《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》chapter 31


Ryn's pov

I found an apartment building and decided it would be good enough to stay in until Sam and I found an actual house again. I started to wonder about Sam. Where was he? Was Pre okay? Will Alex and Nikki come back? I remembered how I didn't like Nikki alone, now she has Alex which is worse. I lied on the couch thinking. Thinking wasn't something I did every often, especially what I'm thinking about know. I'm thinking about life. I was thinking, what is the meaning life? Why do so many people hate it? Why do so many people envious of others? Why does the world work like that?

I suddenly remembered a person I met one time. His name was Lucas. He told me the reason why I'm sad. I was the reason. He said the no one could make you sad but yourself. People don't force you to be sad. The insecurities, the disgusted faces, the judgment, and the words get to us and you become sad. So, if we forget about the past, we could all be happy. I told him it wasn't that easy, but he denied it. You'd be surprised by the people who seem to be happy aren't really happy after all.

I discovered that three months later he committed suicide at his house. His younger sister, Emily, found him on his bedroom floor with blood soaked wrist. I felt so sorry for Emily. She was only seven years old and found the real definition of sad. When I had the courage to ask Emily about it, she said that she found a note on his desk that read:

I don't know who's reading this, but whoever you are, you should I've been scared lately. I've been scared people. I just woke up one day and my world was like it was hanging off a cliff ready to fall. Like I said, I don't know who's reading this, I pray to God it's not you Emily. If it is, then look at my dead body. Don't do that. You are too young to let the world destroy you and live in fear. It's okay Emily, I'm okay. If it's mom, then you should know I was ready to just be gone. My world was in fear. I don't really have much to say. I'm dead. I did it. I'm sorry.


How come people say life is so valuable, but so many people hate it? Maybe it's because life is just given us and sometime we don't want it. Life is supposed to be this precious thing. How can it be so precious if no body wants it?

"Hey." Ava said suddenly as I gasp at her because I had no idea she was here.

"Hey Ava." I said. "Where have you been?" I asked as I smiled. Ava, on the other hand, wasn't smiling back. She actually seemed concerned.

"Oh, I've just been...around. You know, looking for a place for a house or an apartment to stay at." Ava stated. Then, a question popped into my mind.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked. Ava became shaky, like she had a secret. Her mouth was open like she was going to say something, but nothing came out. She was just stuttering. Then I saw the biggest bitch the was on the planet, also known as Alex Spencer.


"Well, Ava, have you told your sister your little secret?" Alex smiled as she put her arm around Ava. A single tear slipped down Ava's left eye. Ava clenched her jaw and looked at Alex.

"I hate you." She sneered. I had a concerned feeling.

Alex laughed. "Well, that's not the first time I've heard that." Alex continued laughing while she patted Ava on the shoulder.

"Ava what did you do?" I said ignoring Alex. Ava faced me with tears in her eyes.

"Before I tell you, you should know I'm really-"

"Tell me!" I barked. Ava took a deep breath before she continued.

"I killed myself." Those three words twisted my stomach. I felt like crying. I felt like throwing up. Let's just summarize and say, I felt like shit. "But, that's not all." She continued. "I killed myself because of a Voice." I felt like a thousand bricks fell on me at that moment. I had no words. I just looked at her, then at the floor. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to feel. I just stood there speechless.

"Ryn, are you okay?" Ava asked. A quickly wiped away a tear that ran down my eye.

"I'm going to be honest, no. I'm not. But at the same, that's kind of a stupid question considering I just found out that my sister is a Voice." A guilty look covered Ava's face.

"Ryn I said I was sor-"

"Ava, just leave me alone. You're monster now. You can't erase what you did. You have to kill innocent people for your entire life. Or may I say, after life. And now, you work for that demon." I said as I pointed to Alex who was smiling as we had our conversation.

"I'm not a demon, I'm a Voice."

"Well, demons and Voices are both evil so evil what's the difference." I snapped back to Alex. She glared at me.

"Demons possess people, and Voices come in there own body. Also, demons can't mess with your mind." Alex explained.

"So, demons exist." Ava asked worriedly.

"Of course demons exist, the whole world is one big demon." Ava left a shaky sigh. Ava was scared. Anyone could tell by the way she moved, looked, and spoke. We all stayed silent for a moment. Alex played with her pony tail and Ava just stood looking at me. And I stood looking at her.

"Well, I'm sorry Ryn. I did what I did and it's already done, so you can either forgive me, or just stay angry at me."

"Ava I was never mad at you. I was disappointed." I began, then I remembered, Voices only come to depressed people. "What made you depressed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you forget I have a Voice named Nikki? And now I have another one because she's too hard headed to realize that her ex-boyfriend loves someone else." Alex glared at me then rush toward me pinning me against the wall with her elbow pinned to my chest.


"He does love you." She spoke with her jaw clenched.

"Well, in his words he does." I uttered with pain.

"Remember what Nikki said, you don't want to piss off a Voice." Alex smirked then released me. I rubbed my chest where she had her elbow on me. While my chest was in pain, Sam walked in.

"Oh my god Ryn, you're okay." He said out of breath as he held Pre close.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is Pre okay?" I asked as I came towards him and Pre.

"Yeah, Alex didn't hurt her." Sam answered. He rubbed his hand on the back of her head.

"Sam, do you see anyone else here?" I questioned. I needed to know if they wanted to be seen.

He shook his head. "No." He replied. I smiled. "Okay." I could still see Alex smiling and Ava looking scared. Then I blinked, and they were gone.

"So, how did you know I was here?"

"I saw your car." He answered. Sam looked at me for a while. I finally flashed him a confused look.

"What?" I asked.

"What did you do?" I gave Sam a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what did you do to piss her off? I know Alex is a bitch now, but she would never kill someone unless they piss her off." He explained. So he knows how they work too.

"I told her the truth." I stated.

"Truth? What truth?" Sam looked at me with a misled face.

"That you don't love her and that you and her will never exist again." Sam's eyes widened.

"Why would you tell her that?" Sam asked in a serious tone. "Alex really is a lunatic. In her mind she still believes that we will be together again."

"Sam! Don't say that! She could literally just pop up anytime she wants to!" I exclaimed.

"You know it's not nice to talk about someone behind their back." Alex spoke. Sam's eyes widened.

"How long have you been standing there?" Sam questioned.

"Long enough to hear the turth about me for the one person I actually care about." Alex said. "I stings." She put her hand over heart. "I can kill everyone you care about. I've already killed poor little Ava." Sam's jaw clenched.

"You killed Ava!" He shouted.

"You can't get mad. You only said for me not to kill Ryn and Pre, which I didn't." A tear fell down Sam's eye. There was the truth right there, he cared about her. "But honestly, I didn't kill her. She killed herself because of me."

"Why are you trying to destroy me?" Sam asked with his voice cracking a few times.

"I know you may think that I'm taking this way too far, but now I'm a Voice. I'm actually the Voices boss. So I've changed, therefore I have no care for other people, except the people I love. Let's take you for example, I won''t let anyone kill you, because I still love you. If I wanted you dead, you, Ryn, and even Pre would be dead." Sam stood there speechless, so did I.

"So there you have it folks, the truth." And with that, Alex was gone. Sam turned toward me and hugged me. She began to cry on my shoulder.

"Did you care about her?" I inquired.

"Who?" He sniffled.

"Ava." He broke the hug and looked me in the eye. In his eyes, there was complete sadness, nothing like I've ever seen before.

"I'm sorry Ryn, but I did. I cared about her a lot." I pursed my lips and swallowed hard.

"It's okay Sam. It's okay to care." He hugged me again.

"I'm sorry I'm putting you through this." Sam said in a weak voice.

"The only thing you're putting me through is life. It get difficult sometimes, but then you have the people that make it all better."

Sam's pov

I had to tell her. It had to get off my chest. I broke the hug and looked at her in the eye and spoke.

"Ryn, we ave to break up again." I spoke in such a weak and quiet voice, I wasn't sure if she heard me.

"What! Why! We just got back together not that long ago!" Ryn shouted.

"And look what has happened since then! Alex tried to burn you, she took Pre, and she made Ava commit suicide! Ryn, she'll kill you if I don't leave you!" I yelled. I could see it in her eyes. She was so lost in sadness I didn't know what to say or do.

"But, why?" A few tears fell down her face.

"Didn't you hear her? She wants to destroy me. You are the only person I have left besides Pre. I fucking love you! But that's the reason why Alex will kill you." I explained. I remember when Ryn tried to push me away, and know here I am pushing her away. I know what she's feeling, and I'm dying on the inside knowing she's feeling like that.

"So who's going to be the one to say goodbye?" Ryn asked. I went up to her and gave her a hug. It was the tightest hug we've ever given each other. I cherished that moment while I could.

"Goodbye Ryn." I spoke while wobbly knees, wanting to stay, but knowing that if I did, there would be consequences.

Ryn's pov

Sam broke our tight hug. We had no other words. We were just another pair of heartbroken kids trying to be fixed. When Sam left, I felt on my knees. I was too weak to stand. I was too weak to even speak. I was just there having the worst feeling go through me.

So this is how it feels. This is how it feels to truly be broken and alone.

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