《A Christmas Tale (Nicercy)》Jason Apologises


Jason's POV

I can't believe Octavian went after him. Why Octavian? Octavian was so...eurghh, annoying! He gets on my nerves, the way he looks so creepily at my stuffed toys. He gives me the shivers.

And Nico? He thought he could just take possession of Percy? I'll show him!

My apology would be so good, it would knock him off his feet...and right into my arms.

But if Nico wanted Percy, he was going to have to fight for him.

Because he wasn't the only one the running anymore.

After I had gone home from the cafe, I had thought long and hard about how to make it up to Percy, and eventually I came up with the best idea.

I could take him to see Finding Dori!

Ever since the movie came out, he's been raving about needing to see it, and I could be the one to take him! I thought.

It was perfect, and I was going to put my plan into action as soon as possible, I just had to get my hands on some gold class tickets so he has the best time ever..

I wondered what Nico was going to do to apologise to him for a bit, but I didn't ponder on it for long. It would never be as good as what I had planned.

I rang Percy and he picked up after a few rings "Hey," I said

"Hi?" Percy replied "Why did you call me?" He asked

"Oh. I just wanted to see if you would be free from about 2-4pm tomorrow? I know it's a bit late..." I trailed off

Never one to hold a grudge, Percy agreed immediately. "Sure. What are we doing?" He inquired, curious.

"It's a surprise. Be ready for me to pick you up at 2pm tomorrow!" I told him.


"Okay, sure," He replied.

Yes! I thought,

I could apologise tomorrow, and hopefully get him to fall for me as well.

I picked Percy up in my car the next day, and he kept asking me where we were going, but I refused to tell him. He would just have to wait and see.

When he saw what we were going to be seeing, he almost hugged the life out of me.

"Jason thank you so much, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to see this movie!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly.

I beamed, happy that he was so happy.

"Wait..." He said, once looking over the tickets properly. "Is this...Gold Class?! Jason! You didn't have to do that...But...thanks so much oh my gosh I can't believe I get to watch Finding Dori and have food delivered to me I'm so happy, THANK YOU!" He thanked me over and over, hugging me again.

We ordered food, and went inside the cinema, just sitting there through the ads. Once Finding Dori came on, Percy eyes were glued to the screen for the rest of the movie, so I just watched him. Not creepily, just studying him to see his reaction to the movie. When baby Dori came on screen, he almost squealed, and went 'aww' along with the rest of the audience.

Once the movie had ended, he thanked me again, and I shook my head guiltily. "Percy...I need to apologise for what happened in the restaurant. I shouldn't have fought over you with Nico. I was being petty," I told him

"It's fine," He said, brushing off my apology.

"It's not, but don't worry, I promise it won't happen again," I promised him.

"No really, it's fine, and the movie was totally awesome," He said happily.

I smiled, and nervously fiddled with my jacket while I thought of a way to ask him.

"Percy...will you go on a date with me?" I asked, too nervous to look him in the face.


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