《Price of admission》Price of admission Part 21


The first class was still a ways from starting, and Hamaguchi was sitting by a window staring angrily at his phone. "Nishikata." He hissed. "Of course you win, you always outperform me." He sighed and put his phone away. "Well, I am happy that he managed to make up with Takagi, so, good for him."

"Something up?" Houjou asked as she came up behind him causing him to stagger to the side.

"Oh, hi there ... Houjou." He greeted uneasily.

"So, what was that picture you were looking at?"

"Oh, this?" He asked as he held his phone upright again. "Well, Nishikata, Takao, and I were having a ... contest, and the winner got the last pair of concert tickets that we managed to get our hands on."

"Concert tickets?"

"Yeah, for the one happening tonight. Thing is, Nishikata won so now he gets to take Takagi."

"I thought they weren't going out."

"They're not."

"Oh, so ... you wanted to go to the concert?"

He glanced at her then looked away as his face began to turn red. "Yeah, but I'm happy for Nishikata."

"Well ..." she turned away as she also began to blush. "I happen to have a spare ticket ... if you're still interested in going."

Hamaguchi slowly turned back as his eyes went wide. 'This can't be real.' He thought. 'So then this whole week ... was for nothing?' "Uh, yeah, I mean if you're offering."

"Thanks- I mean, cool, how about we meet up at my place before it starts?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

Back in the classroom, Nishikata and Takagi were talking to Nakai and Mano who had delighted looks on their faces.

"You serious?" Mano exclaimed.

"Yeah, Nishikata was able to get two tickets, which means now we have two extra." Takagi explained.


"Sweet, thanks man." Nakai said.

Nishikata began scratching the back of his head, feeling a little bashful. "Well, truthfully, it was an accident. I had no idea that Takagi had already gotten tickets when I got these, so you should be thanking her as well."

"Wait a second." Mano began as she looked closer at Nishikata. "You were actually going to ask Takagi out?"

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Nishikata exclaimed. "I was ..." He let out a sigh of defeat. "I was just trying to find an opportunity to get back at Takagi for always teasing me, but I didn't have time to think of how I was going to ask her without actually saying that." He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked away. "Not to mention that I didn't have time to think of anything either so ... there's that."

"Yeah, sure." Nakai began. "So then we're all going as a group then?"

"That's the idea." Takagi answered.

Just then, the teacher walked in and everyone rushed to their seats. "We'll talk later." Takagi said before Mano and Nakai went to their seats.

As Nishikata sat down with one thought continuously going through his mind. 'Did I really have a chance at getting back at Takagi at this concert?' "Hey, Takagi?" He asked just quiet enough so the teacher wouldn't hear."


"You said that I couldn't have gotten back at you at the concert ... what did you mean by that?"

"Well, I would have seen it coming."

"How so?"

"Well, due to your contest, you would have had to tell me that you've been planning this since Monday, so it was unlikely that it was for a friendly reason, cause, by your own admittance, you only really started to see me as a friend yesterday."


"I only realized that you were a friend yesterday ... though I do see your point."

"Yeah, meaning there were only two possibilities, one of them being that you were trying to play a trick on me."

"And the other one?"

She was silent for a moment as she looked at her book with what looked like a sad smile. "That you were actually asking me on a date." She smiled and tilted her head to the side. "Is that the case?"

Nishikata's face went bright red as before he quickly turned away. "No it's not. I guess I never really thought that part through." 'Based on that response, it's unlikely that she knows I've realized I'm in love with her.' He paused, surprised at his own thoughts. 'That's something I never thought I would ever think. But let's see, there is a possibility that she, like everyone else, knew about it. That would also explain why she would tease me so much.' He shook his head. 'No, she's not mean, so there's no way she could have known or she would probably be avoiding me ... unless ... she felt the same way.' He shook his head again. 'No, it's not possible that she's already fallen for me, she couldn't fall for a guy like me just like that.' He groaned and rolled his head. 'And I have to find some way to get her to fall for me, this is going to be a drag.'

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