《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》chapter 29


Ryn's pov

The next morning Sam and I woke up to Pre crying. I groaned and told Sam that I would take care of it.

I walked to Pre's crib and picked her up and held her close to my chest.

"Shh, mommy's here." I spoke in a soothing voice so she would calm down. When she finally did calm down, I laid her back down in her crib. Sam came up behind and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"You're such a good mother." He said in his adorable sleepy voice. I looked at him over my shoulders and kissed him. We both stared down at Pre while she was sleeping. She was so precious. Hopefully she'll grow up and be happy and not sad and depressed. Suddenly, I became worried. What if she becomes depressed and commits suicide. Now I know why my mother was so worried. I love Pre and don't want to lose her.

"I'll be back." Sam said. I turned around facing him.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"I'm going to get my stuff from my old house that I had with Ava." He stated as he put on his coat. Like I've been doing a lot lately, I started questioning.

"Where did you and Ava go?" I asked. Sam walked toward me and kissed my forehead.

"It doesn't matter." He uttered.

"If it doesn't matter then why won't you tell me?" I giggled. Sam chuckled as well.

"Do you really want to know?" Sam asked and I nodded. "We stayed at this romantic luxury house. Since I was trying to get you, I was determined to fall in love with Ava." I felt a little upset and jealous. "But even after all those times, I couldn't get my mind off of you." I smiled. He kissed me again.


"Well, I should be back in an hour or two. If you need anything let me know." Sam stated.

I grinned. "Okay." Sam smiled and walked out the door.

"Finally he's gone." Nikki said causing me to gasp.

"Why can't you leave me alone and get out of my life?" I asked furiously.

"Darling, I've already told you more than million times. You are stuck with me. But, there are still two simple I can go away." She stated in a cheery voice. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, actually one of them is simpler, but you know, some people just have to take things the hard way." Nikki said as slowly slid a knife in her hands.

"What are you doing with that?" My voice was shaky. It was obvious I was scared of Nikki, especially when she had a knife in her hand. She began to play with it.

"This?" She said as she pointed the knife toward me. I gasp. "Oh chill Ryn, I can't kill you. That's the work your have to do, or someone elses." She explained. She started to pace the floor with the tip of the knife in between her fingers as she held the bottom part with the other hand.

"So who did you set up?" I question. Nikki didn't answer, just smirked. "Tell me who!" I yelled. Nikki's eyes widen and she ran toward me.

"Listen to me Ryn, you don't want to piss off a Voice." I was terrified as she held the sharp kinfe against my gentle skin. "We both know you don't want to die. I suggest you don't yell or even raise your voice at me. Understand?"

"Understand." I said as I nodded rapidly. I spoke out of breath from my heart beating so fast. Even though she said she couldn't kill me, she was the last person I could trust. She released me and then I heard a car come up my driveway. Then I saw Alex walk in.


"So I see Sam is not home." She began. For some reason I was so angry at her. "That just makes things easier for me. Tie her down Nikki." She commanded. Nikki came toward me and grabbed me.

"Wait what?" I shouted in shock. I tried to break loose, but then Nikki reminded me.

"You don't want to piss off. Remember?" She spoke in an evil tone. She took a chair and sat me down in it. Then she got rope I didn't even know we had and she tied me down.

"What do you want Alex?" I asked angrily. "And how can you see Nikki?"

"Well my answer to the first question is obvious, I want what you have. Sam." She smirk and my stomach twisted. "And the answer to the second question is I can see Nikki because Voices can be known to anyone. If the Voice wants to be known by that person."

"How do you know what a Voice is?" She laughed.

"Because darling I am one. Except, I'm the leader of Voices. Which, if you didn't know, means I can kill you. I can also make a regular voice kill you with my permission or command." She grinned. "Now I'm going to make this very simple, if you promise to leave Sam out of your life and never come in to contact with him ever again, I'll let you go and Nikki will leave too. But if you don't want to, I can kill you and end all the pain." I tried to get out of the rope but it wasn't working.

"Are you going answer or are we just going to go ahead and murder you?" Nikki asked impatiently.

"Kill me. I'm not leaving Sam. Weather you like it or not Alex, Sam is over you. He thinks you're a phsyco, he actually said that in his own words. Sorry to break it to you, but you and Sam will never exist again. You and Sam are like yesterday, you can''t get it back." I was so angry I didn't even watch what came out of my mouth. Alex's eye twitched. I pissed her off, the head of the Voices.

"Light her up and burn her until she's nothing ashes." She said with a disgusted face. She was looking at me, but talking to Nikki. Nikki got some matches and lighted one up. I was scared. I was scared I was going to die. But I was going to die painfully.

When I thought Nikki was going to put the match on me, she didn't. She didn't want me to die just yet. She threw the match right beside the chair. I suddenly heard Pre cry. Alex smiled and walked in the room were she was.

"No Alex! Get the hell away from her!" I shouted. When she walked out, Pre was in her arms. I started sobbing. What if she kills her?

"No! Don't hurt her!" I yelled through the burning flames. The flames grew tall enough were I could barely see Alex and Nikki. They both smirked and walked out. Tears stained my cheeks. They stole Pre. And I'm stuck here dying.

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