《Forward In Time》Chapter Thirty-Nine


Katara heals her own wounds at the mountain foot. Kuvira stood next to her and kept watch for any danger that may approach. Katara had almost run out of water, so used her tears and sweat to heal herself. She was going to use the rest of the water clean herself.

"Thank you for saving me, Captain." Katara says as she begins cleaning the dirt and blood off of her.

"Of course. Without you, the Air Nation wouldn't have much of a future." Kuvira pauses before saying, "And, you can call me Kuvira."

Katara smiles at her as she finishes cleaning herself off. The two look up when they hear Bolin's bird calls. Everyone else in the makeshift camp heard it as well.

Suyin stands up and points in the direction of the calls. Lefty flies toward the camp, landing heavily and tossing Bolin off mount. Suyin and Lin rush forward to help Team Avatar.

"Hey everybody, there's something I got to tell you." Kai says.

"How did you guys make it out of the temple alive?" Lin asks.

"It was all Bolin." Mako replies, "I thought we were done for, then out of nowhere, he lavabends."

"I knew you had the potential for something big." Suyin says, "You just had to believe in yourself."

"You're right. Being moments from death was a pretty good motivator too." Bolin says, "Of course, we would have never made it back with Kai."

"Glad I could help." Kai says, "So anyway-"

"Did Zaheer get away with Aang?" Korra asks as the others joins them.

Sokka looks at the glider he was still holding with a sad expression, "Yeah..."

"Apparently, crazy airhead can fly now." Toph says.

"What?" Tenzin says in surprise.


"How?" Asami asks.

"Are you sure?" Zuko asks.

"I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it for myself." Lin replies.

"I've heard the legends about Guru Laghima's ability to fly." Tenzin says, "I'd never imagine they were true."

"So what's our next move?" Tonraq asks.

"I have an idea." Kai says.

"Not right now, kid!" Lin interrupts, "We need to figure out where Zaheer took Aang."

"Wait, let him talk." Katara says and turns to Kai, "What's your idea?"

Kai looks at her in surprise before looking determined, "I know where the airbenders are, and I bet it's where Aang is too."

"Well, why didn't you say something?" Mako asks.

Kai glares at him in irritation, before sighing.

"Where are they?" Tenzin asks, "How did you find them?"

"After I got blasted out the sky, I woke up on the side of the mountain," Lefty walks up to Kai, "where this little fellow found me. I tried to sneak back into the temple, to see if I could rescue anyone, and that's when I saw the airship leaving. I followed it into some caves a few miles from here. The giant lady and some people put the airbenders into the caves."

"Was it Ghazan and Ming-Hua?" Lin asks.

"No, there were four more of them. They wore black masks."

"The Black Lotus." Zuko says.

"They really are working together." Sokka says, anger clear in his tone, "And Zaheer is delivering Aang right into Zhao's grubby hands."

"I couldn't fight them on my own, so I came back here, hoping you guys would show up." Kai finishes.

"We need to get to those caves." Lin says.


"How? I don't think we can all fit on my bison."

A shadow flies above the group. The group looks up to see Oogi.

"Oogi!" Tenzin exclaims. Oogi lands onto the ground and Tenzin reaches out for his bison, "I'm glad to see you too, old friend."

"When we get to the cave, Vaatu may already be in Aang." Sokka says, "Aang will fight back for as long as he can, but we'll need to get Katara to him so she can help him fight it."

"Especially because he thinks I'm dead." Katara added, "Once he knows I'm alive, Aang will be able to defeat Vaatu."

The team agreed with the plan before mounting atop Oogi, while the Metal Clan nurse their wounds.

Kuvira walks up to Oogi, "I want to come with you."

"No, Kuvira." Suyin replies, "Stay with the injured. We'll be back for you once we have Aang."

Kuvira nods.

Mako turns to Kai who had just mounted atop Lefty, "Hey. Um, I appreciate you coming back for us. Sorry for ever giving you a hard time."

"That's okay. I probably deserved it." Kai replies.

"Yeah, you kind of did."

Sokka looks over at his sister, "How are you holding up?"

Katara holds back her tears, "I'm... scared. If we fail-"

"We won't fail." Zuko says, "Aang never gave up on us so we're not giving up on him."

"Yeah, he didn't survive one hundred years in an iceberg and survive Azula's lightning just to be taken down by some dark spirit." Toph adds.

Katara smiles as Oogi and Lefty begins flying through the mountain range.


Zaheer sits in the Red Lotus hideout cross-legged and levitating. Ming-Hua and Ghazan approach him.

"Why didn't you ever tell us you could fly?" Ming-Hua asks.

"I wasn't sure I could." Zaheer replies, "Only one other airbender in history had the ability."

Ghazan looks underneath Zaheer, "How did you figure out how to do it?"

"I found true freedom. I am no longer bound to this earth by worldly desires. I have entered the void."

Ming-Hua glares at Ghazan as she asks, "Where's P'Li?"

Zaheer returns to the floor, "She sacrificed her life for our cause. Now let's make sure it wasn't in vain."


Aang regains consciousness and looks around to see that he was in a cave. His arms was chained up and he struggled against the chains.

Zaheer, Ming-Hua, Ghazan enter the cave and anger swells up in Aang.

"You... you killed Katara!" Aang stands up and tries to break free from his chains.

"I understand your grief. I also lost someone I loved today." Zaheer replies, "But your pain will soon be over."

Zaheer steps to the side as Zhao walks up with an evil grin on his face, "Hello Avatar."

"Zhao. I should've killed you when I had the chance." Aang said with pure hatred in his voice.

Zhao laughs, "Technically, I'm already dead. But you'll get your chance to kill soon."


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