《beautiful time | nct dream (✓)》2.4 | new name


❝with the heartbeat and

overwhelming shouts,

you and i are filled with

light and become one.❞

"this is it! for today.

i see that you guys

are already dozing

off in the very first

period of the day."

"since our school's

annual sport day

is approaching, to

those who are excited

to participate, i'd like

to request you all to

submit your namelist

to your sports teacher."

[the class, where half

of them were dozing off,

had now given their

full attention to their

homeroom teacher.]

[mrs. shin chuckled

heartily, noticing the

excitement sparkling

in her student's eyes.]

[jeno, chenle and jaemin

threw eachother a typical

look of 'are you thinking

what i'm thinking?' as they

knew the type of sports

they wanted to take part in.]

[and as for jisung,

he was still absent.]

"now that i've grabbed

your full attention, we

will be announcing about

the sports day's arrangement

and the type of games that

we'll be including and so on,

tomorrow morning!"

"for now, submit the

participants' namelist

and we shall promptly

begin with the selection

after the announcement

is made!!"

[the students jovially

yelled in chorus.]

"okay okay! i get

it that you guys

are really excited!"

[mrs. shin receives an urgent

call from the principle so, she

excuses herself and leaves the

classroom without much delay.]

[chenle immediately walks

towards jeno and jaemin's

desk- with jaemin sitting

behind jeno in the secondth row.]

"yo! i'm gonna go

for basketball. what

about you??"

"either baseball or

relay race or maybe

both you know?"

"what about you

jeno hyung???"

"soccer! as always."

[jeno beams ecstatically

but was instantly interrupted

when a boy stops infront of

his desk and scoffs at him.]

"you can just dream

on jenope lol! let's

see who will make

into the soccer team

during the selection."

"oh! do shut up

julost as if you

are better than

me. even a kid

from kindergarten

can play better

than you l o l."

[juwon harshly grabs

onto jeno's collar making

the latter stand up from


his chair.]

[silence fills the room,

as the onlookers witnesses

the dispute amongst their

class's or rather their

school's best players.]

[lee jeno, popularly known

for being the best athletic

especially when it comes to any

kinds of soccer tournaments.]

[whereas, kim juwon, jeno's

rival, would do anything

to compete against jeno but to no

avail, jeno would always manage

to beat him in almost anything.]

[a typical wannabe, boy

from a wealthy family with

an attitude of a selfish,

arrogant sly fox.]

"watch your darn

mouth before i wipe

it off your damn face!"

"try all you want, i

don't give two flying

fucks about it. i'd actually

suggest if you quit trying to

act like someone you're not

just for popularity.....julost."

[jeno smirks.]

"woah woah guys!

stop it before you

both get called to

the principle's offi-"

"forgot about what

happened to your

beloved sister back


[juwon's lips twitches

into a satisfied smirk

upon noticing the rage

evident on jeno's face.]

"stop bringing up

about his sister you

sly fucking hoe-"

[jeno throws a strong

menacing blow across

juwon's cheeks, pushing

him back until his back

smashed onto the wall.]

[jeno glared into juwon's

eye, the male was starting

to feel anger growing in

him every passing seconds.]

"you fucker! i'll

get back for what

you did to her

one day. no matter


[loudly slamming his

hands on the wall beside

juwon's head, jeno storms

out of the silent classroom,

with jaemin following suit.]

[chenle kicks juwon

on his shin.]

"may god rot

your stinky

teeth!! ugh!!"

"oh wait! even god

hates you so much

that while making

you, he made sure

to make you really

ugly that not even

satan would welcome

you to hell."

[chenle runs out

of the classroom

as well.]

[hyeji sighs as she walked

out of the washroom.]

[jaemin and chenle had

informed her about

leaving for home, so

that they could help

jeno before the male

would go around doing

something silly.]

"i hope he's okay..."

[walking down the


hallway and past the

series of lockers, hyeji

decided to stop infront of

her locker.]

[they were currently

having their third class

but hyeji had excused

herself to use the bathroom

so, she was alone at the


[mark had been called

by the sports teacher in

the middle of their teaching,

for some help related to their

upcoming sports activity.]

[donghyuck had went over

to register himself in one

of the sports games since

he had come late to school

today. he didn't want the

namelist to run out of

slot for any players. ]

[jisung was absent and

so was renjun.]

"i'm literally going

to lock them up with

unbreakable chains

and drag them to school

so that they will stop

staying freaking absent

without informing me!!"

[without having the boys

by her side, hyeji felt alone.

since she would hang out

with them, 24/7.the boys

would always keep her away

from their so called 'fangirls'

and their 'jealousy'.]

[upon opening the locker,

a paper slips out of it.]

"huh? another

threat letter??"

"i literally have

no time for bullshits.

oh god, 'boyfriend

stealer'? bitch! you

ain't even dating them

what the fuck is this?

these letters are so


[hyeji complains, thinking

about all the letters which

contained warnings and

threats, that she had received,

all for hanging out with the


[crumbling the paper

as usual, she threw it

in the bin next to her


"you are really

not gonna listen

to us huh??"

"god not again."

"what is even

special about

you?! you're

not even half

as pretty."

"oh look! it's the

rat speaking."

"kindly backoff

from our boys

when we are

still being nice

to you, slut."

"is this where i

say, 'oh my god!

i'm so scared!

please don't hurt

me!!'?? 'cause i

ain't ever doing

that suckers!"

[soojin grasps onto hyeji's

wrist before hyeji could

even walk away, as her

long ass nails dug into

hyeji's bareskin.]

"oww!! that hurts!!

how the fuck do you

even wipe your butt

with those fake long

nails you damn bitch

let me go!!"

"you rat!!"

"girls! teach her

a lesson."

[yerin grabs hyeji's hair

proceeding to knee her

on the face but a voice

interrupts them.]

"not on my watch."

[he holds his phone

infront of the three

girls, as their eyes

widened in shock.]

[they didn't expect anyone

to be loitering in the hallways

in the middle of their classes.]

"*lets go of hyeji's hair*

do-donghyuck oppa~

we were just p-playing

with hyeji, that's all."

"y-yes!! yerin's right!"


"leave hyeji alone

before i post this

video into the school

forum that i recorded

just now when you

were bullying her."

[jiyeon glares at hyeji

before running out of

the hallway with her

two minions following

her from behind.]

"you okay??"

"do i look okay?!"

"i mean ugh yeah

thanks alot!"

"the hell were you

even doing instead

of being in the class?!"

"don't blame me for

getting bored dongfuck!

renjun is absent and

mark had went with

our sports teacher and

even you were taking

so damn long to come back

from registering your name!!"

"okay okay! i'm

sorry i'm sorry."

"hey! how about

we skip the classes

till lunch and just

sneak out of the


"and leave mark

alone and letter

get complained

about how we

ditched him??"

"hell no! i've already

had enough with

'complains' today."

"oh..then um..

how about we

just hang out at

the rooftop??"

"fine. if the security

guard catches us then

i'm putting the blame

on you in advance."

"sure sure~ whatever

you say, your royal


"once upon a time,

on the day a boy

named lee donghyuck

was given birth to,

the sun had said,"

", 'my job here is

done. this boy right

here is the real sun and

now i shall take my

leave for he shines

brighter than me'"

"so hyejiggle billy

be lucky that you

get to see the sun

from up close. SO

shower me with the

respect that i deserve."

[when donghyuck received

no answer, he snapped his

head to the side, to where

hyeji was seated at, only

to realise that the girl had

her hands covering her ears.]


"geez! i was just

pretending dude.

i heard what you said

and stop calling me

hyejiggle billy, dongfuck."

"no, you stop calling

me dongfuck."

"dOnGfUkiTy fUcK~"

"HyEjiGgLe BilLY~"










wait what?"

"lee haechan."

"it means to shine

bright uprightly."

[hyeji smiles at him,

before facing towards

the clear blue sky.]


"it just came across

my mind when you

were sharing that so

called story of yours."

"haechan, meaning full sun.

you're just like the sun in our life

*smiles* and it actually suits you."

"lee haechan. do

you like it??"

[hyeji then faces

donghyuck who was

frozen on the spot.]

"i uh uhm it's...

nice *turns away

and blushes*"

"i used to miss him

alot, but after meeting

you guys, i realized that

my life is better off without

him anyway and that you

guys are much better friends

than all the girls that i've been

friends with from my old school."

[donghyuck stared at her,

confused about who 'him'

she was referring to but

he decided not to ask her.]

i met you guys and

especially jaemin. he

made me fall in love

again. ahh! there goes

my heart again.

[hyeji yawns, feeling

sleepy as she then leans

her head onto his shoulder,

taking the male by surprise.]

"haechan-ah ....you will

always be my best friend

right? i really wish you

and the others won't leave

me like everybody else."

[hearing her call him with

the new name made donghyuck

feel like a whole new person.]

[hyeji closed her eyes,

sleepiness taking over her

as donghyuck just let her

lean on his shoulder.]

[he liked having her by

his side with no one to

disturb their moment-

just the two of them.]

"ofcourse hyeji, i'll

always be your

bestfriend, always."

[but his heart that was now

rapidly pounding against his

chest spoke the otherwise.]

kwon hyeji, what

are you doing to me?

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