《Love By Chance》Chapter 51: || Unexpected Turn Of Hearts ||


She sat with the small box. Prinku and Dev had been married happily. Everything went perfect. Tonight was the reception. Anika was concerned. About her feelings for him. They seemed yo be growing deeper with every moment she spent with him.A few of her things had to be brought from her home. The box had come as well. The box contained letters her mother had written for her. There was one incomplete letter. Her 24th birthday letter. She was tempted to open it. But she kept it aside and looked at the others. She could wait a few more days, until her birthday to read it. She picked out one. It was her 20th Birthday letter. She opened it and caressed it with tears in her eyes.

One word in the letter caught her attention. "Love".

She read the paragraph from the beginning.

" Anika, life is filled with ups and downs. I know what you've been through has been bad. Maybe you still miss me and that's why you ate reading this. Anika, life is hard, but if you have someone by your side it becomes easy. I found my companion in you. I hadn't thought things would turn out the way they have. I wish I could turn back time and never bring you home. So that you're heart would never break when I leave. But, I realised how bad that would be. Beta, I am happy that I got the little time I got with you. You must know, that I have and still love you dearly. I lied to you today that I had work, couldn't tell you I was going to the hospital. I reached home late and you were already asleep. I am sitting next to you and writing this."

Anika closed her eyes momentarily as tears blinded her vision. She continued reading. She had read it before but still felt as though it was her mother talking to her.


Once I reach baghwan Ji ke paas, I will make sure you are my daughter from birth in the next life. Anika, I know you are probably hurt now as you read this. But don't stop being yourself. Hate me if you want but don't hate your life or fate. Love life and let life love you back. Don't fear fate. Destiny may have plans, bit you can always change that by your will. Lobe life and see how life has it's ways to Love you back. Don't runaway from life or fate, Love them Anika, Love them.

Anika looked up with tears rolling down her cheeks. The answer she had been seeking from herself was found. She had been running. No more. She quickly kissed the letter and packed the box. She opened her cupboard to find the dress he had gifted her. She smiled at it. This was going to be the best day of her life. She would not runaway. She would not be a coward. She ran to the washroom for a shower, bubbling with excitement and thoughts.


He steadied himself, setting his coat. "You can do it Shivaay!" He told himself once again, as he stood before the mirror. "It's simple. You just tell her that you like her and then you say Will You Marry Me? Yes it's simple, you got this SSO! Wait did I just call myself SSO!? Anika!" He smiled.He cleared his throat, looking at himself. "A little smile", he told himself and pulled up his lips in a small curve. " perfect "

"Anika, I ...I like you. Will you be my wife?"

"No no no...that was horrible. Once again. Anika, I love you, will you marry me?"

He closed his eyes. He sounded worse than a peon asking 'will you have some tea?'

Taking a deep breath he made up his mind. He would just go to her and be spontaneous. Say what was in his heart. After all it was Anika. She knew him, didn't she? Better idea.


* * *

Anika hummed to herself. She took special efforts to apply the liner in perfection. The lehenga looked beautiful. It was his choice after all. She blushed. How would he react? Like things were hidden from him. She was going insane. Never had she thought she would propose a man. She was a little sceptic. But when his smiling face came to her mind she knew it was right!

She peeped down from her window. The celebrations had begun. Guests had started arriving.

She made her way out and quickly instructed her team. Dev and Prinku came down holding hands. Anika smiled. The couple looked happy and lovely.

"Where is your Bhaiya?" Anika asked.

"Unhe toh dulhan se bhi zyaada time chaiye tayaar hone me liye." Prinku commented.

Anika laughed.

"O madam. Dulhan time over. Ab Patni ho!" Dev exclaimed. Prinku rolled her eyes.

"Acha then you both proceed to the stage. Daadi is already out. I will see the rest." Anika smiled.

The mansion was empty. Anika had decided to talk to Shivaay only after the function was over.

* * *

He pulled the drawer and looked for the small velvet covered box. He would go and whatever happened, would be spontaneous. He cursed looking at the files piled on the dressing table. Past few days had been so hectic. His room was a mess, to add Daadi had forbidden the servants from touching anything in any room. Vaccum Cleaners were all that were used in rooms. He pulled out the box and opened of smiling. He had purchased the ring a few days back. He smiled. Well maybe yes, he had been planning for the day a little well ahead.

He picked up the ring in his fingers and simpered. The ring slipped from his fingers when he was putting it back. It fell somewhere on the files. He couldn't spot it. He moved the pile a bit, there was no ring. He then spotted it on the ground. He placed his hand in the dressing table and bent down to pick the ring up. In the proces a few files were knocked down. He kept the ring in the box and was gathering the files when he noticed a photograph. It had anika and man beside her. He looked carefully and was taken a back, the man resembled him. He looked carefully, looked lie some legal office. He scanned through the files one by one, to see the file the photo had fallen from. He opened one unnamed file. He read the title and was intrigued. "Marriage certificate?" He skimmed through the details and the stopped staring at his signature. He had read this document before but only skimmed through it, when his memory had relapsed. But something dint seem right. The signature wasn't his. He looked at the photo, the man in the picture also wasn't him. He recalled Anika telling him that they had mutually agreed to the contract. His face grew serious.

Anika had lied!?

Tia's words out of no where rang in his ears-

"Mark my words Shivaay, no one does anything for anyone without a self centered motive"

He remembered Anika's words,

"I needed my property and home back.""God doesn't do anything just like that. You weren't at your home at that time, it means God had other plans for you!"

Lost and shocked. He sat on the stool. With the photo in one hand and the forged document in another. His eyes moist eyed the small velvet box that lay on the dressing table.

P.SThe twist is finally here!

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