《Ancients》Chapter 5 - Meditation


"Let us rest a little, I feel a little tired" - Juan said.

Chapter 5 - Meditation

Cynthia, Alice, and all of the lambanas with them looked at the field. Suddenly, a great realization came upon all of them. All seeds planted grew into mature trees. Some already produced flowers and fruits. They looked at the newly planted field with astonishment.

"Wow! I never realized you have this much power." - Alice exclaimed

"What power?"

"In your status, there are energies, right? These energies are your power to use extraordinary peats. I assume you feel tired right now because you have depleted your energy reserves." - Cynthia

"View Status"

Name: Juan Cruz Level 1 Age: 25 Health 160 Energy Magic 1/350 Psi 200/200 Faith 151/500 Qi 100/100 Title:

Descendant of Light Protectors. Descendant of Dark Protectors. **HIDDEN**

Stats Strength 17 Intelligence 20 Stamina 16 Spirit 50 Dexterity 16 Charm 14 Agility 20 Luck 50 Skills: None Protection Ancient God of Light. Ancient God of Dark. **HIDDEN**

Juan inspected his status and said "I lost around 350 of Magic Energy and Faith Energy"

"You have that amount of Magic and Faith energies? Who are you?" - Alice shouted

"I am Juan" - Juan jokingly answered. He does not know why he chose to not tell them about his titles. He felt that he should leave it out right now.

"Even with that amount, you should not have the ability to grow all the seeds you planted even with Goddess Lakapati's blessing" - Alice said

"I think it is because of the effect of the skill Agriculture. It can reduce the growth time of plants."- Dex

"You also received the skill, right?" - Juan asked Dex

"Yes, dude. I was reading about it moments ago" - Dex


"By the way, Alice is there a way to restore my energies. It has a low recovery rate of 1 point per 1 minute" - Juan

"That is still too fast! Normally, it should be 1 per 5 minutes. Even us, lambanas, we need 1 per 2 minutes normally."- Alice said

"Is there a way to recover it faster? I want to finish this quest as soon as possible" - Juan said obviously avoiding Alice's question

"Hmpf, yes there is a method" - Alice

"I'll explain it. Did you know how to meditate?" - Cynthia asked

"Yes, we trained in some martial arts" - Juan

"But isn't our meditation is feeling the energy inside our body. For us to enhance senses"- Dex said

"It is similar to that meditation. However, once you feel the energies inside your body. You should extend your senses outside, to the surroundings. Feel the energies outside. Synchronized with them. Feel their waves. Feel there flow. Remember, you are part of nature, everything is connected. Guide these energies into you. Circulate them inside your body and let them fill you up until you are full" - Cynthia explained

Dex and Juan cross sit on the grass. They straightened their back, closed their eyes, and focus their mind with Cynthia's instructions. They felt the energies inside their body. They are like colored streams flowing inside their bodies. Four different colors were circulating. They followed these streams and saw the reservoirs of each energy. The white and blue energies converged in their brains, the gold was in their hearts, and red was in their abdomens. They extend their focus to their surroundings. Millimeter by millimeter outside their body, they began to felt until what they can feel was around 5 meters.

They saw the world around them in colorful streams. These streams are freely floating and flowing around them. They continued to feel these energies until they can call upon them. These energies. flowed into their body, circulated it until they found the energy reservoirs. They fill up these reservoirs in a continuous undisturbed flow. Upon feeling full, they opened their eyes



New Skill Acquired

Meditation (active) Lv 2

You learned how to meditate. You know that the world is filled with different colors. You can now guide these energies inside your body.

Magic - white, Psi - blue, Faith - Gold, Qi - Red

Effect: Fast energy recovery rate (x 10)

With the help of the new skill, Juan filled his body with the energies around him.

He continued preparing the planting area. With the help of his skills. He was faster in cultivating the land. He planted all the seeds and watered them.

Status Update

+1 Stamina

He prayed again to Lakapati, "Oh Lakapati, the goddess of fertility and cultivated lands. With your gift to man, please hear my prayer. Give this lowly man his food. Bless this field with your grace".

Again, the green light from him flooded the field. He successfully prayed and the goddess answered his call again.

The lambanas looked at him and were dumbfounded. They are thinking if the person in front of them was a priest of Lakapati. For Juan to successfully invoked the prayer and power of Lakapati, he seemed to be more powerful than them. Juan performed the power of a god by himself. Unlike the lambanas, they needed to gather and perform the power of a god.


Quest Finished You have successfully planted all the trees.

Go back to Lakan Amo to receive your reward

Reward: Adventure Handbook

While the lambanas were admiring the person before them. The blue window appeared before Dex and Juan.

"Alice, let us go back to Lakan Amo" - Juan reminded Alice

"Yes, Yes! You need us to return to the village" - Alice said

Somewhere inside Alice, she new he has full respect for Juan right now, not just amusement for being a human visitor and diver. However, she chose to present her haughtiness and playfulness to Juan.

-to be continued-

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