too.
Although there was nothing highly praise compare to others, because she negated proposals from a bunch of interesting and royal-like clowns(people), everyone sought their attention toward them. They shone over everyone who dancing unintentionally spread out.
"If only my blood pact with me," by {blood pact} it meant her husband, "I can show off too. {Sicrony: Bavolin}."
Vishell always hyperbolized a simplistic point to make it sounded extraordinary or mysterious. And her husband was deceased from performing a dangerous spell to protect the kingdom where she lived. Since it happened recently, the research might an accuse to forget her sadness in her homeland.
"That's Succubus..." She tossed again various types of foods into her stomach, it started becoming unhealthy. "{Bavolin}, {Bavolin}, {Bavolin}." Her spell had no tier call, the magic utilized well.
"Shouldn't you hold on for a while?"
"It's can't be helped. I'm hungry. Very, very hungry. As if someone cursed my stomach with a demon lord's special attack. And irritated. Stressful. Katana Banzai!"
Karin and her partner started to steal the spotlight, soon only they favored at the center. Stepping left, right, and then turned, she illustrated a smug to particular someone.
From the past episodes in the Brainxus, I had predicted what concerning to occur, "I oblige to find a toilet," my arm was caught by Vishell. "Um... I really had to..."
"It's time for samba and tango. Big Bang!" She dragged me inside, made us raising to stardom as soon as we inside the ring.
Karin's smile dismissed just an abrupt. Her purple dress twirled approximately as I and the man had to twist our partners. Her long hair fluffed, flowing like silk, she might have a lot of hair routine in a long time for preserving such provoking texture. Her irises bloomed in a seductive appeal, her temporary partner gradually lost his nervousness and enjoyed the flight. Which I wasn't.
That was Karin Zelcart.
Even me who seen so much about a woman stepped on Vishell's feet, lost my mindful over her move.
"Ow..." Vishell didn't budge, opposed the pain. ""
The unhurried metronome formed around ten violinists and ten bassists. One pianist. Then background musicians who tuned percussion instruments such as drums and bells.
Riurian, the violinist lead, looked at me without response to reject our detour sabotage. He greeted but I had a feeling he was cheering. However, this designation occasion wasn't suitable for me.
Karin and Vishell became more competitive when Riurian suddenly sharpened the music tone. It stuck most musicians to continue the next note pitch for a while before they flooded back through a new music sheet.
Riurian's violin started going piercing and crystal-clear to our ears, it added tingling and whirring snap behind my neck and my root hair, my legs overrode my physical movement as if overhearing my higher superior's boots wandering outside of a dorm.
Despite so, it appeared Karin snatched the baton over the game. We're on the losing side.
I could increase our existing presence. ""
Vishell was an owner of Spirit Blueprint. Of course, I had no insight into its natural power. A long time ago, she had a tough interval to decide between, {Supernatural Blueprint} or {Magic Blueprint}. Therefore, Brainxus closed her hesitation with a vote for {Spirit Blueprint}. That gave me some ideas from previous choices, something like infinity mana or powerful spell.
I kept quiet.
I doubted whether I should cooperate. It wasn't my battle and I fancied to stay neutral from all conflicts. Moreover, my objective to my World Value lived for something more of a logical result than a childish brawl.
Hearing that my mind simpered drastically. ""
"Ergh..." Vishell sidetracked her eyes, her feet lagged. ""
"Sekin-ekin! I get it, sekin(alright)?" Vishell peeped Karin. "Ah. "
Released a World Territory around two of us, I set it so it followed two objects. Then, I stored World Value inside. All of sudden, everyone eyes attracted ― in spite of nothing happen ― over here.
Karin clenched her teeth with her soft lips tied. Her retinas flashed purple glows, a vision from Time Blueprint. No. She wasn't the owner and had no blueprint.
I suspected her vision might show the future. When whatever Karin had arranged seem to accomplish, I used a quick vision and it displayed her World Value suddenly rocketed even no blueprint scroll entered her body.
Was that possible?
A crowd bored and ricocheted back to Karin and her partner.
This was bad. I didn't know how dominant Time Blueprint and she inverted the whole ploy only with Time Vision against two owners of Imperfect Blueprints. Reylaw did say, Time Blueprint was a second strongest in all Imperfect Blueprint series.
"I yield."
"VILNARA(WHAT)?" Vishell sealed her mouth. ""
Or our blueprint values would be plummeting exactly like that from this unrewarded struggle.
Vishell had a heavy desire to demonstrate her virtue that no man could resist her. I would rather state, almost all men tumbled over nothing during her virgin prime. Just for her birthday, her desk overloaded with numerous sizes of presents and diversity of wrappers and ribbons. It was plenty for the birthday anniversary.
A true witch.
The reason she married because her lover didn't get tricked by her witchery charm, across time Vishell attempted to make him notice and eventually, she lost in a love skirmish.
To bail out from useless usage of blueprint value ― even Time Vision only without owning Time Blueprint would use a definite amount of her Time Value ― I acted not with a cough and a wavering leg. It happened suddenly.
My body absorbed headache, it became harder to stand. I crouched while squeezed my forehead. As someone who grew with a weak body, it was enough to make Karin kicked her partner to run here.
"Waltren!" Karin forgot about her facade, Riurian stopped his violin in the middle after listened to that.
There was nothing intimate between Vishell and Karin to me. The moment I joined Brainxus which just a club at that time, they nursed me almost all the time when I was bedridden.
Why I wondered. In what way secured them comprehend in me to devote to a sick boy?
This led us to development where they acted as my second mother. However, they didn't like that, they serviced me like an older sister. Woman's behavior was always pain-in-the-ass to bargain with.
"Are you okay? What part it's hurt?" Vishell rummaged through her small bag that hooking behind her dress inside the cloak. She laid on the floor, picking many packets of herbs and traditional medicines out.
I wished to say it was an act but the sensation of a thick balloon expanding in my skull was cutting my mental endurance.
"Waltren, let's go to...oooh." Karin almost collapsed to hoist my arm.
Established my legs with my own strength, I moved toward the nearest seat.
"How you feel?" Vishell took out her wand.
"My head...."
Vishell, who good in the medical business, checking my head with some spell.
Blur crawled into my eyes, soon I cleared after the temperature dropped behind my brain. They were nanocells, signing for the volume of them had an insufficient level.
"I think, I will take a rest in my room."
"But..." Vishell said, passing me a parcel from a crushed herb.
"Don't worry." I picked the bitter packet.
"Let me..." Karin was about to carry up my shoulder again.
"No. I'm will be fine."
It had to be weird for a robust body that appeared could dodge a cold and germs to receive a panic attack that easy.
Riurian maintained the posture, soothed down everyone by addressing a new entertainer who good in a magic trick. He tossed bird out of nowhere, shuffled cards that switching colors in the blink of an eye, quickly dispatched the uncommanded chaos.
* * *
After searching a way out, instead of going back, I went to the castle's terrace, which on the second floor. It showed scenery to the outside of multiple cities from over the top of the hill.
"Haah... I have done it."
There might so worry that the party wasn't able to distract them anymore.
My left hand had a runic watch. The bracelet planted with many slices of big and small stones to the whole round. Big stones brightened for an hour indicator and the small one was the same to ten minutes. No second tick stone. The rune was invisible as it buried inside but during the night it glowed in green, I counted eleven and thirty. Thirty minutes I had to wait before his daughter's birthday, midnight. That was why it event for two days.
Until then, I couldn't back to my room since Riurian didn't affirm what he required World Blueprint for. Should I ask the steward to swing by later?
Nanocells behind my skull gave a road signal, lined in a triangle and then increased to cold, moved down, back to warm, and returned to the starting point. I programmed it in that track. It was the most faster way instead of using gadgets of some sort to tell my nanocell quantity.
I leaned my elbows on the masonry fence, carrying out a small black case. The headache had never passed.
My condition was healthful but it didn't mean my weak body remained the same. I had to ingest nanocells injection every seventh day, depending on how quick I used it. To reduce noxious sidebar, nanocells ― an engineered cell ― were programmed to live in a very short amount of time. They were also coded to die after limited usage.
A cold stream gushed out beneath the lid, the nuts and hooks disengaged with a rotation of the neon lights, two injectors were still snoring in the case. The other backup case in the suitcase was already empty. Soon, I had to refill both cases in Alien Reality.
But my body from that reality was destroyed in Steam Reality during full synchronization, I had to let it rest and recover for time being. With Alien Technology, it would take three days for that kind damage to heal, or maybe regenerate a new one.
Desquamated one injector out, I rocked the case and the lid sealed automatically. The long LED outlined at its side kindled in ruby-red, the sound of crystalizing urgency alternated in sequence and then the heavy locks slotted in. As for this injector, it was made from the same nanocells, when pierced into my body, the container dismissed into the crack of snow vapor.
Million of midget cold pressures exercised at the injected-spot, animated from a hibernation state, rushed into my chest and boomed, slowly heated up. Blood cells pumped next to nerves, my supercomputer-brain began attached the links to all nanocells. Soon, the weak or sickness was disappeared, my body erected up as it had never there.
I blew sky-white gas from my nose and mouth, getting an immersive nirvana. Sucking nanocells was perhaps similar to smoking or a drug. I didn't know since I didn't do any of the two. However, it always had a caffein effect that made me want to swallow another injector, like swimming in the hot beach. It was addicting, but not to extend extremely.
"Was that unusual box fascinating?" said a girl who just stood there. My sensor went off when I was feeding with the anesthetic.
As World Blueprint's owner, I knew the danger of interfering with otherworlds. I hid the case fluently into my pocket since it shouldn't exist in this world. "An important memo for me," I said a half-lie.
The girl's blond hair lengthened until the neck, washed as if carefully stripped one strand per time. Her golden eyes stared at me with her intense pride mistook in every cell of her child's body. Her expression, her arms and legs' position, and her neck's balance...everything had been coded to obey the posture of nobility.
Whoever practiced this young aged girl must be paranoid about status. Well, it wasn't like I didn't experience myself striction in the military.
"How are you here," said the girl without a release from the axiom, "when all recreation at inside?"
"I'm not good with majestic-kind entertainment. None of the amusement could occupy me."
"Was there anything deeper hereabouts other than grandiose presentation?"
"At slightest, no one cares about their stands here...," I glimpsed at her, "nothing."
"If my presence intrigue you, might as well suggest an idea to abandon you solely for your own senseless enjoyment?"
Was that my imagination or this girl just mentally attack me?
"Negative." I watched the sea of cities. "I don't mind you here. Go ahead."
The girl turned away and looked in the same direction as me. A wind blew toward her, her hair loosed left and right like pendulums. She closed her eyes, tried to sniff but in a muffled approach.
"Is it good?" I said to eradicate the silence. "It's priceless compare to the party inside."
Her eyes were freed, she concluded. "Hmhn!" She smirked piercingly while fastened her arms together. "The fragrance is reasonable but nothing more than a commoner's affordable perfume."
"Maybe..," I said, endeavoring to taste the smell of the night wind to her perfume. I didn't sure what different.
"Though, I might as well give praise to the maker. Good work."
My head faced her. "Someone spray perfume into the wind? That is amazing." Maybe, I could do with a gunpowder...no. I would wake up every minute, thinking about a disquieting grenade inside the stove. It drove me insane.
"Wind? Was it wind?" She said, peeking over the fence taller than her.
I nodded, tilting my head. "Of course, wind. Your parents must be loaded to use expensive bouquet just to make the wind smell good."
She put down her arms and rotated full-body away from me.
"Young lady?"
Her body quivered like a broken pistol, she returned to me. "Hmhn." She shifted her hair a bit. "Of course I know it's an agent that brought many seeds from a far distance. My mother had taught me all in the book."
I nodded without much deep. She might one of those...a caged bird. Their parents might confine her in their home until to this day. That explained her behavior to describe the wind that everybody knew.
Based on the watch, ten minutes left. Riurian was at inside, meeting with many fancy standard people, in a position where no benefit for me to chase. It might so tired that I didn't surprise if Riurian's hair turned white.
Without saying anything, we both continued admiring the lights coming from the unknown material-frame buildings and street runic posts. Some of them moving, some retained their locations.
Using nanocells, I zoomed a little with my vision organ, hawking diverse parts of lives. Then fed up about them, I surveyed millions of stars in the sky.
In Alien Reality, the sky was something precious, it told us that we're not born to live alone. Since air pollution was flat in Rune Reality, the sky was cloudless with almost colorful stars exhibited but not as many as Steam Reality.
"What your attention seek?" The girl asked without any reason.
Some stars were correlative constellations in Alien Reality, some weren't. But when I thought again about this girl's mentality, did stars considered as a mature subject? Should I choose a more loose-fitting topic?
"That yellowish big star up there is a big magnitude of an original forest rune. It connected to star down there, draw a line to the right at the glowing green and then zig-zag to down until the middle section before went up."
"It looks like a skeleton-tree if I added more."
"That works too."
"My mother said I should study stars next year. But I didn't think ahead learning would be a matter of contention. What it nominate again? Sure enough, not as uninspired eponym as a forest constellation."
"Nenru constellation," I said. "It discovered by a hero from the Censhical Kingdom, Nenru Da Kollenru."
It wasn't a coincidence that Nenru was from Alien Reality and he had a job as an astronomer before. He had denominated four untouched constellations, the first one was after his name to present his return from Hero Quest.
He wrote a book about the existence of the otherworld in a detailed explanation and the features' roles that he became famous instantly. But due to conflict with Dimension Law, his memory rapidly disappeared as the number of people reading his book increased. He could only say it was just his delusion dream and lost his hero artifact weapon forever in the history museum.
"It was a sign of his unique hero ability, a healing tree. His touch could harvest any flower from withered."
That was why Alien Reality that had almost zero flora and fauna saved by his heroic power, just after he returned home. Forest overgrown and taken over old civilization if not, I could never survive. The world would be dried by now.
"An otherworld life named our stars?" She smirked. "I believed I should give her my thanks."
"Nenru is a man."
"Ah... O-Of course, I knew that already. I-I read in the book of stars."
"Isn't staricine should be next year's subject?" I said. Astronomy in this Rune Reality was called {Staricine}.
"Hmhn." She stirred as nothing bulled into her ears, driving away. "I might give my appreciation for your enlightenment, sir..." Her legs suspended, she rounded back.
"Waltren Eragle."
"Waltren...that's very...um...heroic historical name."
"Was it?" I tried to recall the records of Rune Reality that I might learn and not. My name didn't link to any of the terms.
"Well, since you sincerely offer an introduction, I might do as well." She did again, transfusing her sentence with slightly an insult. "Alicia Eartceil Feliner. Bear in mind, sir Waltren, as you might have no chance of exchange wisdom with this lady again." Then she left back into the hall.
"Zvxen(I see)."
She was a child mentioned by Riurian. What an eccentric girl. Very much similar to her mother.
Without nothing to do, the precious time had spent unproductively, I took a small book in my pocket and wrote the next formula for my genome until Riurian called me for cake time.
Alicia's expression wavered when Riurian introduced her to me.
"We meet again lol."
She didn't understand my slang, acting like it was typical. "Hmhn." She delivered a piece of cake. With a big portion. With a hint of blush on her face. She couldn't say anything that threatening her reputation as a princess.
* * *
I stopped listening. I stopped blinking. My heart didn't disorder in either buzzing. Only my astonished hollowed, not a concern.
In the underground prison below this monstrous castle, there was an alive and flesh man hooked on the unresponsive chains. The portion of his body published bone segments where no evidence of torture or repulsive captured his no left eye face.
"Hm... What is this?" I said after descended and entered into the special zone of the prison.
The corpse-like eyes didn't move but the two claret-red glows buried under them looking at me and then the committee here.
Brainxus' members, familiar and unfamiliar, booted to a search of the asker. Karin stepped inside from the stairs behind me and then suspended for a trice. "Well now. That's your real-life zombie." It was supposed to be a funny criticism where it didn't execute me or anyone laugh.
"Undead." The corpse answered my question with his brain opened out. Of course, the smell was starting worst from gnats and parasites. It was disgusting in anywhere, no one challenged for close contact. Although, Riurian and one woman endured nearby.
"What do you think?" Riurian said.
By the time I was here, something already began; they performed an examination to the undead.
"I did studying him to my most beneficial." The woman in bartender clothes, Yulsia, bore a chilled or steel-like expression. She tore off her stretchy water-blue gloves. "He is exceptionally alive while his heart organ is still pounding even though everything...about ten days of deterioration."
The viscid lungs were visible inside the decayed ribcage, they darkened like a ruined fish. There was unbearing inky blood strengthened like someone threw a grain of sands. But it was an unlogical conclusion that his arms and legs could dance the stiff chains. This included his breathing wasn't able to train his lungs, yet it sounded like a breathing-support machine.
"So, why he had to be restrained?" A girl, same tall as Alicia's height. She loved decorating her hair with a big sunflower on her head. "Is he an enemy or a failed test subject?"
"You have grown great, Floris," said Riurian, attempting to praise her. She was taller a few centimeters ahead.
Still, Floris didn't believe the same, "Ah-hmph!" her optics sneered to him.
Riurian resembled a panic-early AI, expressed he couldn't understand why he received a fit of anger from Floris all of sudden or he didn't want to find out, diverted his attention to everyone in the corridor. Many jails were shut into two adobe walls painted in gate runes.
Yulsia illustrated a carefree smile to alleviate the tension.
"Before you come here, this...{undead}," Riurian emphasized the name given by the man himself, "had escaped twice from my tough materials. The second attempt utilized the material of Ore Void."
Karin threw a thin blade during Riurian's explanation and giggled at the hopeless undead who possessed not much of resistance. The undead didn't behave weirdly, only the red glows walking beneath his dead eyeball and his skull. Neither his mouth moved when his voice said, "That is Ore Void you said? I had no trouble snapping another one."
Riurian put aside the criticism, although it halted his hand for a moment, aspiring to explode. Floris and others watched back at Riurian.
"After we caught him twice," he said in a gruff voice, "we learned a week later most of the citizens in here city," Riurian clapped his hand once, all gate runes turned off, the walls vanished up to the ceiling like automatic doors, revealed cells behind ten blocks of iron bars, "had turned to the likely undead."
A lot of scratching slammed in the shadow, the reflection of light runes mirrored to the entrance, hundred skeletons ran toward us without warning. The rage was stopped by the iron bars, probably including a void since it matched two properties: transparent and colored. Riurian Ore Blueprint had a void color of yellow.
"Aauaua... Zombie supposes to be tame and stupid." Floris said, crouching on the floor inside a summer dress for a child's gauge. "That's how it works in the movie!"
"Don't worry," Karin said, patting Floris' head. "I'm sure their appetite only to eat a fertile youth."
"Oh." Floris restored her courage up. "Then, I'm fine since I'm an adult. Yes, and mature."
That was valid, she was an adult late of twenty.
Floris' flat chest profoundly pointed up with her hands at her side waist of that white dress. No matter how hard she tried, she always ended up looking like a child.
Unlike the undead that bound at the end of the route, all beings in the jails had thoroughly no meat or tissue. They were one hundred percent stripped bones, losing eyeballs too. Plus, these skeletons appeared restless and continued knocking their pitch-black bones against iron bars toward us. No red eyes, no beating heart. They were empty shells. Much like a haywire robot.
On the other hand, even it was smelly the confined one appeared to have whitened bones and red glares in his eyeballs.
"This is somehow related to a new virus ― Plomunic ― that still unsure of its danger. Most plagues that killed people in the past have an indication when it's happening. But this kind of infection to turn into living skeleton seemed too much out of fictional."
"Are you proposing to answer?" Riurian pressed the matter harder. "They stood in front of us and we were the strongest witnesses."
"It created by a man ― sorry. Correction, a human or group of them," Yulsia said, stashing her equipment. "As to what extent, it's better to let Horthien handle this."
Horthien was an expert doctor. More like a black doctor who did an illegal operation at a steep charge whether thug or runway criminal. He had a reputation as a man with multiple universal treatments, definitely the best person to tell us about these undeads due to his long life-and-dead situation.
"That's right...." Riurian turned around. "Is he not arrive yet?"
Everyone glanced at their sides.
"H-He said he is going to be a minute late." A woman, new member of Brainxus which I never met, notched her chest toward her leather bag. Her goofy glasses covered her eyes that went a little crazy about every tiny noise shouted from these undeads. She seemed like a woman with a large database of paranoids in her bloodline.
"That's fine," said Riurian. "How about from the alchemy perspective?"
Floris raised her chin to look at someone taller, the sunflower hat slid to the back. "Hmm... I didn't have any resembled {dazrah} from my memory... So, I had to take a day to find it in my collection. But..."
{Dazrah} was a word from the language in Alchemy Reality. It meant an atom and a molecule. But sometimes also worked as ion and element. They didn't have a microscope or scientific tools to confirm the exact molecule but a different discovery. The darzah concluded as the smallest matter in the universe.
"You got something?" Yulsia sparked the anxious.
"There is a theory," Floris said, fishing her knowledge. "But I need to do restudy for several days.
"That seems a new development to explore."
"Um...for now, I could assume it's dangerous to touch him directly. If Horthien is not here yet, how about asking someone who good in Magic?"
"Magic." Riurian rubbed his chest. He appeared to remember something painful. "Would Vishell be a {hot topic}? Where is she?"
Everyone spun toward me, I looked behind.
"No...there would be no trap," said Vishell in her dream on my back, still holding the stolen bottle of wine. "Come in, Gehro Hegro. Ehehehe."
"Vishell," I said in low voice to nudge her up.
"No no...I love it too..."
"Get up, idiot." Karin rapidly pushed her forefinger to Vishell's cheek. "It's morning, darling." She usually remained calm and sensible but when it came to Vishell, she always tried to hit the alarm button. It was unsure, they were friends or enemies.
"Um?" Vishell let her right hand operate to brush her face, the bottle of wine dumped and dropped.
I barely caught with my shoe, balancing on the rounded level. Since the cardboard blocker was gone, it would be tumbled over and spilled if it fell on the floor.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up." Karin slapped Vishell nonstop even she was already attentive.
"Wha-Wha-Wha-What?!" Vishell sprung off my back, soaked her cheeks. "V-V-Vilnica, you dirty succubus?"
I clutched the bottle, sighed a relief.
"Because your face signed up for it, the expired witch."
"Hah, that didn't make sense." Vishell developed her wand out, magic circles issued before her mouth.
Karin purled out two butter knives from her sleeves, her eyes thinned. The slim dress made her stance a bit annoying.
A certain period prolonged, Karin stepped forward when Vishell sput electric from the wand.
Suddenly two Materialized spears lengthened and split their childish fight in the middle, expanded and burst holes down toward the floor. The underground quaked in one quick tug, enough to shake the purplish liquid in the wine bottle.
"Stop the wrath, you two."
Everyone stoned in place. He who born in the commoner family started to act like a real king, giving him a mighty aura to support the statement.
"This is a severe undertaking. Every second we wasted might lead to permanent loss." Riurian's hands held the yellowish and transparent spears, almost like gold color, Ore Void. His face remained unsmiling.
"But she inaugurated this first..." Vishell's sight boarded toward the undead, "AAH! Hegert Tower! Unical Morasin!" her leg moved back after a loud declaration with a strange way of shocking. "That's a very dark aura."
"Em...do you have an explanation?" Riurian Dematerialized the spears, it gasified and melted away.
"Necromancy exists in the theory of the magic realm, but it's impossible when crossing the barrier of life and death. Nevertheless, I sense black mana, very ugly, emitted to him as well as the possibility of a new blueprint."
Riurian blinked, "what is a black mana ―"
"― wait?" Yulsia cut Riurian. "Imperfect Blueprint, was it?"
"No wonder," Karin said, "she is still living inside the cave. A primitive cell."
Vishell, who mastered witchery magic, had a job as a researcher that needed to do a risky experiment remotely away from people. Besides, the mana was given by trees, casting magic was best to do when surrounded by forest.
She had no problem accepting Karin's words. Building in the forest was still considered modern by definition of Magic Reality. However, Karin called her a primitive cell ticked her cast a spontaneous spell. It had no word-processing as it was the fastest Curse-Type spell. I didn't hear the name, thus I had no idea to read her magic formula.
But Karin knew what spell she was about to achieve, she threw a voodoo doll to the ceiling while muttered in not understandable meaning. Fast and accurate, rather randomly gibberish chant.
The black and red flares twisted away from Karin and entered into the voodoo doll. It exploded a miniature hurricane. Strings and straws scattered about like rain.
The doll emitted scream like a crying cicada in a glue of lava.
Karin lived in Eight World where I considered making it my eighth reality. If I did, I might call it as {Voodoo Reality}. The age of pirate didn't stop, but, growing massively where there were two sides along with the pirate community, a good and a bad. Voodoo and curse had become the main thing.
Just like magic, it was always evil and sinful attempt. But in Magic Reality, it expanded and evolved to something innovative where it was seen as magic in one look. This included the wand that was created through a spigen instead of black magic.
For such, compared to Vishell and Karin, it was obvious who was better at the art of witchcraft, cursing someone.
Vishell mad at herself didn't know what spell might work while Karin rotated her knives between fingers, saying "come on".
All of us didn't want to advance between a flame of their eyes, Riurian had an idea to cease their childish again just like always and said, "If about necromancy, I had the clue."
My eyes dragged toward the undead. His red glows lit toward Riurian. I was sure, only someone who lived in seven realities could sense that hugely aura had gone. It disappeared as if to hide from everyone's attention. In another world, without World Vision, I knew his World Value decreasing for no reason.
This might what Tsutomu said about the ninjutsu had a technique to conceal a presence temporary.
Vishell, Karin, and everyone glanced at Riurian who delving into a bag.
It became more threatened when World Vision showed the indisputable truth. No blueprint scrolls were out from the undead but his existence had reduced. Not him only. All undeads in the jail stopped screaming, every skull suddenly had red glows, directing to Riurian with a broken or unreadable World Value.
I felt something was about to happen, immediately I used World Blueprint, created a maximum territory, level three. It could exceed seven meters radius but couldn't follow the target. Cost me 777 hours World Value in exchange for 7 minutes duration.
And then I erased...no. It was more like I halted every existence inside my World Territory. As a result, their World Value stopped. Thus, they vanished.
We're inside a space with nothing nearby. Absolute nothing. Not even shadow or light, gravity or floating, ground or air...allowed. Our five senses working on but we felt nothing, other than the reaction from inside our bodies.
Next, I summoned another World Territory ― as my last territory left inside the real world ― and give us a basic environment. Then I added void as a fuel to make something temporary exist out of nowhere.
A pink light close to my chest was blasting out numerous amounts of a liquified void to territory's size under my feet. It molded a sphere block for us to standing. I attached a gravity rule to the block, it made all of us pulled toward there.
Riurian cast his void, it was Materialized into a street post light. Of course, only its shape but the texture remained to crystalize yellow. "Waltren. Is this your doing?"
"I chose the fittest course of action."
"Auauau... That's very scary." Floris pushed herself from the ground. "Dark and spooky. I hardly feel anything."
"Where are we?" Karin said after her legs touched the ground block.
"The end of the World. Probably." I counted people that I manipulated their existences, nineteen. "Or a waiting place."
"Waiting for what?" Riurian built another lamp post.
"Until all blueprint values become zero."
"So that's what happens when blueprint values became zero."
Vishell ran and jumped to my back. "World Blueprint is amazing. Beameny Island!" The last words had no meaning.
"You think so?" My body didn't budge against her.
"To use teleportation at a long distance like that."
"No. It's not teleportation." I sighed, Vishell continued embracing me, delving to my back. "Anyway, the undeads displayed some interest to the necromancy when you said it."
"Ah." Riurian held his bag, fished out a book. While we distracted, I saw the woman with that goofy glasses suddenly appeared behind Riurian. It was too close to the point of touching.
"Riurian!" Vishell cast a spell to the woman behind him.
A hot blaze shot in a thundering speed toward the woman's head, yet she didn't have injured. Her glasses broke from Vishell's spell.
Using World Territory I had build, I exchanged our location's existence, my scenery shifted. Riurian stood to a place I stood just now. He was saved or how it seemed. He ran short after and threw up unspoken watery to the edge. Due to gravity rule, the content of his stomach fell down but later dropped under the platform as if it was upside down, it enlarged in a puddle.
From behind me, I felt something piercing through my back and reached the book my hand was holding.
The title stated {Infection} with subtitle of {Book Volume 2}. The front cover had a bone hand that bulged out from it. It looked pretty realistic to be a sculpture design.
"Hm?" The woman emitted confusion as she burned the book and me with herself, a purple flame flocked around us.
Strangely, I didn't feel any remorse. I grabbed her arm, tried shaking it to see if it was real or not. No blood either flowed out from my body where nanocells told I had the critical condition behind my skull. They erratically attempted to stop and heal the emergency wound.
"Get away from him!" Vishell flung her wand that Materialized with her Spirit Void. It was like ruby but no reflection. "{Sichony: Splimergon}!" Red bullet created and stormed at full speed into one point inside the undead's skull. It created a continuous static effect, spilled a bit to myself. My consciousness underwent appearing and disappearing, something between living and dead.
Karin threw a knife during momentum, it daggered through the air and stuck into the undead's head. Shortly after, she yelled in a pain, I fled with a portion of my outfit burned.
"Haaaaaargh!" The undead held fled from me.
Holding my holed chest that didn't feel any pain, I teleported a certain distance and rotated toward the undead.
The knife nodded in a hideous function that had magma fragments into the blade's reflection. It brightened lava-red that mercilessly slashing down as if a hot knife on the flesh-butter.
The smoke continued discharge as the knife cut down through her chin and then fell. The magma texture vanished to a normal silver knife, polished glossy over the light.
"Damn you." The undead held her face that left with half. Soon a bigger purple flame burst when Riurian Materialized a giant spear. The flame ate the small spear with her body turned to dust and vanished. Did she dead or run away?
Vishell came to my side, "A-Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine," I said, staring at the percentage of purple flame that burning my body had degraded over time. My chest's flesh rebuilt atom by atom and the skin replaced without mark or trace. Well, my clothes remained holed and fried a bit. Flame dismissed and withdrawn.
"Do you feel any pain?" Karin slipped in her knife on the floor of the block. "You just lost in blazing fire."
"You didn't get Plomunic plague or something?" Yulsia just landed. "No?"
"Wha? W-W-Wha? Waltren is undead too?" Floris closed her ears, shaking her head.
"It might have to do with, World Blueprint." Riurian held his stomach beside another unknown member, a man with a baseball cap.
"What should we do now?" He said, pulling his cap to the front. "It seems we the only members survived here."
Vishell, Karin, Riurian, Floris, and Yulsia were five persons I knew about. Together with eight members I never met before only thirteen in total. On a guess, about six had wiped out.
"How long you can do the research?" I asked Floris.
"I couldn't sure. We dealing with an unknown disease here. Besides if it's Plomunic than wouldn't this problem fall to Fifth World?"
"You're right..." Riurian displayed desperation.
They might just follow Reylaw's suggestion aimlessly without rejection but among here, only I truly understood why we couldn't involve much with otherworlds.
Perhaps, there was a reason why Reylaw allowed me to bear this World Blueprint. The will of existence. Something only I could do since I had learned dimension laws better than everyone else in Brainxus.
"I didn't know much about Fourth World and above," I said holding my chin, "but a similar virus did show up in Sixth and Seventh Worlds. I will check on Fourth World for Floris."
"W-Wait a minute." Vishell raised her hand. "What you meant my world inflicted as well? I also lived in the Sixth World now and still didn't hear anything."
"A brainless." Karin hit another critical button.
"Oh, it's going to be a second round." Vishell's wand sput red electric.
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