《Forward In Time》Chapter Forty-Two


Katara cried over her unconscious boyfriend as she continued to plead with him to continue fighting Vaatu. She didn't know if he could hear her or not, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to let him turn into something he's not.

Aang's tattoos suddenly started glowing and he pushed her off of him. Katara looked at him in shock as both Vaatu and Raava exited his body. Raava grabbed Vaatu and dragged him through the portal. She threw him in his prison again.

Aang got into a kneeling position as he recovered from the exhaustion. Once Vaatu was trapped again, Raava returned to Aang and he entered the Avatar State.

Meanwhile, as Korra fought against Zaheer she started sensing the other elements and she sighed in relief. Aang won.

Her next attack was a firebending move, which surprised Zaheer.

Aang turned his attention to Zhao, who was in combat with Sokka. He ran towards the two and grabbed Zhao's cloak as he was about to attack Sokka again. Zhao looked back at the Avatar with surprise.

Aang trapped Zhao in the earth like he did with Ozai all those years ago. He put his thumb to his head and took away Zhao's time and firebending.

He removed the earth and grabbed Zhao's shirt. He dragged him into the portal, still in the Avatar State.

"You want darkness and chaos, you can have it." Aang said, the many voices of the past Avatars talking with him. He trapped Zhao in the same prison with Vaatu, "Maybe a few years with Vaatu will make you see the error of your ways."

He stepped out of the portal and closed it. Katara ran up as Aang turned his attention to Zaheer.


Zaheer turned as Aang sent a fire attack at him. He dodges it and flies out through the open roof. Aang uses airbending to his advantage and gives chase.

Katara and Sokka join Korra, who was looking up at the two.

"Are you gonna help him?" Sokka asked.

"Zaheer attacked his family and his people." Korra replied, "This is Aang's fight because Zaheer made it personal."

"I'm gonna go and see if anyone needs healing at the surface." Katara said before running off. Sokka and Korra follows her.


Zaheer flies out of the cave with Aang giving chase. Aang sends two boulders toward Zaheer. Zaheer dodges the attacks, but is pushed off by Aang. Zaheer grabs Aang and tosses him away, slamming him against a column. Aang slides down the column and charges toward Zaheer, who follows suit. Aang leaps across columns to regain his ground and circles a pillar, breaking it in the meantime and sending it to Zaheer, who dodges the attack.



Katara runs out to the surface and sees that Kya and Bumi is bruised up. She quickly runs over to them as she uncaps her water pouch. She starts healing Kya first so she could help with healing.

"Is everyone okay?" Korra asks as she and Sokka runs out of the cave.

"We're all fine." Tenzin reassures.

"Aang won against Vaatu, but now he's fighting Zaheer." Sokka said.

"What about Zhao?" Zuko asks.

"Aang trapped him in the Spirit World with Vaatu."



Zaheer dodges bent rocks before flying away. Aang bends an air blast at Zaheer and manages to catch up. Aang flies toward the arch, before propelling himself up with earthbending. He attacks Zaheer with multiple fire blasts, while Zaheer retaliates with air blasts, landing a hit and throwing him onto the floor.

Zaheer zooms past Aang, tossing him off the edge. Aang regains his ground and bends a large boulder toward Zaheer, slamming it against a mountain. Zaheer narrowly manages to avoid the attack and flies back to Aang.

Aang lands atop a pool of water and directs whips toward Zaheer. Zaheer manages to dodge all the attacks, but is struck on the right leg. Aang freezes the water, causing him to lose altitude.

Aang charges toward Zaheer, but exhaustion causes him to exit the Avatar State for a second and crash onto the mountain. Zaheer manages to smash the ice on his leg and flies back to Aang, who attempts to airbends, but unwillingly exits the Avatar State for a second again.


"He's exited the Avatar State a couple of times." Korra said as she watched the fight.

"He's probably exhausted after fighting Vaatu." Katara said as she finished healing Tenzin while Kya finished healing Bumi.

"I can fly up on my bison to help him." Kai suggested.

"You'd never be able to keep up with Zaheer." Lin replied, "He's too powerful."

"We have to do something!"

"How can he fly like that?" Bumi asked.

"He's unlocked powers of airbending that haven't existed for thousands of years." Tenzin replied.

"There haven't been this many airbenders in one place for a long time either." Jinora says, "We have power together. Hurry, everyone form a circle! Follow me."

The airbenders follow Jinora and get into a circle. Tenzin, Bumi and Korra join them as Jinora stands in the center and creates a small vortex that increases in size, while the airbenders create air gusts to the vortex, causing it to increase in size.



Mako chases Ming-Hua through the cave. He breakd off her water appendages, making her trip and lose her appendages.

"You have no water." Mako says, "It's over."

"Not yet."

Ming-Hua jumps into a hole, avoiding Mako's fire blast. Mako follows into the hole, landing in a lake of water. He lights his wrist, turning to see Ming-Hua behind with eight large water appendages.

"Now it's over!"

Ming-Hua directs multiple water blasts at Mako, forcing the firebender to retreat. Mako stops for a while before leaping onto a stalagmite and shooting lighting at the water, electrocuting Ming-Hua. Mako looks at her in shock.


Bolin blocks Ghazan's lavabending with an earth wall before directing a lava flow to Ghazan. Ghazan leaps forward and lavabends, turning the wall behind Bolin into lava and directing it toward him. Bolin retreats and leaps down, solidifying the lava.

Ghazan intercepts Bolin and prepares to attack, but is stopped by Mako, who flies toward Ghazan. He tries to block Mako, but is knocked off by Mako's fire kick. Ghazan tries to regain his ground, but is constantly knocked back by the brothers.

"Give up, Ghazan! You can't win." Bolin says.

"I'm never going back to prison." Ghazan replies, "If I'm going down today, you're coming with me!"

Ghazan punches the floor, causing rocks to fall down. He melts the walls around him and directs it downward.

"Mako, hang on!"

Bolin creates a platform and the two brothers ride out of the cave, where they watch the cave collapse. Both brothers run out of the cave.


Aang's tattoos flicker as he fights the exhaustion that tries to settle in so he can continue fighting. Zaheer zooms past him multiple times to fully knock him out.

"You're too weak Avatar. You should've let Vaatu take over." Zaheer says, "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to go with my original plan. Ending the Avatar Cycle."

Zaheer starts to suffocate Aang, when he feels a gust of wind. He turns to see a large vortex approaching him.

Aang, no longer held by Zaheer's bending, tumbles over. Zaheer flies out to grab Aang and tries to fly away, but is slowly being sucked in by the vortex.

After multiple failed attempts to escape the vortex, he drops Aang and flies off, only to be caught by the Avatar who captures him in an air sphere. Aang, now having control over the Avatar State, creates an air scooter and makes his way to the others, bringing Zaheer with him.

The airbenders stop creating the vortex as Aang touches the ground. He brings down Zaheer and traps him in the earth before placing his thumb on his forehead to take away his bending.

Once the task is complete, Aang steps away and exits the Avatar State. Exhaustion finally settles in and he begins falling back. Katara quickly runs up to catch him before he hits the ground.

"He's exhausted." Katara said, "And he probably has a lot of bruises. I don't have enough water to heal him."

"We need to get him to the Southern Water Tribe." Tonraq says, "To our Katara."

"No! No! You don't understand!" Zaheer says, "The revolution has already begun. Chaos is the natural order of-"

Bolin gags him with a sock, "I swear bad guys never shut up."

"Ha! You literally put a sock in him." Korra joked.

"I knew you'd get the joke!"

"Guys!" Mako scolded.

Sokka walked up to Katara, "I'll get him on Oogi."


Oogi lands in the snow as older Katara walks out of the healing tent. Sokka jumps off the bison and Bumi passes an unconscious Aang to him before jumping off himself. Katara jumps off with Kya and the group walks up to older Katara.

"Mom, I'm afraid you're going to have to heal dad one last time." Kya said.

Older Katara looks at the unconscious Aang before pulling back the flaps of the tent, "Quickly. Get him in the water."

Sokka rushes in first, followed by Katara and the two siblings. He lays Aang in a pool of water and steps back to let Kya and the two Kataras begin their healing. As the water began to glow, Tenzin and his family walks in with Team Avatar.

"I don't think I've ever seen him this exhausted before." Older Katara said.

"He fought a dark spirit and then Zaheer." Katara replied, "I think it was too much for him."

"Is Grandpa Aang going to be alright?" Meelo asked.

"Your grandfather can survive anything." Older Katara replied, "He'll be alright."

Katara furrowed her brows in concentration as she continued to heal Aang with her older self and her daughter.

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