《love by chance the series oneshot book》first time (tincan)


"Ai pond,can you not give me that shit eating grin. You are scaring me"can said pouting to the dude sitting in front of him in the cafeteria.

"Ai cannnn, finally someone understood my experience in this field and came to me ,I should be happy right."pond said and winced as can hit him on the head.

"I told you so,you should be careful of whom you hate,now you wanna fuck" no said earnin some laughs and glare from the small cantaloupe.

"I have been keeping him waiting for this I feel guilty,but I am scared , you should be helping not bitching"can said and Ae hit him.

"Careful, your words are not appropriate "he said shielding Pete's ears who shyly looks down.

"I don't want to discuss your sex life now so I am leaving "No said and got up, followed by everyone except Pete. Pete was eyeing can sadly.

"Are you also gonna ditch me like those traitors "can said sadly pointing at the retreating figures. Even pond left. Strange.

"No,can,I just wanna tell you ,you should trust tin,he will never hurt you,never."Pete said and got up leaving. Can felt much at ease. Pete is such a good guy,he thought. (Bottom gang )

He vaguely formed a plan in his head. He texted tin asking him to come to his apartment even though they practically live together. It was a small affordable apartment.

After a minute he got a reply.

I will,can,but I will be late, a bit busy today. Will miss you.❤.

How convenient.

He quickly got his bag,and ran to his cycle. He rode his bike and reached a lingerie store.He hesitated a little in front of the store and finally got in. A guy was standing behind the counter and greeted his sweetly.


"Hi I am Mark ,how may I help you?"he said and can felt more embarrassed if that is even possible. Can turned around to walk away but a hand held him back.

"Look ,you don't have to be shy,I will help you with the size and stuffs "Mark said and smiled sweetly again,

"Ok"can mumbled.

"Come on "the boy urged the flustered boy and soon was in front of some petty lace panties.

"You should try these,works well on guys ,my boyfriend love these"Mark said and gave a puppy eye to can who nodded . He took the right pieces in baby pink and baby blue and red. He also got some stockings.

He left the store head held up high. He was gonna do this no matter what.

He finally reached the apartment. He quickly started cleaning the place. He put new bedspread,fluffy the pillow,burned the scented candles ,dimmed the light. By the time he was done the house was spotless but he was dirty . He quickly ran a shower and used scented body wash wash and shampooed his hair. He then dried off and used body lotion. (😎)

He smelled like a snack and looked like one too,he wore the baby pink panties and stockings.

He then waited. Half an hour later he heard the door open. He ran. He literally ran to the washroom. He suddenly lost all his confidence. He cannot face tin. He was embarrassed as fuck.

Tin was tired as hell. He just wanna sleep cuddling with his baby. But the setting of their kind of shared apartment was so .....romantic. the dim lights,candles and all suggested something but he could not pinpoint it. He threw his bag somewhere and called out for can.

"Can,caaaaann.....are You home?"he asked and walked around the house ,he entered their bedroom. The room was extra clean and smelled good. There were some shopping bag on the dresser . He peeked in and got the shock of his life........panties.


"Can I know you are here"tin said suddenly wide awake and turned on. He knocked on the bathroom door. There was shuffling but no response.

"I know you are in there can ,come out here"he said sternly.

"No I am shy,you will hate me"can finally said. Tin gripped the knob harder. His member was dancing wildly in his pants. The door suddenly gave way and he entered the bathroom.

There he saw a sight that snatched his breath . Literally. Can was clinging on to him and muttering incoherence while tin was finding it hard to breathe. Finally he thought it was enough. He picked the unsuspecting boy up and threw him over his shoulder and walked back into their bedroom. He threw his again,on the bed.

Can landed on the bed and lied there curled up and panting.

"Baby ,please let me see you"tin said soothingly to calm the boy. Can melted into the soft caress he was receiving on his bed By his amazing boyfriend. He decided it was too much and uncurled and sprawled on the bed.

Tin breath hitched. His eyes darkened and can gasped. Shit. He awakened a monster.

"Oh my god baby, you look so pretty. The colour suits you so well"tin said and started touching the smaller everywhere . The touches were gentle and can moaned wondering how this man can be so gentle.

Tin ducked down and started kissing the boy smoothly. Soon it turned out be full on hip grinding battle of tongue make out session. Cans moans were driving tin wild and he didn't know when he will lose his mind and fuck the smaller senselessly.

Can started grinding up more friction and soon started undressing tin.


Tin growled and started marking the boy all over the body as can kept on chanting his name like a mantra.

"Tin,please stop teasing"can cried as tin started nibbling on his nipples.

"Please,please,tin,I need it now"can said and that's it that was what it took for tin to flip the boy over and started fingering him with lubed hand. Soon he was stretched and tin rammed in him.

"Aaandmdmkdkek"can screamed in pain and pleasure.

"Can you sound so good,call me by my name"tin growled thrusting faster and deeper hitting his sweet spot.

"Can,can,can"he kept on repeating as he got pounded. Soon they came hard tin filling can up. (Tin and can are safe,ya know,use protection kids)

They collapsed on the bed calming themself down from their high.

"Wow"they say in unison. They smiled at each other and cuddled to sleep

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