《love by chance the series oneshot book》change (good champ)


Good was really sad. Dissapointed. He slowly made his way towards the behind of the school where many people didn't come. Their department was a little farther and the behind was dark. Good sat against a wall and slowly sighed. He slowly let the tears fall from his eyes. It was the bottled up emotions he had kept suppressed inside his heart. It was hard for him. To be a sloth and called sloth. Everyone thinks he is the worst match for his best friend. When people compare their contrast he can't help but sigh sadly because if he talks it will take an eternity.

His tears was now increasing its pace. His mouth left small whimpers. He held a hand over his mouth to muffle it but in vain. He thought about how he always get in trouble for being late and slow. He felt ashamed and embarrassed. He tried to console himself.

"Shhh....Good....it's....no.....use....crying.....you ......are....just....a....little....slow...."this made him cry harder.

Champ ran away from can who was raiding his poor wallet .hah he thought. As he reached a spot behind the school he saw a figure lying on the ground near the wall in a weird position. He moved closer cautiously. When he did reach near the figure a gasp escaped his mouth. It was good. He moved closer and knelt beside him. He shook the boy and called out.

"Good,ai good,good. Wake up"he screamed. He took his phone light to see more clearly. His heart clenched when he saw tear stains on the boys face. He slowly lifted the boy up .He didn't want anyone's help. He will tend to this boy,himself . He thought. Good slowly stirred in his slumber but didn't say a thing or open his eyes.

Champ took the boy all the way to his car and placed his gently on the back seat. As he tried to move away he realized the boy was clutching on to him. Slowly he also entered the car and hovered above the boy. He unclasped the hand and placed it on the boys abdomen. That's when he realized the position. He looked down to see the boy somewhat peacefully sleeping except his tear stains hurting champ.

It was tempting, he thought as his eyes lustfully moved all over goods face and body. It rested on his swollen and red lips. Probably from all the lip biting he thought. He couldn't take it any longer. He leaned in and firmly placed his lips on the young. The absolutely intense bolts of pleasure that passed through hos body made champ weak.


But he didn't proceed. He didn't wanna taint the boys innocence.

He drove of speedily to his apartment . Once he reached he quickly escorted the sleeping boy to his room by carrying him all the way. He didn't wanna disturb the boy. So once he placed the boy on the bed he gently unbottoned his shirt. After learning about his obsession over this boy he found this task harder. The milky white skin was so smooth under his touch . The boy was well built but lean. He thought. He then removed the youngers shoe and socks. He put it all in the machine to clean. He then changed him to a hoodie. Being done with everything he sighed tiredly and soon drifted off to sleep holding the boy.

Good woke up to an unfamiliar sorrounding and was surprised to see a firm hand around him. He then felt cool breeze on his leg and realised he was naked in the lower half. He gasped but obviously no one heard. So he stirred the sleeping guy next to him.

He turned his head to look who it was and was surprised to see p champ. He thought champ was a tough guy. He then slowly pushed the guy which made him bolt awake.

"Omg,it wasn't me "he said as he sat rigid on the bed. Good chuckled sweetly covering his mouth. Champ looked down at him and immediately felt that strange feeling. He wanted to devour the boy right there. But he controlled.

"Why.....am....I....here..?"champ was stopped from saying anything as he saw the boy frowning and slowly getting up.

"You fainted so I brought you home"champ said the way he said home felt strange. The boys face twisted in questioninglook.

"Home?"good asked . Champ abruptly stood up and walked towards the window and drew the curtain. The light illuminated good and he looked like an innocent angel in the loose shirt. He stared and stared.

"P....p champ.."goods voice broke his thoughts.

"Ah,let's eat something I am sure you are starving "champ said and ran to the washroom to tidy up.


Good was really surprised to be here. He walked sown after washing up and using a spair brush . He was hot by the smell of heavenly food when hos stomach growled and he realized he hadn't had anything for dinner yesterday. A chuckle startled him. He saw champ in an apron clearly shirtless. He looked away flustered.

"Good,I made egg and toast ,eat up . Your tummy seems sad"champ said. He figured good felt awkward so he tried to make the mood light.


"Ok...p"he said and slowly sat on a chair and slowly started eating . Champ joined. Suddenly good put his fork down loudly. Champ looked up shocked. He saw goods face twisted in rage.

"P...I ....need....to...change....I...hate....being....the....sloth..."He said angrily but for champ it was just cute tantrums.

"P...stop....staring....I...need...your....help"he said again and champ looked down at his meal. He cleared his throat and began.

"What help do you want good?"champ asked gently. A shiver ran through good. He felt good being talked to so kindly. He looked up and said.

"I...want....you...to...train...me...to...be...faster...and...less...slowthlike."He said.

Champ smiled.He then reached over and ruffled his hair.

"You just need to talk more ,if you noticed you are getting faster as you talk more" champ words gave him encouragement. He straightened his previously ruffled hair and sighed.

"Hmm,krub"good hummed.

"So let's begin"champ said and stood up . He motioned good to stand up too and they headed to the college.

"Ai good,where did you go yesterday. "Can hit good on the head and asked . Then he saw champ. Type and techno appeared out of nowhere.

"Oho,my friend,got it good yesterday huh"techno squealed and hit champ in his arms.

"Yeah,I didn't know you where into fair ones"type but in and they both laughed at their joke. They stopped abruptly when they saw champ glaring at them ready to throw them to outerspace any moment.

"He fell sick yesterday and I took him home . Nothing happened ok."Champ said as he calmed down. Type and techno chuckled but quickly shut up when they saw champ

"Ooh,I don't understand anything . Good are you ok. Did you eat ,let's eat p type is feeding us"can cried and pulled both good and type away. Good turned around to see champ looking at him and he gave a smile. Just then he got a message.

"Lets up after class"it read and it was from champ.

After class they met and decided to go to goods dorm. Since he lives alone no-one would get disturbed. They were basically screaming,singing horribly,squealing, talking non stop. If people didnt know their motive they would think they were on crack or something. Good was talking but obviously he sounded like he is some slow motion video.

They ended up sleeping on the floor .


"Oh...."Good said as he woke up from the the painful position he was sleeping in. He shook champ and called out for him. Champ suddenly held goods hand so hard it might bruise.

"Hey,good,shake me harder and faster"champ said in his sexy bed voice and to someone like good also the meaning had a double take. Good blushed bright red and looked away.

Seeing his reaction champ just laughed and ruffled the youngers hair.

"That's not what I meant pervert,call me effectively so that I will wake up"he added. Good hit champ on the hand and huffed.

"I....am...not...pervert"he said and made his way to the washroom. They got dressed and ran to the university.

This continued and obviously everyone noticed the change. Can realized good is getting faster ,smarter and maybe more alert than him and he was obvious. Ae realized he was not mute. Techno's new favorite was good and type saw some red strings connecting good and champs heart.


"P..I..want to give you something "good announced one day to champ as they both were walking back to champs dorm for daily lessons.

"What is it?"champ asked secretly proud at the improvement in good. Champ turns to face ,good looking down at his feet. Good had been having a battle in his heart . He gets really fuzzy and happy with champ not like with his friends but different type of happy. He asked P type what it was and was shocked when he said that he might like champ. So today he wanted to just hug the bigger and maybe confess.

Champ was looking down at the cute boy who he for some reason adored at all levels. Champ wanted to take care of him and obviously loved to do a lot the dirty. But as time went by he realised he actually liked him.

"P,can I hug you "the question threw champ offguard and his eyes widened. He looked at the guy and then sighed. His mouth twisted upward.

"Only in one condition "champ said and spread his hand out to initiate the hug . Good ran into champs hand and they hugged for sometime. Forgetting everything around them and sailing to a world only for them with nothing to worry.

Champ moved away first. Good pouted and looked up at champ still standing close to each other.

"The condition I want to kiss you"now goods eye widened and he blushed hard looking down. He then slowly nodded .

Champ lifted the youngers head up and kissed him sweetly.

"Wow"champ sighed .

"That was my first kiss"good said and looked away flustered.

"No"champ said and good looked at him surprised.

"Nevermind"champ said.

They kissed again.

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