《Forward In Time》Chapter Twenty-Six


Team Avatar stood in the radio room with Lin and Suyin. Aang paced the room as the radio operator adjusted the controls.

"We have a strong signal, but no one's answering." The operator said.

"I can't sit around here while Zaheer is on his way to the Northern Air Temple. We have to do something." Aang said, still pacing.

"I'll ready my airship." Suyin says, "With a full force of the Metal Clan security backing us, we can take them." She leaves the room.

"We'll never make it up there before Zaheer." Mako says.

"We have to try!" Aang snaps as he stops pacing.

Sokka places a hand on Aang's shoulder to calm him down, "Aang, maybe you should go meditate. Maybe you can get advice from a past Avatar."

Aang nods and leaves the room, the others watching him as he goes.

"I don't think I've ever seen him so anxious before." Lin said

"He's always anxious about something." Sokka replies, "He just hides it real well."

"I'm going to go watch over him as he meditates." Zuko says before exiting the room.

Zuko catches up with Aang and the two walk in silence to the garden. When they arrive, Aang sits down in his meditative stance and begins meditating as Zuko stays alert to their surroundings.

Aang crosses over to the empty Xai Bau's Grove, "Hello!"

Aang looks around and notices a figure approaching him. His eyes widen when he sees that it's Iroh.


"Hello Aang, it's good to see you again. At this age I mean." Iroh chuckles a bit, "Your future self visits me plenty of times."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just out searching for a new teapot to add to my collection. But instead, I found you. In the Spirit World, you always seem to find something you don't know you were looking for." He notices Aang's troubled expression, "You look troubled."

Aang chuckles a bit, "When am I not?"


"Sit." Aang sits down with Iroh, "What is on your mind?"

"A lot of things. One of them being that my people are in danger again... including Katara." Aang hangs his head, "I just feel so lost right now. I can't access the Avatar State right now and I don't know why. It's like living through one of my nightmares."

"Aang, you have put the entire weight of the world on your shoulders. Don't let the weight crush you. The friends you have surrounded yourself with are here to help release the pressure. They have volunteered themselves to hold up the weight with you."

Aang looks back up, "I know. My friends have helped me be a better Avatar, but I still sent Katara into danger."

"There's nothing wrong with worrying about the one you love, but don't blame yourself if danger is heading her way. You have no control over that."

Aang glanced to the side, "What about my problems with the Avatar State?"

"The nightmares you've been having has made you lose faith in yourself. You're stronger than you think Aang, don't let your fear control you."

Aang looks at Iroh and smiles. He stands up, as does Iroh.

"Thank you, Iroh. You're right about the Spirit World. I came here looking for one of the past Avatars, but I'm glad I found you."

"And I'm glad I found you as well." Iroh places a hand on Aang's shoulder, "I've always thought of you and Zuko as my sons."

Aang's smile widen, "I've thought of you as a father as well, and I think of Zuko as my brother."

The two hug before Aang returns to his physical body. He stands and wipes away whatever happy tears fell.

"So which Avatar did you talk to?" Zuko asked curiously.

"Actually, I talked to Iroh." Aang replied as he turned to Zuko.

Zuko's eyes widened, "Wait, really?"

"Yeah... I feel better now."

Aang noticed older Zuko preparing to mount Druk. Zuko seemed to notice as well and the two boys glanced at each other before walking up to older Zuko.


"You're leaving? Aren't you coming to the air temple with us?" Aang asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm going back to the Fire Nation." Older Zuko said, "If it's true that the Red Lotus is targeting the nations' leaders, I need to protect my daughter."

"I have a daughter?" Zuko asked, surprised.

Older Zuko chuckled, "Yes, she's very much like her mother."

"Thank you for all your help." Aang said with a smile, "Hopefully we'll stop Zaheer before he makes it to the Fire Nation."

"I know you will. You've always been concerned of people from all nations. No one knew better than you that in times of turmoil, the world needs its Avatar the most."

"You sound like your uncle." Aang said with a small laugh, "And I just talked with him."

"Wait, you spoke with my uncle?"

"Yeah, in the Spirit World. Apparently my older self visits with him very often." Zuko listens with surprise as Mako runs towards them.

"Guys. We got through to the air temple."

They run to the radio room, where Bolin is using the radio.

"Who is this?" Meelo asks from the radio.

"I told you, it's Bolin!" Bolin replied with irritation

"Bolin's not here right now. Can I take a message?"

"No! I'm not looking for Bolin, I am Bolin! Gah, look, I need you to find your dad."

"He's outside with the bison. Did you know we found a whole herd full of baby bison?"

"No, a whole herd? Really?"

Korra pushes Bolin aside, "Meelo, this is your commanding officer. Go get your dad, now!"

Meelo salutes, "Yes, sir!"

Korra moves aside for Aang to speak into the radio as Tenzin speaks through the radio, "Hello? This is Tenzin."

"Tenzin! Listen to me carefully. Zaheer is on his way to the temple." Aang said, trying to stay calm, "He's coming for the airbenders. You have to get everyone out of there immediately."

"Oh no."

"What? What is it?" Aang starts to panic, "Tenzin! Tenzin, what's happening?!"

"It's too late. He's here."


Meelo turns and looks at Tenzin, "What is it, Daddy?"

Tenzin looks at the airship and turns to Meelo, "We need to get everyone out of here." He grabs his glider, "Stay close to me."

Tenzin jumps out of a window and opens his glider as Meelo follows him. They land in a garden where Bumi, Kai and other four airbenders looks up at the flying airship.

Bumi turns to Tenzin, "What's going on, Tenzin?"

"It's Zaheer. Round everyone up! We need to get to the bison and evacuate immediately!"

Bumi, Kai, and another airbender start running as the airship flies behind them. Kai runs to the airbending training area where Daw and another airbender are training.

"Guys, we got an emergency. We're evacuating the temple. Come on."

Kai, Daw, and another airbender start running when lava appears underground and blocking their way.

"Look out!"

Kai, Daw, and the other airbender jump back.

Meanwhile, in the meditation room, Kya meditates with Opal and three other female airbenders when a door sound disturbs them and they turn toward it.

"It's Zaheer! We have to leave." Bumi says worriedly.

Bumi and the others start to run outside. Opal screams as Ming-Hua grabs her from behind and menaces her with an ice spike.

"No one's going anywhere, or she gets it."


Katara ran out of the temple with Pema, who was holding Rohan. They both were looking at the airship as Tenzin and the other kids approached them.

"What's going on?" Katara asked with a worried tone.

"It's Zaheer, we need to leave." Tenzin replied.

Without further questioning, the family began their escape. As they ran across a bridge, Zaheer landed in front of them.

"Good. The entire family is here." He says as Katara prepares to attack, "Stand down. We have all the airbenders and I don't want anyone to get hurt."

Katara's eyes widen and she caps her water pouch with a frown.

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