《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》chapter 11


Ryn's pov

I lied in my bed wide awake just thinking about all the things Sam said. I was just confused why I cared. I did tell him that we were done. Maybe I was too harsh. Maybe he was just angry and didn't mean any of those words. Maybe it's me. Maybe.

I roll over and look out my window that faces Sam's house. I smile by looking at it. I missed him. I feel depressed when I'm not with him. I was probably over thinking everything. As I'm still looking at his house I see him walk past the window and stop and look at me. He smiled and went out his window. I slowly get up and walk toward the window. Before I knew it, there was Sam knocking at my window. I open the window and stare into his eyes.

"Hey Ryn." Sam says in a low and quite voice.

"Hey." I whisper. He smiles when he hears my voice. He smiled like he missed it. The last time was spoke to each other was just yesterday, but I missed his voice as well.

"Can I come in?" He asked. I nod and he climbs through the window. I back up so he can stand in front of me. We were now face to face, again.

"I missed you." Sam spoke still keeping his voice low so my mom and Ava won't here us.

I laugh. "We saw each other yesterday. I'm surprised you're not sick of me." Sam gives me a weird look.

"Sick? Of you? Is that even possible?" Sam states. I give him a small smile.

"That's what happens with most people." Sam playfully rolls his eyes.

"Has it happen with your mom? Ava?....Me?" I look down so Sam can't see how big of a smile I have on my face. He lifts my chin and puts his hand on my cheek, then kisses my forehead.


"Ryn, no matter how annoying you get, or how angry you get with me I'll never want you to leave. I was crushed when you walked out the door the other day. I don't want Ava. I want you. That's what I've always wanted since the day I met you. You're my princess, Ryn. And I want to be your prince, your superhero, your protector, and mostly, your boyfriend." I felt shocked. Sam wanted to be my boyfriend. I mean, I guess I saw it coming since he did say he loved me. But I didn't actually think he meant it.

"You wanna be my boyfriend?" I clarify. Although he did make it pretty clear. So, this just leaves me feeling dumb, but I already said it. Oh well.

"Yeah. I really want to be your boyfriend." Sam got down on one knee like he was asking me to marry him.

"Ryn Noel Woodson, will you do me the honor of becoming my official girlfriend?" I laugh a little. Sam smiles like he already knows the answer. I nod my head slowly.

"I wouldn't want anyone else to be my boyfriend but you." Sam giggles and wraps me up in his arms. I end up lying in my bed with Sam arms wrapped around me.

"Sam?" I ask softly.


"How did you know my middle name?" I ask. Sam chuckles a bit.

"I asked your mom. She told me everything about you. She even told me when you were little you had this baby doll you called Lucy, you treated that baby doll like it was a real baby. Mrs. Karen said that she knew that you'd be a great mother some day." I smile in the memory of that baby doll. It was my favorite. I'd never let Lucy out of my sight.


"I hope I live long enough to be a mother." I spoke. The words kind of slipped out, but every word was true.

"What does that mean?" Sam asked. I looked up at the ceiling and begin to speak.

"The world is filled with the good and the bad. I just hope that the bad doesn't overcome me. I'm so young and I have so many thing to look forward to in life. I just want to live those moments." I explain.

"That's why I'm here. I'll be your protector from the bad things. I won't let you get hurt. I'll admit, I've hurt you and I see that, but no more. I'm done hurting you. Honestly, I didn't plan to hurt you from the beginning. I shouldn't have said any of those words the other day about going to Ava. I'm sorry for every stupid thing I've done to you and will do in the future. I'm not planing to hurt you in the future, but if I do, just tell me you love me." When 'just tell me you love me' came out of his mouth and reminded me of yesterday. I've got to forget about that. I've got to stop living in them past.

"What happens if I don't?" I say asking for a warning.

"I don't know, but I don't want to find out." Sam states. I agree.



"I think I've learned something today." I utter.

"And what's that?" I get butterflies. Here goes nothing.

"I've learned that I love you." Sam smiles and I do too. I felt like I made him happy. Happier than anyone in the world. It was a great feeling.

Sam's pov

Did she just say what I think she just said? She just said I love you. She was finally admitting it. I can't screw up know. I have to keep her happy. I don't want to lose her for good. Ryn just has this effect on me. It's like when she's upset the whole world's upset, and when she has a real smile on her face the entire universe in smiling. I kissed Ryn and didn't stop 'til I told myself I had to. There was only one thing I could say to Ryn.

"I love you too." I said. We both smiled at each other for what seemed like forever and we both soon drifted off to sleep.

Goodnight Ryn. You should know, I love you more...I thought.

Wassup peeps, I really hope you're enjoying this story, which if you've gotten this far I hope you have. Anyway, as you can see Sam and Ryn have like a love hate kind of thing going on. Will they stay together or fall apart??!! ooooo...... lol byee.

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