《i'm only human ♡ sam pottorff》chapter 2


Ryn's pov

I came to a conclusion that mom wasn't lying. She showed me pictures and everything like that. I had no reason not believe her. Both mom and I were on the couch went the biggest asshole of all walked through the door. My dad.

"I'm home!" He laughed in a drunk way. I made a disgusted face, but not at him. If he saw me do that he'd kill me. Literally.

"Hi, honey." Mom said in a cheery voice. I never got how she was sometimes okay with this. Letting him come home drunk as hell. Like, what the fuck? Dad, spotted me and slapped me on the back of my head.

"Go to your room, I've got to tell to your mother." I angrily sighed and stood up.

"No, you just want to put me away and lock me up." I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?" He questioned angrily.

"Nothing." I stated. He grabbed my face so that I was looking at him straight in the eye.

"Tell the truth!" He exclaimed. Me smacked me and mom gasped. I had enough. This wasn't just one little smack. This was maybe the tenth time he smacked me this week, and it's Monday. He get so mad over every little thing.

"I didn't say anything. If you want me to go to my room can I please go now?" I clenched my jaw. I tried to go away so I wouldn't make a stupid remark and get smacked again.

"You're going to use that tone?" He laughed.

"Hun, please don't-"

"Stay out of this Karen!" He shouted. Mom closed her eyes to keep the tears from falling down her face.

"Don't yell at her!" I screamed back. Shit! Shit! Shit Ryn. You dumb ass. You never should have said that. Damn it!


"You wanna get an attitude with me miss priss." He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the staircase. Mom sat on the couch crying. She couldn't stop him. I didn't want her to get hurt. She tried to stop him before, then she got a scar on the side of her face. That's when I told her to stay out of anything that me and dad get into. This was our fight. She doesn't have to step in and get hurt in my battle.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that! Ever!" His veins were popping out of his neck. He slapped me again. But it was harder. I fell on my knees crying. He kicked me, punched me, bruised me. He did whatever he could just to bring me down. It worked.

After a while of him taking his anger out on me. He kicked me hard in the stomach one last time, causing me to almost throw up.

When he walked away, I didn't see mom in sight anymore. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door. I cried even harder. I banged my head against the door. I called myself names I've heard other people call me. They were not worth repeating. They all just played through my head. Round and round like a horse on a carousel. I was never ending. Or it seemed like it.

I looked out my window and saw the there was a new guy. I felt sorry for him. He would be neighbors with us. He seemed like a nice guy. I didn't know him, but I was just assuming. Honestly, he was kind of cute.

Even though he didn't know me, he would never care about me. I had no belonging in this world. Everyone would be better off without me.


I went into my bathroom and grabbed some pills. I poured a handful of pills into my hand. I stared at the pills for a little bit, then I put them in my mouth and swallowed. I paced the bathroom waiting for it to end. Then, I realized it. I had a sister. I had a mother. And those people I actually loved even though I hadn't quite yet met my sister.

I put my head over the toilet and stuck my fingers in my mouth. I threw them all up. I hope. I wasn't ready to die yet.

I went back into my room and crawled into bed. I began to cry. Then, I cried myself to sleep. That's when I realized I needed a hero.

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