《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》Epilogue


11 years later

I stood shaking with tears in my eyes. There she was. Her grave that I felt was under appreciated. I had Pre right beside me. It was her idea to come here today. I would have never came if it wasn't for her.

"Daddy, was mom beautiful?" She asked me.

I smiled at the image of Ryn that popped into my mind. "Very." I responded as I looked down at her, trying to hold back my tears. "Pre, can you please let me be alone with her for a minute?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, of course. Take all the time you need." She answers. I smile at her and she walks away, but still in my sight.

"Hey, Ryn." I say as a tear falls down my face. "Um, I know you might have been waiting for me to visit you, sorry I haven't but, I couldn't really. Uh, I miss you. I miss you a lot. I miss you more than you could ever imagine. And, um, the letter you left me, I have it with me right now. I never read it. Mostly because every time I tried, I began to cry at the first word. And before I began that letter, I want you to know that I'm so sorry for not coming to see you, like ever. I know you probably think I'm an idiot, but I-I'm truly sorry. But, I'm going to read the letter now, and this time I won't cry, so here it goes.


I'm sorry that I'm doing this, but Nikki's coming. She's angry and I know she'll kill me.

And if you find this, I'm dead. And sorry for the terrible hand writing so you may not be able to read what I'm writing.


But tell Pre I love her. And to remind you, I love you with every inch of my soul. You were my first love. And I wish I could've seen you again, but that's okay. I'm fine now. I truly am.

Don't blame yourself for this. Or Nikki. Don't blame anyone because honestly, there's no point. Just be happy Sammy.

Live you're life and have the best life you could ever live. Don't let my death hold you back.

Find a girl, let Pre have a mother. Do what's best both you and Pre and move on.

I wasn't your first love. And I don't want to be your last.

If you want me to be happy, you need to be happy.

I love you Sam. She's here now. And this is my goodbye.

Goodbye to my first love, Sam Pottorff.

So one last time, I love you.


By the end of the note, I was streaming tears. The last words of the girl I loved and she told me she loved me. I folded the paper and shoved it in my pocket.

"Um, I do have a girlfriend right now. Her name is Amanda." I say with a smile. "I haven't exactly moved on, but I do like her a lot. She's beautiful and sweet and funny. And an excellent cook. But on the other hand, I do still love you. And I'm sorry, Ryn, I that's probably never going to stop. This won't be the last time I say this, but, I love you."

Pre and I left her grave. While we were in my car ready to go, I look at Ryn's grave one more time. And then I leave her. Once again.

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