《Forward In Time》Chapter Forty


Aang glares at the people standing up on the viewing platform, "When I get out of here, you guys will regret ever coming after me."

"You won't get out, unless the Metal Clan has taught you a way to bend platinum." Zaheer replies.

"Platinum didn't stop me from breaking my cuffs earlier."

"It's amusing how hard you fight in a losing battle." Zhao says, "Once I open the portal to the Spirit World, Vaatu shall be freed and so will begin the battle between darkness and light. Darkness will win and we'll have our dark Avatar."

"I thought the Red Lotus didn't like world leaders." Aang says, "Freedom and all that."

"Ah yes, and with a dark Avatar, there will be no leaders, only you." Zaheer syas calmly, "So we lucky few, this band of brothers and sisters in anarchy, are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom. Together, we will forge a world without kings and queens, without borders or nations, where Man's only allegiance is to himself and those he loves. We will return to the true balance of natural order. And you'll live forever to see this never ceases. You'll forever be known as Aang, the dark Avatar."

"I'm not sure what Zhao told you, but all Vaatu will bring is darkness, chaos and fear." Aang replies, "He won't work with you, he'll rule the world himself and no one will be free."

"Enough with the lies!" Ming-Hua hissed.

Unknown to everyone, Jinora's astral projection was eavesdropping on the conversation. She returns to her body, which was left behind with the other airbenders who are all chained to the floor of a cave.

"Did you find any way to escape?" Opal asks.

"No. Not yet." Jinora replies, "But don't worry, we'll find a way out soon."


"They might not make it that long." Daw says, looking at Bumi and Kya who were lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Korra and Grandpa Aang will come and save us, right?" Ikki asks

"I think we're gonna have to do this on our own." Jinora replies.

The group turns back to see two Black Lotus guards securing the entrance.


"Open the portal already." Ghazan says to Zhao impatiently.

"I can't open it until the time is right." Zhao replies, "I don't have the same abilities with spirit magic that the Avatar has, so we have to wait."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"Just another minute."

Aang closes his eyes and concentrates as hard as he could. He needed to access the Avatar State in order to escape. He wasn't sure he could do it though.

Then he thinks back to Iroh's words. You're stronger than you think Aang, don't let fear control you.

Fear. His greatest fear was losing Katara. He's already lost her. He has nothing to fear anymore.


"The place where I saw them taking the airbenders is around here." Kai said as Lefty and Oogi fly across the mountain range.

"That's got to be where they took Aang." Mako says, pointing to a cave.

Kai notices the cave with five Air Nomads carved on the wall, "That's it. Down there, Lefty."

The team lands in front of the cave and dismount, with Tonraq and Bolin supporting Tenzin.

"Find the airbenders, and my family." Tenzin says.

"Don't worry. I'm not coming out without our children and the rest of your people." Suyin replies.

The team enters the cave while Tenzin looks on.


"It's time." Zhao says and prepares to open a portal into the spirit world.


Aang's tattoos start glowing and his eyes open to reveal the same glow. He pulls the chains out of the wall and breaks the chains off his wrists with his bare hands this time.

Zhao and the Red Lotus look at him in surprise as he exits the Avatar State. Zhao quickly opens the portal as Aang begins to send a series of attacks to them, each from a different element.

The Red Lotus dodges the attacks and surround Aang. He glares at all of them as he prepares to defend himself. His distraction gave Zhao the chance to release Vaatu.

The dark spirit quickly enters Aang when his back is turned, making the Avatar groan and fall to his knees. He struggles to fight against the dark spirit.

Zhao laughs, "You can't fight us and Vaatu at the same time Avatar."

"You're too weak to resist." Aang heard Vaatu's voice in his head, "I'm stronger than you. There's no use fighting. Let go."

"Don't listen to him Aang." Now he heard Raava's voice in his head, "You're strong. Keep fighting. Don't let go."

Meanwhile, in the Air Nomad caves, the airbenders prepare to play out their plan they silently made. Jinora nods to her sister to signal the start.

"I'm thirsty!" Ikki complains loudly.

Meelo also complains loudly, "I gotta go pee."

"Me too." Daw adds.

"Hey! Keep it down over there, or you're all gonna end up like them." The Black Lotus sentry points at Bumi and Kya.

"Sir, please. We just ask for some water." Pema says, "There are children, and a baby here."

The sentry glances at his partner, who shrugs, before he brings the water to the airbenders. Jinora airbends at the sentry, covering his face with his robes, which causes the keys to fall off. Meelo airbends, throwing the keys to Opal, who catches and hides it out of view.

"Oh, so you just called me over to attack me? Fine! Now nobody gets any water." He drinks from the skin and walks out

Opal takes the keys and unlocks her cuffs. Unfortunately, the other Black Lotus sentry noticed her.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

Before the sentry can act, he is knocked out cold by a rock. The attacker is revealed to the airbenders to be Toph and the rest of Team Avatar.

The other sentry bends two rocks at the team, who were protected by Suyin's bent wall. When the attack stops, Asami leaps over the wall and stuns the sentry.

"Mom!" Opal exclaims.

Suyin hugs her daughter, "Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're safe."

Asami proceeds to free the remaining airbenders. Lin supports Bumi, while Kya is supported by two other airbenders. After Asami frees Jinora, she walks off, revealing Kai standing behind her.

Jinora runs up to Kai, relieved, "You're alive!" She hugs him, "I can't believe it."

Kai hugs back, "Why? Just because I was blown out of the sky, and fell hundreds of feet down a cliff? Don't you know it takes more than that to get rid of me?" He grins while Jinora nudges him on the shoulder.

"We have to get these two out of here now." Lin says, "They don't look so good."

"What are you talking about? I feel great!" Bumi says before slumping down and coughing weakly.

"You guys get everyone out of here." Katara says, "I'll search for Aang."

"We're going with you." Sokka says.

"You don't have to search for Grandpa Aang. I know exactly where he's being held." Jinora says.

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