《Price of admission》Price of admission Part 22


The day had continued onward and Nishikata was now outside the candy shop, anxiously waiting for the others to arrive. "I managed to get here early, so it's no surprise that the others aren't here yet." He said as he looked around. "Man, I wish I could calm down." His mind was racing, trying and failing to think up ways to impress Takagi. "Why does it seem harder than one upping her?"

"Hey! Nishikata!" Called Nakai as he and Mano approached.

"Hey guys." Nishikata greeted back. "Did you by chance run into Takagi and Takagawa on your way here?"

"Huh?" Mano began. "I thought Takagi was coming here with you?"

"She said she had something to take care of beforehand and would be coming here after."

"Did she say what she had to do?"

"Something at the library, that's all I bothered to ask about."

"Hi guys!" Called another voice from down the street.

They all looked over to see Sumire making her way over, waving her hand with a smile on her face. "Hey! Takagawa!" Nishikata greeted.

"Huh?" Mano looked as Sumire before turning to look at Nishikata as Sumire approached. "I didn't know that you two knew each other."

"Oh, that's an interesting story." Nishikata said as he tried to hide a glare that he was shooting towards Sumire. "By the way Takagawa, when someone's over your shoulder, reading the conversation you're having with someone else, you may want to give a little more heads up than 'she's with me now' cause, someone might assume the conversation they're having with you is still private."

"Ops, I didn't even consider that." She replied with a smile.

"Something tells me you're lying."


"Wait, wait, wait." Mano began as she held her hands up. "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing much, just nishikata confessing his undying love for Takagi in a text message conversation that I was letting her watch."

"I DIDN'T CONFESS MY UNDYING LOVE!" Nishikata exclaimed. "I was just saying how much she meant to me."

"But ... how did you two have each other's contact info?"

Sumire froze, trying to hide her panic behind a smile as Nishikata looked on in amusement. 'It would be so easy to get back at her right now ... but I shouldn't.' "It was a long week, and let's just say ... one of us needed help."

"Oh, you mean with Takagi, right?" Nikai asked.

"That was one of the issues I was facing, yes." Nishikata said as he looked away.

"Well, that's nice of her." Mano said before she leaned to the side, as if looking at something behind Nishikata. "Is that ... Takagi?"

Nishikata and Sumire turned around and as soon as he laid eyes on her, Nishikata felt his heart jump into his throat. She wasn't dressed any differently than her usual formal wear, black T-shirt and shorts, but just the sight of her made Nishikata feel flustered. 'Calm down, damn it!' He thought to himself. "Geez, how has it taken me so long to realize that I like her?' Slowly but surely, he managed to calm himself down before anyone could notice.

"Hey guys." Takagi greeted. "So, everyone's here?"

"Yeah, I think that's everyone." Nishikata said as he looked around.

"All right, let's head to the bus stop then."

As the group began moving, Sumire hung back and placed a hand on Nishikata's shoulder. "I owe you one."


"I'd say after that stunt you pulled you owe me a bit more than one."

Sumire smiled sheepishly as she began walking ahead. "Well, it all turned out for the best, right?"

"What if it didn't?" He began walking as well. "Now come on, we've got a bus to catch."

"Right you are." Sumire ran to catch up with Takagim leaving Nishikata alone.

"So." Sumire began as she caught up to Takagi. "Are you excited?"

"You bet, I've been looking forward to this for a while."

She leaned closer and lowered her voice. "You mean only the concert or ... you know what?"

Takagi giggled and shook her head. "It's way too soon, I doubt he's even noticed yet."

"Still, you have anything big planned?"

She shook her head. "Maybe if the chance appears I'll try, but it's been a long week and I don't want to force any more."

"You're just saying that because you're nervous."

"That is a supporting reason, yes, but I'm going to keep it calm today and only tease him about small things."

"I think it's a waste of an opportunity."

"I've gotten plenty out of this opportunity thank you."

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