《Love By Chance》Chapter 38: || SSO Strikes ||


She looked at the watch,it was time , she should leave. Quickly getting her things into the bag and running a last look around she stepped out. The breakfast was a silent affair. He barely spoke. She knew how hard it must be for him, coming so close to winning back what was rightfully his, they were so far. Days had flied, and today was the final showdown. It was Rana and Tia's Wedding. Anika had snooped around the entire Mansion but hadn't been able to find the papers. But she still din't back out, today was her last Chance!

" Anika, leave it, its over, you don't have to go today!" He said stirring the cornflakes in the bowl of milk.

"We spoke about this yesterday, din't we? Let me go...ho sakta hai aaj...

" Koi miracle hogaa kya aaj!??" He said sarcastically.

"Ho sakta hai..! " she said smiling.

He looked up at her, wearing disapproval.

She quickly got up, and carried her plate to the sink and quickly washed her hands and dried them. She picked up her bag from the dinning table and walked towards the door. He still sat there toying with spoon, he had seemed to lost interest. Once upon a time Shivaay Singh Oberoi had whatever he wanted by hook or crook. The man who never gave up. But ever since that fateful day of his life, being Shivaay Singh Oberoi gave him nothing. And yet again he was losing. His chain of thoughts were broken as he felt her hand on his shoulder. He turned and she bent sligthly to bring her eyes up to his level.

"Magic happens to those who believe, Kahin pada thaa... Aaj apply kar rahi hoon..!Wait for my call, After all its time Mr. S.S.O makes a show.!"

She winked and then gave him her charming smile and left.He din't know why, but A smile decorated his face, his heart felt light in a matter of a few seconds. He had started realising, it wasn't a mere attraction, it was much more. The connection they had. The mutual understanding. The way his heart felt light with her around.

But still ...

Like always he pushed the thoughts away. It can't be Love! It can't. Love doesn't exist in real life. Its an illusion and he for one will never fall for that illusion. As for Magic... He din't know much...but was sure, she was Magic. She sure was Magic. She was capable of making him smile, make him laugh as per her wish. She Was Magic. And he believed in HER.!

Anika was walking up and down the Mansion's corridors, seeing to the arrangements. And also taking all opportunity of finding any clue. She had the chance of being in Rana's Room which was actually Shivaay's. She looked everywhere, under the bedding, the draws, she even managed to get the keys by crook and checked the cupboards, Nothing! She had almost been caught in the room but lucky enough she made an excuse of decorating the room for the night. And Tia happily let her have some more time in the room.The Mandap had been set up in the centre of the Living Room. The Mansion had been magnificently been decorated. The time for the major event was approaching. Anika was busy setting up the essential things like flowers,and other sacred things , at the mandap, her mind lost in thoughts. The papers should be somewhere around they weren't at office, Mishra had taken to that.! Then where.? She thought hard, what was she missing out. She was brought out of her thoughts by Rana's aunt, she sent her to the mandir in the house to get a few things. Anika nodded and went. She was busy picking up the cloth and the kalash when something caught her attention. She rushed towards the rear part of the mansion which was generally empty, so that she could make a call. She had already made the required text messages. But then she froze on spot. She heard footsteps behind her. Her eyes widened and heart stopped beating, she slowly turned.


It was Rana!

He was talking over the phone, he hadn't noticed her, she quickly hid behind the pillar.

Half An hour later:

The bride descended down the stairs with the bridegroom smiling. Anika smirked.

And then there was sudden commotion at the entrance.Everyone looked at the entrance, and there walked in a man in epitome of style, he removed the shades throwing it aside to the bodyguard by the side revealing his blazing blue eyes and ran his hand through his hair in his peculiar style. His now revealed eyes shone a bright bluish green as he smirked at the reactions he had caused in the room.

"Shivaay!" A few gasps were heard.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi!" He spoke up in pride.

"Mr. Dubey!" He called. A man in his fifties dressed in a black formal suit stepped in front.

"This property belongs to Mr. Oberoi, there are charges against Mr. Rana of falsely claiming his property and industries taking advantage of his medical condition.," the man announced.Rana stepped down from the mandap and walked up to Shivaay standing before him, looking at him with anger under a mask of formal face, " Mr. Dubey, the best lawyer in India, pleasure to meet you, I think you are mistaken and Mr.Oberoi himself had named his property on my name.!"

"It's not good to day dream Rana! Why the hell would I do that!? You illegally claimed by industries and property, taking advantage of my health ailment!" He spoke up, trying hard not to punch him on the face with every word.

Out of no where, the commissioner arrived with his team. And all looked confused.

Tia-"Thank you sir, you are here at such a short notice!' She smiled at Rana.

Shivaay looked at her in the eye. "Great..! Once for all things get sorted.!" He turned to His lawyer. Mr. Dubey hands over the original power of attorney and medical documents to the police. After thorough analysis the police conclude that Shivaay Singh Oberoi was the sole owner of the property and industries.

Rana starts fuming accusing Shivaay."Wait I will show you the proof!" He ran to the mandir of the house with a few policemen and Shivaay behind.

He located the button on the platform and presses it, a casket opens up on the other side of the platform near the Murti, he smirks and puts his hand inside, finds nothing! Anika smirks. She had accidentally pressed the button a little while ago and had found the papers which Khanna had destroyed. Stupid Rana had his all the papers at one place.

Rana was beyond shocked. And kept shouting that there had been a robbery. Shivaay looked at Anika from the corner of his eyes, she grinned and ran her hand over her head copying his style. He grinned. Absolutely Crazy!

Police-"We are sorry but we have to take you into custody.."

Rana cut him off-"how dare you..the one to go behind the bars should be this *****" he spat I'll about Shivaay.

Anika squeezing her eyes in anger-"Zubaan Sambhal ke!" She stepped forward. "Commissioner Jii, this man deserves to be behind the bars for bigger reasons. She glared at Rana while Shivaay looked on baffled.

She extended her phone towards the Commissioner, playing a video.

In the video:-

Rana over phone-" I don't know, sirf ek aadmi hai Jo sach jaanta hai, meri shaadi ke baad hum usse bhi khatam kardenge, phir koi nahi jaan paayega ki Oberoi House Mein Jo Blast Hua USS Ke Peeche Mera BHI haath thaa!"


Their were shocked gasps in the room.Rana looked at Anika-"This is Bl"""y Fake.! "

While Shivaay got a big blow as memories of the day strikes him hard. His eyes were moist and blazing with a fire, the fire of hurt and anger.

Tia stepped forward loosing her patience-"Anika, do you have any shame, we gave you work and this is what you do falsely accuse us, how dare you!" She raised her hand to slap Anika boiling in anger. Her hand was stopped in mid air by a strong hold.

"Don't you dare Tia!" He spoke trembling in anger.

Tia did a flip."Shivaay Baby!"

She hugged him. Anika looked shot shocked. "Thank God you are okay!"

Shivaay smiled at Tia, shocking Anika beyond.

"You have no idea Shivaay Baby, how I felt when ..." She broke into fake sobs while Shivaay pacified her saying it was alright. Rana looked at Tia disgusted. While Anika was left dumbfounded. She stood rooted at the spot.

She did not like Tia's proximity to Shivaay at all, but what she hated more was he was believing want she said even worse pacifying her after all she had done. She was about to speak up against her, but stopped mid-way, with what right? could she interfere.

Right of a friend! She couldn't decide, she din't even know properly about the sort of relationship the two had shared. He was quite close to Mallika her ex- girlfriend , Tia was his fiancée, sure enough he would have been close to her as well? She just din't even like how it sounded in her head.

"Tia don't worry, I know this guy would have blackmailed you to all of this, his only purpose in Life was to get what I had, I totally understand how bad you must be feeling, but don't worry know I m back and you have to fear no one. Tell the police all the truth, I m with you okay!?"

Tia nodded as Shivaay wiped away her tears, Anika could even stand the sight. Wasn't she being too envious, for a friend?She flushed the thoughts out of her head.

Tia spoke up and gave a statement against Rana. Rana was angry and shocked. The lady was ditching him right on his face. He spoke up in rage accusing Tia, and telling the police that he had been supported by her all along to conspire against the Oberois.

"That's perfect, Thank You Mr.Rana and Miss Tia Kapoor, you guys confessed your own crimes ! Isnt that enough for their lifetime??" Shivaay asked the commissioner smirking.

The two had just revealed each other and themselves. Also had given the name of the only person who knew about Rana being involved in the Blast.

Tia looked at Shivaay shocked-"What are you saying Shivaay baby!?"

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi...!" He corrected her.

"I would rather have you not take my name from your mouth at all. He spat his rage rising. "Women like you deserve to..." He stopped mid way.

"I should have followed OmRu's words, you b****y b***** were only interested in my Wealth.!"

He spat, keeping himself from screaming.

"Take them away inspector!"

Commissioner-"Sure Mr. Oberoi. !" Looking towards Anika-"Miss.!?"

"Anika-" she told him.

Commissioner-"we are proud of your bravery and presence of mind! Conspirators like these deserve to be punished."

Tia looked at Anika fuming, and started calling her a traitor. Shivaay had had enough.

"Not a word from your mouth against her!" He said standing beside Anika.

Tia- "O...so is she someone special to you Shivaay, does she warm your bed well!"

Shivaay's rage knew no bounds he would have slapped her if Anika had not.

Tia held her cheek at Anika's hard slap. "You characterless woman , how dare you !"she screamed.

" Awaaz neeche!" Anika said loudly. "Aisi baatein wahi bol sakte hai Jo khud hote hain, don't tell me you want me to tell everyone about the different spa sessions you have or the lunch dates? KhannaJi has lots of proof!" She spat. A shocked Tia gave her a disgusted look. "That doesn't mean you relationship is justified.!"

Shivaay- "Enough... A word more and I may forget my manners! You know this is it. The difference between you and her. Have you heard the word human? She is human, she has a heart and not a self-centred and conspiring traitor! Do you know friendship? No. Forget Friendship you can't be in a single loyal relationship, friendship is alien to you. !"

Tia-"Mark my words Shivaay, no one in the world does anything without any self centered motive!"


And the commissioner had had enough, the two were dragged out, leaving an extremely emotionally tired Shivaay and Anika.Shivaay looked at Anika who seemed a little shaken by Tia's curses and accuses. She must be tired he thought. He walked up to her."You okay Anika!"

She managed a weak smile.

"Why din't you tell me about the video ?" He asked confused. She had called him and informed that it was time for his action."Wo...!" She narrates. After calling him she had heard footsteps it had been Rana show as oblivious of her presence. She was about to leave when she heard him speak something about the blast. And lucky enough to have her presence of mind she had recorded it all.

Shivaay's respect for her had just increased. He gently held her shoulder, before he could speak he was called over for legal formalities. He looked at Anika and asked her to take rest in his room, not wanting her to be around in the mess.

"I m fine !" She responded.

"No, you must be tired, you go straight to my room and have rest!" Shivaay said affirmatively. Anika sighed. She could have a little nap after all that drama, she thought.

She looked at him a little unsure-"Which is the room?" She wasn't sure which one exactly used to be his room.

He smiled -"The room on the right, the pool one!" He said pointing upwards.

"Okay!" She said and left.

He owed her a real big thank you. Sighing he continued with the legal formalities. And asked Khaana to get his home back as it used to be.


Hope You All Liked It.!Also please leave behind any suggestions if you feel, anything isn't up to mark.

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