《Unspoken Thoughts》Three Words, Eight Letters


Three words, eight letters.

If you are really into me,

Why can't you utter that

Three words, eight letters.

And here I am wondering,

If you are really into me,

Or you're just pretending to be,

Because you're scared to hurt me.

But why did you do that?

Why are you sacrificing that much?

If you actually didn't love me,

Then tell me.

You're not only hurting yourself,

Because in this relationship

We're together as one,

And if you're hurt, I'm hurt too.

Please enlighten me

Of what kind of us is us.

Because my head is throe to think,

The thing that I'm not sure if it exists.

Three words, eight letters.

Are you sure you'll be able to utter that to me,

Before it's too late for the both of us?

Or I'm just gonna wait for other years to pass?

But what if I'm too tired to wait

For those three words, eight letters?

What if I want to give up?

What will you do?

I know it's not that simple to utter

Those three words, eight letters.

But what is hard in saying I love you

If you truly love me, right?

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