《love by chance》Love by chance 14


Pete POV

"Ae krap ."

"What's wrong,Pete?"

He wants to say something but he think that how to say something. So I wait for him to star saying.

I looked at his eyes and smiled softly.



He bite his lip.

"Ae ...... I.....I......"



"Yes Pete? If you, What?"

How can I say!? I can't explain it!!

I couldn't say that my problem.

Ae worried about me and said something to me.

Suddenly I cried.

"Pete!? What's wrong!?"

I just shaking my head and more couldn't stop crying.

I decided to say about my problem to him.



" I have to go to business trip next month...."

"Yes. Where are you going and how much days?"

"I'm going to Germane and half month....It's so far and too long...."

"Hummm Pete. I'm always stay at here. Don't worry about everything. You know?"

"Yes.... I know it.... but...."

Ae held me and said to me so softly....

"Pete... of course I'm too miss you during your business trip. But we are Man...you know?"

He pat my back and kissed on my forehead.

"I'm sorry naaa Ae...I'm like a child...."

"It's ok. When you miss me you can always say it to me. I always hag you, right?"


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