《Under a Witches fingernails》13. The Curiosity of Aspen


Notes about trial;

Someone with a power complex has made this system. Off with her head, off with his. No matter the situation. They choose not to hear anyone out ever.

But hands-outs seem to be in question, I heard the judge whisper to an officer "if she hadn't murdered then we could cast him out for infidelity." There are no proper case orders and no Proper judging of the girl or anything in that matter. Adults with laziness has plagued our system in hopes that fear will be struck into civilians. How is it possible to create such a world on bullying. That's how it feels. Like the system bullies a criminal. I saw no proof of this murder. They gave her no chance to plead otherwise. Just like my notes i feel that this is all pointless. hopeless. unworthy. Now her kids are forced into the same system in which Abandoned them. The doctors said she was fit for trial but I saw no sign of sanity, this had to be for his benefit or is he just as lazy as the system? Such high regards with handshakes seeing him out double doors with smiles and respect, with no reasoning in sight. People smile and laugh as they cast someone to their death. Wiping their hands clean of bloodshed and kids with no parents. No concern for how they feel. No, a quick trail as long as it gets, they're day over with fast they remain happy. What a shame. I couldn't smile after ripping a mother way from her child like that. heartless is as heartless does.

aspen broke her pencil on the last word.

"I wouldn't send that off to the papers if I were you."

aspen turned her head around to see a tall handsome red-headed man smiling. His dimples were as large as his smile. His glasses laid perfectly upon his face. His smile was the warmest she had ever seen.


"Didn't your mother ever tell you to mind your business?" aspen replied while blushing. "Excuse me, where are my manners, my name is D"

he looked at her with his hand out. Aspen's body got hot, with everything was moving so fast and it became extremely hard to think in the presence of him. Her heart felt like it was skipping beats. There weren't many people left in the court room. the ones that were stood around talking and laughing as if a church service just ended. "I'm sorry i have to run!" aspen told him. she glanced down at his badge as he was in uniform. "Officer." she added.

Officers definitely weren't her favorite people. But she might be friends with him as long as she could get close to him, she thought.

Her mood wasn't in bright spirits, and this caused her magic to be off she couldn't even get her broom to come to her outside the courthouse. she was feeling too down so she decided to go on a walk. She walked for blocks and blocks. Eventually she found herself crying at the same time, she couldn't stop thinking about how That women's children will become orphan's and there was nothing anyone could or would do about it. It reminded her of how she wanted to so badly to bring her parents back from the dead. She had to keep her goal in mind.

Aspen's vision got cloudy and as time passed the sun started setting. It took her an entire hour before looking up at her surroundings.

"L. E. Verdens private office" sat a big brick sign outside of a very well-done two-story building. Something that always got aspen in trouble was her curiosity. looking both ways before crossing the street she walked over but her intention was not stop by for a friendly visit to a man she doesn't know. No silly thoughts of that even began to cross her mind. No, she thought it was best if no one even knew she was in there.


She saw a officer sitting in a chair right outside the front door of his office. his head laid back on the wall. His eye's closed and drool started pouring out of his mouth. his gun rifle laid neatly across his chest. she walked around to the back of the office. a ladder was attached to his building, and it reached all the way to the roof. aspen gave a small smirk before taking off her boots and socks in hopes of being as quiet as possible. she walked up the ladder slowly. the sun going down made it hard for anyone to see but it also made it hard for her to navigate. Once reaching the roof she looked hard for a door to lead into the office somehow. After a few moments she felt as if she was getting nowhere and kicked a blue tarp that sat crinkled. she looked down this blue tarp was hiding the only way in. she grabbed the cold steel lever and the hidden door slowly rose, she smiled as big as her face would allow her. She stepped one foot at a time into the darkness of the office attic. Once her body was fully in, she started at the door. If I keep this open and a breeze or any outside noise comes through it will be over. But if I don't leave this open, I'll have to crawl out a window or something Aspen thought to herself. A Birds loud song was right by it and fear in golfed her whole body. Making her feel like she had no choice but to close it. she got low looking at her surroundings. the attic as big as the second floor and stretched to each room with vents above every single room. the rest of the attic held nothing and was cold and dark. "How useless vents with no air flow" she thought to herself. she walked low and only on her tippy toes. Aspen's face now flushed; her breathing began get rapid as she knew what she was doing was extremely risky. she tried to calm her before looking into the first vent.

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