《The pregnant Initiate》Thoughts


Today is the day that the new requites start their training to become dauntless what they have chosen to become Dauntless. I don't think they realize how hard and painful it is going to be facing there fears and overcoming them facing the unknown of what was going to happen to them during there training. I am slightly afraid for Tris though I know I shouldn't show it. I mean I know I'm not afraid of much, but I am afraid for tris I really hope that Tris makes it through the first set of training. I know she will do fine because she is a strong girl but that doesn't mean that I can't worry for her and Nico. I really love tris even if I don't show my feelings the way most people do, but I do still have feelings. Many girls when we were in school thought that I would never fall in love and that I would have a string of lovers trailing behind me always striving to be my girlfriend. As they always are they were totally wrong I fell in love with Tris the moment I meet her. After a while she fell in love with me as well. As an added bonus she was the mother of the child of mine my beautiful baby boy.

I was wondering how my sister was doing but I was sure she was'nt doing bad because shes strong but I should see her soon. I have a big secret that I need to tell her its hard to keep inside ill have to go and see her soon.

I herd crying comming out of the other room.

"Its Your turn"

"Fine my love be back soon"

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