《Unspoken Thoughts》Even Though


Clouds cover the entire skies

Like my tears all around my eyes.

I wish this feeling is one of my lies

So my heart won't scream in pain as it dies.

Holding back my tears, every minute of everyday.

Even though I'm in pain, I won't say.

I wish the word 'us' will still stay.

Even though it hurts, I'll say: I'm okay.

I don't want to be a martyr but for you, I will.

Even though you love her, I will love you still.

Whenever I dream of you and me, I hope it will be all real.

Just like these feelings for you, that I always feel.

I can't forget you, no matter how hard I try.

Since we met and became friends, I still asked, "why?"

You offered me friendship at the time that I was shy;

But are we going to be friends until we bid each other a goodbye?

Even though you don't care, I will act that I don't know.

Even though you ignore me, my feelings will still show.

Even though Cupid is here, no need for his bow and arrow . . .

Because the love from me to you will never go.

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