《Sunflower Book Club》March Book of the Month


Due March 30th at 5 pm EST. You may ask for a 2-day extension before this date

Please read the March Book of the Month by . If you were a member (not a seedling) in Bloom you are required to read the BotM. Failure to do so will result in a strike.


The BotM is determined by the past three blooms and the previous BoTM. The previous bloom is the most important and, ultimately what we look at when deciding the next Reviewer of the Month to have their book featured. Your comments must meet our standard requirements and provide adequate feedback to the author. Remember, only one can be the BotM, so try to make your feedback stand out.


Bloom #1 (10% of the point consideration)

Bloom #2 (10% of the point consideration)

Bloom#3 (10% of the point consideration)

Previous BotM (70% of the point consideration)

Without further ado, please give a big round of applause to for being our Book of the Month winner! Your book:

Is the winner for March. Your comments were the most helpful and detailed over the past month. Please PM Mo ( ) to claim your March BotM sticker and banner.


You must read 2 chapters of and leave the proper amount of feedback and comments. The requirements are the same as our standard bloom requirements. Please complete this by March 30th or you will receive a strike. You may ask for a 2-day extension if needed, but you must ask before it is due. If you were a member in bloom this applies to you, otherwise, you do not have to read the BotM for March.


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