《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》chapter 30


Ryn's pov

Tears flew down my eyes. They took my child and they were going to kill me. That wasn't going to happen. The fire was burning the hell out of my legs. It was so painful, but I kept my mouth shut. I played with the rope to get it loose. Finally, it was loose enough to take out my hands. I wiggled my fingers. I felt a bit more free, but I was still on fire. Even though my hands got a little brunt I untied my feet and ran to the bathroom and turned on the water and the pain calmed down.

I grabbed anything I could so the fire wounldn't burn them. When the fire reached the living room, that was my que that my time was up. I ran through the blazing fire and into the coldness of the early morning day. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket hoping it was harmed. Luckily, it was unharmed.

I dialed Sam's number and hit the call button. I impatiently waited for him to answer.

"Come on Sam." I said under my breath.

"Hey." Sam finally answered.

"Sam, thank God. I need you to get to the house as fast as you can." I notified.

"Why, what happened?" He questioned in a concerned voice.

"Well your crazy ex-girlfriend burned down our house and she took Pre. Oh and did I mention when she burned down the house she tied me to a fucking chair so I could burn." I spoke in a pissed off voice, but who can blame me?

"Oh my god, she took Pre!" Sam shouted.

"Yes, and I don't know where she took her." I placed my head on my forehead. I was so ashamed.

"Do I need to call the fire department? Or the police?"

"No, the house is already close to ashes, don't bother. Don't bother with the police either, Alex is a Voice which means no one can see her unless she wants them too." I explained.

"A voice? What the hell is a voice?" I could tell Sam was confused, but this was no time to talk about the people who just tried to kill me. Plus, the it was a long explanation that we didn't have time for.


"I'll explain later, but right now you know Alex better than I do. You have to go and find her." I spoke with nothing but pure seriousness.

"Okay. In the meantime, you go find somewhere to hide-"

"You can't hide for Voices Sam." I felt like I had lost the tiniest bit of hope I had left.

"Then find somewhere to stay and just relax."

"How the hell do I stay relaxed when a lunatic has my child?!" I shouted angrily.

"Just do it Ryn! Please, just do it." I pursed my lips. He said the last sentence so soft it made me relax like he wanted.

"Okay." I said.

"I'll see you later." No promises with that.

"Maybe." I said weakly. Before he said another word, I hung up.

Sam's pov

Maybe? She said, maybe. And that was it. She hung up on me. That wasn't going to help me focus, but I had to get focused somehow and someway. I tried to remember the one place Alex stayed when she wanted to be alone. It was her 'dungeon'. Her dungeon was actually a small house with a basement and the basement is what she called the dungeon. She called it that only to frighten people because she tought their faces were funny when she told them. That's probably were she killed Bella.

I got in my car and raced to the small house. While I was driving on the back road to get there, I saw Bella.

"Bella?" I said as I drove past her. I shook my head. I was hallucinating. Bella is dead. After I drove a few more feet, I saw Ryn standing right in front of me.

"Ryn!" I yelled as I hit her. I looked in rearveiw mirror, but there was no one. I took a deep breath. I almost started crying. I kept driving. There was one thing that kept me going. Pre. I still kept driving. Then I saw my mom walking around in circles.

"Mom?" I pulled the car over and my head went against the steering wheel. Alex is doing this to me. I know it. A few tears fell down my eyes, but after a minute or so I was back in the road. Soon, I came across the small house.


I stepped out of the car mad as hell. I always knew that Alex was mad at me. But why did she take things this far? Why did she have to kill the people I love? When I walked inside it was silent. No one was in sight.

"Alex!" I yelled in an angry voice.

"Darling!" She said in a cheery voice. She hugged me and I pushed her off. "That's no way to treat a lady."

"First of all, you're not a lady, you're a monster. And second of all, look who's talking. The killer of two women who happened to care about." She stared at me furiously with no words. "What did my mom ever do to you? She was the nicest person I've ever known. Why?"

"I killed her because I knew you cared about her. I wanted to ruin you. I thought it would be fair since you ruined me-"

"By one kissed from another girl. And I didn't even kiss her. She kissed me!" I was so mad at her I could barely keep in my anger, but somehow I did it.

"But you didn't stop!" Alex barked. I remain speechless. We both were speechless. Until Pre came to my mind.

"Where's Pre?" I said as I clenched my jaw. Alex smirked.

"She's dead. Like every other person you care about, I killed her and your lovely little girlfriend too." I laughed.

"You didn't kill Ryn. She still alive." Alex glared at me with a face full of anger. "Maybe you should get to know someone before you kill them. Ryn may be young, but she is sure as hell not stupid, She's probably the one of the most wisest people I know." I smirked.

"Well unfortunately, your baby daughter isn't as wise as her mommy." She said in a wicked voice. I laughed again.

"It's funny how you're trying to act bad ass. Alex, don't forget I know who you are, or who you were. You would kill a child even if you were offered a million dollars, perhaps for even more money who wouldn't do it." I said. Alex had an expression her face that I couldn't quite put in words.

"How are you so sure?" She asked.

"You told me." I stated.


Sam's pov

Alex and I were walking through the park hand in hand on a sunny Saturday afternoon. It was summer so Alex was wearing her adorable black crop top with light washed high wasted shorts. Typical Alex style. Out of nowhere a random kid whom I didn't know came put to Alex and hugged her.

"Alex!" They small blonde boy said.

"Parker!" She replied while hugging him back. "What are you doing here?" She questioned as squat down to his height

"I'm here with my mom. She said if I was extra good today we could go out for ice cream!" Alex laughed.

"Well be good Parker and maybe you can get ice cream."

"Hey! Maybe you can come too!" Parker said in a hopeful voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry Parker I can't today." Parker frowned. "Maybe another time." Alex smiled.

"Okay! Bye Alex!" He said cheerfully as he ran off. Alex laughed and waved good bye.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Parker, I babysit him when his parents are out clubbing. They're so not fit for him. He deserves better." She said as her smiled faded. I began to feel sorry for him. "But I guess I'm like that for all kids and especially babies. Like I love them so much, that if someone offered to pay me one million dollars, I still wounldn't do that, ever."

-Flashback ended-

"Well, I fucking changed!" Alex shouted.

"I can't say yes to that, but I also can't say no. Somewhere deep deep down, there's the true Alex." I said. We both remained silent until Alex spoke up.

"Dammit!" She yelled. "Nikki!" Suddenly a blonde girl appeared. "Get the child."

"Okay Alex." She walked away and soon came back with my healthy baby girl.

"Pre!" I said with a smile. I kissed Pre's forehead and looked back and Alex.

"Stay away from from the people that care about about me. Especially Ryn and Pre." I stated in a serious tone.

"No promises, but okay."

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