《Forward In Time》Chapter Thirty-Five


Ba Sing Se was now covered with fire due to the chaos that ensued after the queen's death. Zuko, Toph, Mako and Bolin watch the chaos in the Upper Ring where people were stealing things.

"I can't believe it! The Upper Ring is in chaos!" Mako says.

"Don't try to stop us; we're taking back what's ours." A looter says to a royal guard.

"Stop you?" The guard takes off his helmet, "I'm gonna join you." He points his spear, "I know where the good stuff is."

The looters run off, past the four friends.

"Should we do something?" Bolin asked.

"This isn't our battle. We have to get to Aang immediately." Zuko replies as he walks out.

"Right. Okay, find Aang, deliver message." Bolin looks out at the chaos, "Yeah, this should be easy. We just got to get out of the city and get to the desert, then somehow find her in the vast expansive wasteland that goes on for thousands, and thousands, of miles." He sighs, "This isn't gonna be easy."

Mako spots a flying airship, "We need an airship."

The four run to the docking bay and enter an airship, where looters are stealing airship components.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention please?" Mako says, getting their attention, "I'm with the Republic City Police and I need to commandeer this airship to help the Avatar."

The looters, after listening to Mako, resume their activities, oblivious to the brothers.

"Hey, the Queen's gold's on the third floor of the palace, second door on the right!" Zuko says. The looters listen in delight and run out.

The boys run to the controls while Toph stands behind them to alert them of any approaching threats.

"What, they took everything. I mean, who rips out a transmission radio?" Mako says.

"Some folks just do not have respect for other people's property." Bolin says then stretches, "Now let's steal this airship!"

"You know how to fly this thing?" Toph asks

"Technically speaking, no. But, c'mon, how hard could it be?"

A glass lens falls off the control. Bolin confidently pushes a lever with his right hand, causing the airship to skid forward across the airstrip as citizens scatter.

"Up! Up!" Mako exclaims

"I don't see any up button. I see levers and switches, oh, there it is."

The airship rises above Ba Sing Se, which is engulfed with flames.

"The whole city is falling to pieces." Zuko says.

"Mako, our family's down there." Bolin says worriedly to his brother.

Mako takes over the controls, "Move over, we're getting them out."

"Oh, you think just because you dated Asami, you know how to fly this better than me?"


Mako pilots the airship above their paternal family's house and opens the hatch. Once they arrive, Bolin slides down the hatch, enters the home via the window, and discovers the family still in the house with no apparent attempts at leaving.

"Bolin? What are you doing here?" Chow asks

"I came to get you guys out." Bolin replies, "This whole block is about to go up in flames. Come on, Mako and I have an airship on the roof."

"We can't. Grandma won't go." Tu says

"This place is my whole world. I will not leave!" Yin walks up to Bolin, "Oh, but I'm so glad my little Bolin has come back to visit. Sit down, would you like some tea?"


Smoke seeps through the door behind Bolin as he replies, "Grandma, we don't have time for tea."

"Mom, please!" Chow pleads.

"No! I can't abandon the place where I raised my family. It's my home." Yin says obstinately

"Grandma, there's one thing Mako and I've learned from all our years on the street. It doesn't matter where you go. If you have your family with you, you'll always be at home."

"I'm not going." Yin says firmly

"Fine!" Bolin flings his grandmother over one shoulder, "You leave me no choice. We're rolling out!"

"Wait." Yin takes the portrait of Hou-Ting, "Okay, let's go!"

Bolin walks out of the house. The entire family climbs up to the airship. The ship leaves the house before the fire consumes everything.

"Thanks for getting us out of there." Tu says, "I mean, I probably could have handled it myself if you guys didn't show up, but, thanks."

Yin hangs up the portrait of Hou-Ting, "May she rest in peace." She turns to Mako, "This airship is nice. Is it our new home?"

"No, Grandma. I'm not sure where we're gonna take you, but right now, we need to find Aang." Mako replies.

"Oh yeah, family meet Zuko and Toph." Bolin says, motioning to the two time travellers, "I'm sure the news of the original Team Avatar coming here from the past has reached Ba Sing Se."

Zuko nods to the group, "Nice to meet you."

"Did something happen to Avatar Aang?" Chow asks

Mako pulls out a map, "I'm afraid so." He opens the map, "The airship Aang and Korra were on went down somewhere in the desert. They were coming from a military base near the Misty Palms Oasis and heading to Ba Sing Se. If we retrace their route back to the base, we should find the wreckage."

After a long travel, they make it to Si Wong Desert at daybreak. Everyone in the airship gets out to inspect the desert, looking for the wreckage. Some soon become bored and tired.

"Guys, it's the wreckage!" Tu announces. Mako and Bolin walk up to their cousin, "I found it!" He points to wreckage, "There!"

"That's a Ba Sing Se airship, all right." Mako says, "But where's the rest of it?"

"I don't know. But there's some tracks." Bolin replies, "The airship follows the tracks created by the sand-sailer."

The group gets back into the airship and follows the trail to the Misty Palms Oasis. Druk, who was resting flies off upon seeing the airship land heavily.

"See, I told you. Landing is hard." Bolin says.

Everyone leaves the airship as Druk lands again. Some of Bolin and Mako's family looks startled at the arrival of the dragon and quickly runs past it.

As Zuko passes Druk, the dragon perks up and licks him, making Toph laugh.

"Gah! Uh... hi dragon." Zuko says as he pats the dragon's head with an awkward smile.

"I think someone likes you Sparky." Toph jokes.

The two quickly catches up with the group and they enter the Misty Palms Oasis where numerous spirits have gathered around the iceberg. The family walks up to the iceberg.

"Okay, guys. We think Korra and Aang found their way back here." Bolin says, turning to his family. Pabu crawls onto his shoulder as he continues, "Now let's split off into teams and scour the town. Yes, we'll need your help too, Pabu, now just give me a second while I- wait, Pabu? Pabu!" He hugs his pet while laughing in joy.


"Why is Bolin hugging that big rat?" Yin asks Chow, "Eww," She turns away in disgust, "now he's kissing it!"

"I'm never gonna let you go again!" Bolin says as he kisses Pabu

"Guys, look out! Giant dog beast thingy!" Tu exclaims.

The relatives all scatter, leaving Mako alone, while Naga pounces atop him, licking him.

"Okay, all right, Naga. It's good to see you, too. Gah! Stop! You're licking my mouth." He pushes Naga away, spitting in disgust.

Momo flies over and lands on Zuko's shoulder, "Hey Momo." He says as he pets the lemur.

A shadow passes over them, making Mako and Bolin's family scatter again as Appa lands next to Toph. He licks her happily.

"Ah! Glad you're okay too buddy." Toph says as she pats the bison's head.

Korra and Asami run out of the cantina upon hearing the commotion.

"Korra!" Bolin runs up to her and embraces her.

"You guys are okay!" Mako says as he runs over to hug Asami.

Asami was slightly taken aback by the hug, but returns the favor. Mako stops hugging her and awkwardly steps back, "Sorry. I was just- It's so good to see you."

"It's really good to see you, too." Asami replies.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Korra says to Bolin as they pull away, "I was so worried."

"There was no need to be. The lava dude and creepy lady were actually pretty chill." Bolin replied with a smile, "The airbender dude and combustion lady was a little scary though."

Korra laughs before pulling him in for kiss.

Aang walks out and smiles when he sees Zuko and Toph, "You're okay!"

Aang rushes over to hug Zuko but stops when he notices the slobber on him.

"A dragon licked me." Zuko replies nonchalantly.

Aang shrugs and hugs his friend as Sokka exits the cantina and runs up to Toph, pulling her into a hug. She hugs back, a little surprised.

Sokka pulls away when he feels the bison slobber on her, "Did Appa lick you?"

Toph smirks, "Maybe."

"Aw man! This stuff takes forever to get out of clothes!" Sokka said as he tried to get the slobber off him, making Toph laugh.

Lin, Tonraq and older Zuko joins them outside.

"Good. You guys aren't dead." Lin says.

"Don't get all mushy on me, Chief." Mako jokes. He turns to Tonraq and bows, "Tonraq. Sir."

Tonraq nods to him.

"Dad, you remember Bolin right?" Korra says, motioning to Bolin, "My boyfriend."

"Uh... nice to see you again Cheif Tonraq sir." Bolin says before he starts nervously rambling, "I want you to know that I would never hurt Korra in any way because I love her and I'll always have her back no matter what and-"

"Bolin, you don't need to be nervous." Tonraq said with a small chuckle, "Korra already told me all about you."

Bolin sighs in relief as Aang and the others join them.

"Zuko, Toph, meet older Zuko." Aang said.

Toph smirks, "It's an honor to meet you."

Sokka snickers as Zuko glares at her. Older Zuko just smiles, "Nice to see you too, Toph."

Yin walks up to Asami, "You must be the Avatar." Asami smiles awkwardly, "Bolin told me so much about you. You are even more beautiful than I imagined."

Bolin leads Korra to his grandmother, "Actually grandma, that's Asami. This is my girlfriend Korra. Korra, this is my grandma, Yin."

Yin holds Korra by the hand, "You are very muscular for a woman."

"Uhm, thanks. You too?" Korra replies.

"What lovely young women. Mako, why aren't you dating any nice girls like them?"

Korra and Asami grimace and smile in awkwardness as Bolin struggles to hold in his laughter.

"Uh, so what happened to you four?" Asami asks, "Where have you been?"

"We were captured by Zaheer and taken to Ba Sing Se." Mako replies, "We were there when the Earth Queen was overthrown."

"How did you escape?" Aang asked.

"Zaheer let us go."

"What? Why would he do that?" Korra asks

"Because he wanted us to find Aang and deliver a message." Bolin replies.

"Zaheer is headed to the Northern Air Temple as we speak." Zuko says. Aang's eyes widen as he continues, "He said he's gonna wipe out the new Air Nation and everyone in it. Unless you turn yourself over to him."

"Zaheer's threatening my family just to get to me." Aang said.

"He could be bluffing." Tonraq says.

"He's already taken out the Earth Queen. I don't think he bluffs." Mako replies.

"We need to radio Tenzin and warn him that the Red Lotus is coming." Korra says.

"I agree. Unfortunately, we don't have a radio on the airship."

"There's a portable radio on the jeep, but the signal will never make it to the Northern Air Temple." Tonraq says.

"We need to get to a place that has a strong radio transmitter." Lin says, "The Metal Clan will have one."

"Let's go. We'll radio Su on the way. Hopefully she can get a hold of Tenzin at the air temple by the time we get to Zaofu." Korra says.


Team Avatar and Mako and Bolin's relatives board the airship after Lin radios her sister. They take off, older Zuko following on Druk, and make their way to Zaofu.

Aang stares out the windows of the ship, deep in thought. Sokka could tell something was wrong and approaches his friend.

"You okay?" Sokka asks.

"I sent Katara to the Northern Air Temple with the airbenders." Aang replies, "The Red Lotus could already be there. I thought she would be safe, but I just put her in more danger."

Sokka puts a hand on his shoulder, "Aang, you had no way of knowing that Zaheer would go after the airbenders. Don't beat yourself up over it."

Aang sighs, "I feel like I'm living through one of my nightmares."

"This isn't going to end like one of your nightmares. Everyone is going to make it out okay."

Aang looks at Sokka with a smile before the two friends hug each other.

Mako watches Bolin and Korra, who were telling each other about the events that happened to them while they were separated. A small smile was on his face as Bolin begins to tell his story with dramatic hand movements, making Korra laugh.

"I'm guessing they told you." Asami said as she walks up to him.

"Bolin did. But I already knew." Mako replies. Asami gives him a shocked look, making him smirk lightly, "I am a detective."

"So them being together doesn't bother you?"

"No, as long as my little brother is happy." Mako looks back at the two, "They are perfect for each other. They have a lot in common."

"At least things won't be awkward anymore."

Mako frowns, "Yeah, sorry about that."

Asami shrugs with a smile, "It's fine."


The airship and Druk approaches the Zaofu dock and lands. Team Avatar exits the ship to see Suyin and two Metal Clan escort awaiting them.

"Did you have any luck getting through to Tenzin?" Korra asks.

"No one's answering." Suyin replied with worry, "What if Zaheer's already up there? I should never have let Opal go."

"It's going to be okay, Su." Lin reassures

"I hope so."

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