《love by chance the series oneshot book》Adoption (aepete)


Papa,papa I want lolli-lolli

Yes baby,daddy and I will get some for you

Yeah I love papa and daddy.

Pete was jolted awake from his sleep again. He has been dreaming about this for the past 2 weeks. A young boy whose face was vaguely visible calling him papa and Ae daddy. Ae is Pete's husband for 3 years and they had been falling more in love with each other than anything. His husband was asleep beside him.

If you ask Pete he would say he want a baby boy to raise . He was an author and worked from home. So it wouldn't be a problem. They also have the finance to raise 100 kids.

Pete's eyes dropped and he fell asleep. Ae woke up from his pretend sleep and stared at his beautiful husband. He had been lost lately,he thought. As he cuddled up to him and fell asleep he wondered what happened.

The next day they both rose early. Pete went to cook breakfast . Ae went to shower.

When ae came back there was already 2 broken eggs,milk spilled and Pete lost in thoughts.

Ae snapped. He banged his fist on the countertop and Pete flinched.

"Enough is enough Pete. What the hell is wrong with you. Do you have another affair. Do you not like me anymore. "Ae screamed angrily as Pete shook.

"So you never trusted me"he asked shaking. Ae sighed and came closer to his tall husband. He ruffled the tallers hair.

"If you never that pretty mouth of yours and tell me what you feel how will I know,I cannot read minds, that is not a part of this hero's superpower."ae smiled and Pete's blushed face.

"Ok....promise you won't get angry" Pete made a cute face and Ae melted as he muttered a yes.


"I want a child"




"Oh my god. Really lets do it then"ae said and got a smack from Pete.

"Aeeee,you know what I meant. Let's adopt ,naaa"Pete said and we laughed again.

"Even I have been thinking about it,you know,I child calling you papa and me daddy or other way round . Waking up with him me while you prepare delicious breakfast. Giving both of us a peck on our forehead and maybe making out with me."ae said and Pete hot him again.

They both laughed and ae leaned in for a deep breathtaking kiss. He moved away quickly making Pete pout.

"Let's clean this up first "he said smirking "otherwise I will lose it and do you on the counter"


Ten's adoption centre.

Ae read in his mind. Sound legit . He took a deep breath while he felt Pete hold his hand. Pete noticed ae was more nervous than him. But he knew he would be the best daddy.

They went in and was immediately greeted by two men.....making out. Wow way to make an impression. Ae coughed awkwardly to attract their attention. Which was a mistake.

"Oh my god,you are gonna scare away the client's you idiot"the short dude screamed.

"Who asked you to open now"he continued.

"What do you mean it's 8 and that's when we open. And it was your fault ,who asked you to seduce me"the tall giant argued. Pete coughed this time.

"Its okay,na. We are sorry. But please stop fighting. We are also like you"Pete said and the shorter became less red and the taller was looking at them with interest.

"Hmm. Let's start again. Welcome to Tens adoption centre the no 1 adoption centre in Asia. I am chittapon leechiyapornkul and this is my husband Johnny."He said and smiled really brightly.


"Yeah,I'm johny"and another mistake because he got hit.

"Anyway,let's ignore the rude behavior and get started"johny said and Ae swear he saw steam emitting from the shorters ears. Cute.


They saw a lot of children. All of them looked really cute and innocent. Ten and johny was doing this as a charity. They always rescue poor abandoned kids and bring them here. Pete's eyes filled when he heard their good deed.

They finally sat down by a tree to rest. Ten and johny probably went away to finish what they started. Suddenly a ball landed near their leg.

A very small and pale boy came to get the call. They looked at his action with love filled eye. The kid had tears in his eyes which saddened them.

Pete crouched in front of him and ae followed.

"Hey baby,what is your name"Pete asked slowly and the boys eyes widened. He was about to run away when ae took a candy and gave him.

"Want some candy? We are good people"he said.

"B-but...Ten s-said no tal-king to..st..rangers"his baby talk made Pete coo. He decided. This boy is the one.

"Its okay,baby. Why are you crying "Pete asked. The boy rubbed his eyes.

"Only ten ...a..nd..Johnny..likes..me..I have..no friends..They say...I look li..ke..a ghost"the boys words broke their hearts.

"Thats not true,you are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen"Ae said and peted nodded.


"He is tar. He was found from an earthquake sight. Lost everyone. Poor guy. We love him to bits."Ten said and looked at the boy who was playing with Pete.

"Can we ...take him with us"Ae asked. Ten looked happy and sad. A bittersweet moment.

"Yes,surely but only if we become friends and we get to visit everyday. And if anything happens to him I won't forgive you"ten added and ae swore this guy is scary.



After the child's protection and the adoption center did research and checking they came to a conclusion that Ae and Pete are the best parents for tar. Even of it took 2 months the wait was worth it. Tar and aepete had grown very close . So did ten and johny.

"Tar,welcome home na"Pete said as he held the baby's fragile hand and guided him in.

Tar looked around in amazement. He then hugged Pete who picked him up and placed a wet kiss on the boys forehead.

"Dont do that papa"tar said and immediately covered his mouth. Pete's eyes widened as he stared at the shy boy.

"I know right,papa here acts so touchy"he said and started tickling the baby who squirmed in Pete's hand.

"Is...it...okay if...I call you papa and daddy?"tar asked shyly.

"Only if I can call you baby and princess."Ae said and tar whined .

"I am Prince, daddy,not pricess" he said.

"Ok whatever you say"princess""Ae smirked.

"Oh now he did it. Let's chase him"Pete said and they both started chasing and laughing.

Like a big happy family......

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