《Price of admission》Price of admission Part 23


The group had arrived at the concert venue and had made their way inside.

"So, where to first?" Nakai asked. "We still have some time before the concert actually starts so how about we grab some snacks?"

"That's going to have to wait." Nishikata said as he looked off to the side.

The others were confused at first, until they noticed Hamaguchi, along with Houjou, not too far away.

"Please don't make a scene." Takagi said as she tugged on Nishikata's sleeve. It was too late though, as Hamaguchi had also noticed Nishikata, and the two were now in a stare down.

"Hey!" Nishikata called out as he walked over. "I'm surprised to see you here."

"Nishikata." Hamaguchi replied. "Yeah, it's actually a funny story."

"Due tell." He said as he got to them and stared him dead in the eye.

There was silence as the two boys stared each other down, each of them waiting for the other to make a move while most of the onlookers watched in confusion.

"Wait, what's going on?" Houjou asked.

"It's ..." Hamaguchi looked at Houjou, then back at Nishikata, ready to panic.

As he stood there, Nishikata gave him a closed eyed smile and offered a hand. "How about we forget about the whole incident, seeing as it was mostly pointless anyway."

Hamaguchi was dumbfounded for a moment before smiling and taking Nishikata's hand. "Yeah, thanks-" Before he could finish, Nishikata pulled him and put his head right next to his ear.

"Don't do it again." He said with a smile that seemed almost menacing.


Nishikata let go of Hamaguchi and walked back to the others who were also walking to him at this time.

"Uh." Houjou began as she looked around. "Could someone explain what just happened?"


"It's not important anymore." Nishikata said.

"You guys want to join us?" Takagi asked.

"Sure." Houjou replied.

"So uh, back to my question from earlier." Nakai began. "So do we want to get snacks or what?"

"Yeah, I could go for something quick." Hamaguchi began. "I mean we have some time left."

"Yeah, but we still need to find a place to stand before more people get here." Mano added.

"Then we'll split up for now." Nakai began. "Those of us who want can go to the snack stand, while the others go find a spot."

"Okay." Houjou said as she looked at Nakai and Hamaguchi. "So, who's going where?"

"Good question." Nakai turned to the others. "Anyone want to join us?"

As everyone remained quiet, Nishikata looked around nervously before slowly raising a hand. "I ... would actually like to grab something small."

"Great, then we'll see you guys in a bit."

The guys began their walking to the snack stand while the girls made their way to the main concert area; the concert itself was an outdoor one, so it there weren't any actual seats, and it was early so there were still able to move through the crowd.

"There are more people here than I thought there'd be this early." Houjou said as they made their way through.

"Everyone wants to get close, and you need to get here early to do that." Takagi explained.

"I think I get it."

As they continued to make their way through the crowd, squeezing through here and there until they noticed a familiar face not too far away. "Yukari?" Takagi called out.

Yukari looked around, unsure of who it was who called to her until she saw Takagi and others. "Hey!" She called out as she worked her way to them. "I'm surprised I bumped into all of you ... wait, where's-"


"Nishikata and the others went to grab some quick snacks."

"Oh, well that explains that." She smiled and scratched the back of her head. "Man, what a coincidence running into you guys right before the show starts."

"I know right."

"Would you like to join us?" Houjou asked. "I mean at this point it's the more the merrier."


Back with the other group, the guys had just placed their order and were now leaning against a nearby wall, waiting for it to be filled. "I can't believe it's finally here." Hamaguchi said as he looked off into the distance. "I need to make this chance matter, or it'll have all been for nothing."

"What chance might that be?" Nakai asked.

"DUH! I want to make Houjou my official girlfriend!"

Nishikata looked at Hamaguchi, then down. "This chance ..." 'Should I take it?' He clenched his fists and closed his eyes tight. 'Should I? I can't just give up.' "NAKAI!" Nishikata exclaimed as he turned to face him. "I need advice; tell me how you confessed to Mano!"

Nakai looked concerned as Hamaguchi leaned forward and looked at him. "I'd like to know that as well, actually."

"Well ... the thing is ..." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "She's the one who asked if I wanted to go out with her."

Nishikata and Hamaguchi looked on in shock as their mouths hung open. 'I should have guessed.' "Well, you have to have some advice, right?"

"Sorry, I'm not really that great at romance." He paused, then looked at Nishikata. "Wait, why do you of all people need advice?"


"Yeah mister, 'I'll deny my crush on Takagi until my dying day' what do you need advice for?" Hamaguchi asked.

Nishikata looked down as he began grinding his teeth. 'Well ... I should have seen this coming ... maybe ... I should just tell them.' "I haven't been denying it, I just ... hadn't realized it until ... recently."

"DUD!" Hamaguchi exclaimed.

"Not so loud!" Nishikata retorted. "Anyway, I've been ... at a complete loss with the whole thing. I've never been able to get the better of her, or even surprise her, so how am I supposed to get her to like me?"

"That's ... not a question I can help answer." Nakai answered. "I mean from the sounds of it, all you can do is be forward."

"I know."

They stood there in silence for a moment until the lady from behind the counter poked her head out and looked at them. "Order 147?"

"That's us." Nishikata said as he pushed himself off the wall. "Let's get this over with."

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