《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》chapter 28


Ryn's pov

I sat alone in the silence of my home. Still breathing. Still waiting for life to back stab me again. Still waiting for a whole new happy life, which God knows that won't happen. I just at in silence humming a song that was stuck in my head.

Please believe me when I say...

Everything I do, I'm gonna think of you

Don't know what else to do

You got me, you got me, baby

Everything I make I'm only make for you

Baby, be patient for me

And please don't fall in love with someone new

I promise one day I'll come back for you

The song was called Someone New by Banks. For some reason the words to the song make me think of something. Something about Sam and I. While singing the song stuck in my head, a knock on the door sounded. I got up and walked to the door. When I opened it there was a girl. I smiled politely.

"Hello. May I help you?" I asked. She smiled as well.

"Does Sam Pottorff live here?" She spoke in an English accent. She had many tattoos, possibly more than Sam. She had brown hair that reached a little pasted her shoulders. I made a confused look, wondering why she wanted to know if Sam lived here.

"Yes." I answered.

"Do you mind if I speak to him?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Sorry, Sam's not home at the moment. Would like me to leave him a message?" I offered. She made a disappointed face, soon her head shook.

"No thank you. What are you to Sam? His maid, his sister, or something else?" Her voice was filled with a tad bit of anger, but I didn't know weather or not to be offended that she actually thought I might be Sam's maid.


"I'm his girlfriend." She began to twitch a little. I gave her a really confused look.

"If you'd like, I could tell Sam you stopped by. What's your name?" I questioned.

"Alex Spencer. Tell Sam I stopped by." Alex commanded. I nodded and she walked off to her black Cadillac and drove off. When I closed the door, a confused and puzzled face was printed on me. Who was Alex Spencer? And how did she know Sam? Why did she want to speak to him? Why did she twitch when I said that I was Sam's girlfriend? I knew that this was probably my confused mind thinking. She may not be bad. But then again, I don't know.

While thinking for quite a while, Sam came in the house. "Hey Ryn." He said with a small wave. A gave him a small wave back. I debated to weather to tell Sam the Alex came or not. But I wasn't in a mood to keep secrets.

"Um, Sam?"I spoke trying to get his attention.

"Yeah." He said while turning around and looking toward me.

"There was this girl here. She said her name was Alex Spencer." Sam's eyes widened at the sound of her name.

"Stay away from her." He said in a serious tone. He picked up Pre, who was lying in my bed, and held her. I flashed a confused look on my face.


"Because she's dangerous."

"How dangerous?"

"Murder dangerous." Both of the the looks on our faces were printed with serious and scared looks. Murder? Who did she murder? Sam walked over to the couch and sat down with Pre. Questions remained filling my head. Why do I have to question everything? God that gets annoying.


"Who did she murder?" The look on Sam's face became a saddened look. He looked a bit ashamed too.

"It's a long story." He stated.

"I have all the time in the world." I spoke. Sam breathed heavily.

"Okay fine, but if I tell you, you have to swear on your life that you won't tell anyone." I could tell Sam was angry, but it wasn't just anger, it was sadness.

"I swear." I stated. Sam nodded and licked his lips.

"A few years ago, when I first met Alex, she was kind and had this thing about her that I must have liked. I thought she was a beautiful person, not just on the outside, but inside as well. We thought we had a spark, or a connection. Then about a year after we started dating, I met this other girl name Bella. She was beautiful too, but I only saw her as a friend. Bella didn't want to be just friends with me. So, one day Alex caught me making out with Bella. I know may sound like I cheated, but I didn't. Bella came after me. Alex just caught us. Anyway, the girl went phsyco. The started yelling and punching Bella. Then a few nights later I found my mom dead. I knew it was her because she left a note the said: You seeing your mother dead is like seeing someone you love make out with someone else. Shh, don't tell. Or poor little Bella will be next, then you. Or anyone else you love. I didn't tell anyone, but she killed Bella anyway. I left my hometown so I would never see her again, but it's like she stalking me. I came to this small town hoping she wouldn't find me, but like always, I was wrong." Sam explained. I was speechless.

"So she's the killer of your mother?" I asked. He nodded.

"But like I said, you can't tell anyone." Sam stated in a strict voice. "I know you may think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. If you tell someone, anyone, both of our lives and Pre's is on the line."

"That serious?"

"That serious." He nodded. We sat quiet for a moment. Until Sam spoke up again. "So please Ryn, stay away from her." He warned another time. I nodded. We went into our bedroom and Sam lied Pre in her crib. I lied down as well, soon Sam joined me as her wrapped his arms around me. I smiled. This was a moment were I felt safe. In his arms.

"I'll be safe as long as I have you, right?" I asked. Sam chuckled a bit.

"Like I've said babe, as long as I'm around, nothing will hurt you. Ever."

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