《Forward In Time》Chapter Forty-Three


Katara stared at Aang as he laid unconscious on one of the beds in the healing tent. The healing session lasted an hour. His wounds were healed and they concluded that he just needed rest. She hoped he wouldn't be out a long time like how he was after surviving Azula's lightning.

Older Katara walked into the tent and gave her a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thank you." Katara said as she took the cup.

Older Katara sat in a chair on the other side of Aang as her younger self took a sip of the drink.

"Does it get any easier?" Katara asked suddenly.

"I'm not going to lie to you, being the Avatar's wife was hard sometimes." Older Katara repleid, "Everytime he left for work, I was afraid that would be the last time I would see him. Sometimes he'd come come home with wounds that'd I'd have to heal. But I would do it all over again. Aang had a way of turning bad situations into something good, he'd always joke during healing sessions to try and make me feel better. He always made time for family and was an amazing father. And a wonderful husband."

Katara smiled and looked at Aang. She couldn't wait until she gets to experience all of that.


Aang woke up to see a blue sky. He sat up with a groan and brought his hand to his head. As he looked around, he saw that he was in a beautiful garden. Then he saw a figure walking up to him. When the figure got closer, he saw that it was Avatar Wan.

"Good to see you again, Aang." Wan said.

"Good to see you too."

Wan held out his hand, "There's someone who wants to meet you."

Aang took his hand and Wan helped him up. He followed the first Avatar as he led him out of the garden. Aang looked around as they walked to a cliffside where a Lion Turtle was.

"Aang, this is the Time Lion Turtle." Wan said, motioning to the giant creature.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Avatar Aang." The Lion Turtle said.

"And you as well." Aang said as he bowed respectfully to the Lion Turtle.

"I want to thank you for defeating Zhao. I will not let anyone trick me like that again."


"I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, Zhao can be manipulative."

"You are have a heart of gold, Aang. I want to give you the gift of timebending as a reward for your good deeds."

"Timebending?" Aang asked as he looked at Wan.

"It's a good opportunity." Wan said, "Lion Turtles don't give just anyone bending."

"Maybe... but it's too much power." Aang looked back at the Lion Turtle, "Time is something no one should have the power over. I'll take it long enough for my friends and I to return to our own time. After that, I don't want it."

"You are very wise young Avatar, and worthy to have the power over time. But I will respect your wishes." The Lion Turtle lifted his paw and touched Aang's forehead with his claw, "I hope we meet again, Aang."

Aang bowed to the Lion Turtle before leaving with Avatar Wan.

"A few more people would like to see you before you return to your physical body." Wan said.

Aang followed Wan again, curious as to who else could possibly want to see him. They walked past the garden and through some trees before coming to a clearing.

Aang's eyes widened when he saw his older self and an older Sokka having tea with Iroh. They laughed at something as Wan and Aang walked up.

"Ah, Aang. Meet your older self." Iroh said, motioning to the older Aang.

"Uh... hi." Aang said, willing himself not to say 'I'm Aang'.

"Sokka and I were just telling Iroh of a prank we pulled on Avatar Roku." Older Aang said.

"Ha! His face was priceless." Sokka said with a little laugh.

"One of these days, I'm going to join you two on one of your little adventures." Wan said as he and Aang sat down at the table.

"So Sokka and I will still be pulling pranks when we're older." Aang said with a smile.

"We drove my sister crazy whenever we'd hang out." Sokka replied before taking a sip of his tea.

Aang laughed, "I'm pretty sure it's always been like that." He paused before asking, "So what'd you want to see me for?"

"Well, after your fight with Vaatu and Zaheer, your physical body needs some time to rest." Iroh replied as he poured Aang and Wan a cup of tea, "So I thought we could make your time here more enjoyable while you regain your strength."


Aang smiled as he took the cup Iroh handed him, "Thanks."

Aang talked and laughed with his older self, Sokka, Iroh and Wan for a couple hours. It didn't seem like hours though, either because time worked differently in the Spirit World or he was just having a lot of fun. But it was too soon when Iroh said that he thought it'd be okay if Aang returned to his physical body.

Aang stood as he said bye to Iroh and Avatar Wan. Sokka and his older self asked him to deliver a message to the older Katara and he gladly accepted before returning to his physical body.


Katara had fallen asleep next to Aang. Her head rested on her arms while her arms rested on the bed. She was also holding his hand.

Aang slowly woke up and felt her hand in his. He smiled and squeezed her hand as he sat up. Katara woke up at the sudden motion and gasped.

"Aang!" She exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

Aang hugged her back before they pulled away and kissed each other. When they pulled away again, Sokka walked in since he heard Katara exclaim. He smiled and rushed up to his friend, pulling him in for a hug. Aang hugged him back with a smile.

Zuko and Toph rushed in next to hug Aang. After them, Kya and Bumi came in, then Tenzin and his family. Jinora, Ikki and Meelo jumped onto his bed excitedly and each of them took turns hugging him.

Korra and her Team Avatar walked in next to get their hugs in. The Beifong sisters and Opal walked in along with Kai and the airbenders.

"Kai is the reason we found you and the airbenders." Korra said as Aang moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Really?" Aang asked, looking at the young airbender.

Kai smiled sheepishly, "Well... Lefty helped."

Aang laughed a bit and opened his arms, "Come here." Kai smiled wide and ran up to hug him, "Thank you."

"It was nothing." Kai replied as they pulled away.

"Nothing? You're a hero kid." Aang said with a smile, "Without you the world would be in chaos right now."

"I'm sure we would've found you another way."

Aang chuckles, "And the thief turns humble."

"Well, I've had a good influence." Kai said, glancing at Jinora who smiles shyly.

Aang and Kai hug again as older Katara walks in, "Okay everyone, give him some room. He still needs to recover."

Everyone started filing out of the tent as Katara hugged Aang again, "I'll bring you back some food." She gave him a kiss before walking out with the others.

Older Katara walked up to him and sat down in the chair next to his bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you." Aang replied.

"Well, it was easy when I had Kya and my younger self here to help."

"How long was I out?"

"A few hours maybe."

"I didn't realize I was in the Spirit World that long."

"So that's why you were unconscious for so long."

"Yeah, I actually ran into my older self and Sokka."

"How are they doing? Are they causing any trouble?"

Aang smiled, "Apparently they prank past Avatar's regularly."

Katara laughed a little, "Of course they are."

"They also said they really miss you. Sokka wanted me to tell you that he's finally getting to spend time with your mom and dad again, all they need is you to complete the family. And my older self said that he can't wait to see you again, so you two can go penguin sledding."

Katara laughed a little through the tears that were falling down her face, "I miss them so much. Even though they drove me crazy when they were together, I miss that."

Aang stood up and hugged her. Katara smiled as she hugged him back. They pulled away after a minute and she wiped away her tears.

Younger Katara walked in with a bowl of fruit and older Katara stood up, "I'll leave you two alone."

Katara smiled as she handed the bowl to Aang. Aang set the bowl on the bedside table and pulled her closer to him. He rested his forehead on her stomach as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I thought I lost you back at the air temple." Aang said.

Katara sat down in his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I thought I lost you to Vaatu."

Aang rested his forehead on hers, "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

The two kiss each other softly.

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