《Sunflower Book Club》Bloom 3: March 14th - March 20th


Don't forget the BoTM is due at the end of the month! Another thing to note since several people have been confused on this, when you have an extension, missing assignment, etc. please comment on current blooms only. We do not have the time nor patience to sift through all previous blooms to find your comment. We put your name in the recent bloom for a reason. Happy blooming!



If you're having trouble understanding some of our terminologies, you can visit the "Glossary" chapter of this book

PM us with any questions.


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Like your partner's story or the feedback they gave you? Why not become permanent pairs? You can grow as readers and writers together and share feedback each bloom. When it's time for the bloom each week, you can be paired with this same person. To do this, ask them if they are interested. If they are, PM the SunflowerCommunity account and let us know you're both interested.

Permanent pairings admin: FOOD_GODDESS_QUEEN

- I Am No Prey

- The Rare Mate

- A Thousand Lies

- The Huntress


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This is where Sunflower members who are not on extension, hiatus, in a permanent pair, and have completed all previous assignments go. Please note you only have to read two chapters of the story you are assigned and comment on both. If you are in a pairing of 3 you only have to read ONE chapter of each book you're paired with (two total).

Pairings 1-5 admin: FOOD_GODDESS_QUEEN

- Sucre

- Guardians Inc., - To Protect

- Better Not Fall

- The Power of Knowledge

- Society of Brave Souls

- Worry in Eden

- Mistaken

- Killer Instinct: Carrie Unleashed

- Decipher the Sky

- Four Players One Lover


Pairings 6-12 admin: KnightofEmpires


- Fixated on You

- The Man in the Cave

- His Inconvenient Bride

- Henry Blake

- All The Love, H

- Compensation

- Amelia

- WE

- The Warmth of Her Spring Sunshine


- The Lost MileStones

- Fashionista

- Hotties Next Door

- Never a Shade of Grey

- Myself and the Apocalypse


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Seedlings are those who are new to the club and not yet Sunflowers. To become a Sunflower, Seedlings must complete their first trial. If you are a seedling, your first trial will be listed below. Comment next to your assignment and tag JJ ( ) when you're finished. Please note you only have to read two chapters of the story you are assigned and comment on both.

EX: "Done @Jumping_Jiminys"

will read " Cwn Annwn " by admin


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This means you have not asked for an extension or hiatus and have an outstanding assignment to complete. We have included the bloom that this assignment is from to help everyone find their previous assignments easier. Comment next to your name once you complete your assignment.

- Bloom 2

- Bloom 2

- Bloom 2

- Bloom 1

- Bloom 1

- Bloom 1

- Bloom 1

- Bloom 1

- Bloom 1


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Extensions are extra weeks to complete your outstanding assignments. Extensions are given to those who ask for them on a week-by-week basis. The maximum amount of consecutive extensions that can be granted is 2 weeks. Comment next to your name once you complete your assignment.

Week 1:

Week 2: ,


🌻 🌻

Hiatus lasts up to 4 weeks. You must ask to be placed on hiatus and you must be finished with your assignments. If you are currently on hiatus and wish to rejoin the club and be paired in the upcoming bloom, please PM the SunflowerCommunity account.

Week 1: none

Week 2: , ,

Week 3:

Week 4: none


🌻 🌻

Strikes are given to those who fail to complete assignments, do not ask for an extension or hiatus, or do not complete the BoTM.

Check your PM for strikes

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