《Forward In Time》Chapter Twenty-Eight


"Uhh, Whose going to knock?" Korra asked. Her, Bolin and Mako were standing outside of Lin's quarters after the big fight.

Korra pushes Bolin closer to the door, "No, no, no, no, no, no! Not me! You're the Avatar, why can't you do it?"

"Uhh, I can. But I just thought that..."

"I'll do it." Mako knocks on Lin's door, "Uhh, Chief, you've been sleeping for sixteen hours. We just wanted to make sure that you're okay."

Lin pulls her door open, making Mako fall down. Lin, in Metal Clan attire, yawns and stretches her arms. She cheerfully says, "Good morning."

Korra and Bolin look surprised after what happened before. Mako gets back on his feet.


"What's this?" Lin asks, looking at the drink in front of her.

"I call it the kalenutsco. It's a mixture of kale, coconut water, and walnuts." The chef replied.

Lin tries and finishes the drink, "Not bad!"

She then sees Opal standing by the door of the dining room. She walks away from the dining room before returning upon Lin's request, "Opal, don't go. Please sit down, I want to talk to you." Opal walks into the dining room before sitting down, "Look, I'm just not really comfortable talking about these kinds of things, and... well, I wanted to say that I'm sorry about the other night."

"It's okay." Opal replies.

"Your mother and I have a complicated relationship and..."

"It's probably difficult for you to be here."

Lin smiles, "You're a smart young woman, and an excellent airbender. I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to train with the other airbenders at the Northern Air Temple."

"There's a part of me that wants to go, but... I don't want to upset my mom."

"When I was younger, all I wanted to do was please my mother. I became a police chief because I thought it would make her happy... but it didn't. You need to make your decisions based on what you want. Don't make the same mistakes as I did."

Opal smiles and hugs her aunt.


Later that day, Lin stands in front of a statue of Toph, looking up at it as Suyin approaches her.

"Opal has decided to go to the Northern Air Temple. I guess you had something to do with her decision." Suyin said.

"Well, I was just..."

"It's okay. I'm glad she was honest with me. I want her to do what makes her happy. Mom gave us too much freedom, but I feel like I made the mistake of giving Opal too little. I think it's about time I let her choose her own way." She pauses before continuing, "I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time when we were younger. I can't imagine what my life would've been like if Mom hadn't sent me away, if I had stayed in the city-"

"You'd probably be in prison."

"You're probably right. Mako told me that you're an excellent police chief. Republic City is lucky to have you. I know Mom is proud." Lin looks at Toph's statue for a moment, "Can we move on? I'd love for you to be part of my life again. There's plenty of space in the house, and the kids would love having their aunt around. I do need a new co-director for my new dance performance."


"Whoa! Slow it down. How about for now, I just promise not to show up at your house and attack you again?"


The two of them shake hands and smile at each other.


Lin and Suyin walked back to the palace courtyard where Aang, Toph and Zuko were standing infront of Sokka and Huan who was standing in front of something covered with a sheet.

"What's going on?" Suyin asked.

Toph shrugged, "I don't know. Snoozles practically dragged us out here for something."

"I'm about to show you the greatest piece of art created by Huan and I!" Sokka announced.

"Oh great." Zuko said, unenthusiastically.

Sokka dramatically removed the sheet to reveal a mess of metal, "Ta da!"

"Wow... it's uh... thing." Aang said, trying to be supportive.

"What is it?" Zuko asked.

"It's obviously a representation of the discord between benders and non-benders." Huan said, then he crossed his arms, "Obviously."

"Oh... okay... I see it now." Aang said.

"I don't."

"I think it looks great." Toph said.

"Thank you Toph! It's nice to have SOMEONE who appreciates artistic genius!" Sokka said. He then realized once again that she was blind and sighed, "Would you stop doing that!"

Toph smirked and crossed her arms, "I'll stop doing that when you stop falling for it."

"Seriously Sokka, we've known her for almost five years." Aang said with an amused smile.

Before Sokka could say anything else, Korra called for Aang, "Aang! I'm going to radio the Nothern Air Temple!"

Aang nodded, "See you guys later." He runs to catch up with Korra


"Dad!" Meelo calls to Tenzin as he rides down on a sky bison with his family. Behind them was another bison with more airbenders. Ikki waves excitedly to her father while Meelo points to the bison behind him, "We brought you more airbenders!"

The two bison land on the ground. Tenzin turns to his class, "Okay, everyone is dismissed. We'll pick this up..." He sighs, "tomorrow."

Katara joins them as Pema and Kya dismounts the bison. Ikki and Meelo jumps off and runs to hug her.

"How is everything in the city?" Tenzin asks his wife and sister.

"Well, we had a little scare but everything is okay." Pema replied, "Zaheer infiltrated the air temple."

"What! Is everyone all right?"

"Everyone's fine." Kya reassured, "I fought with him, but he got away. And he stole some old necklace that had something to do with... Guru... Lak... shmir."

"Guru Laghima?"

"Right... you know I can never keep all those gurus straight. There were like a million of them. Remember that long, boring story about that guy who never ate?"

"Yes... I remember."

An Air Acolyte walked up to them, "Avatar Korra and Avatar Aang is calling on the temple's radio."


"Are you all right? Where are you?" Tenzin asks Korra through the radio microphone.

"With Beifong's sister in Zaofu." Korra replies, "We're totally safe, unless we get caught in another fight between Su and Lin."


"Lin willingly took you to her sister?"

"Not exactly. We got a call about an airbender and it turned out to be Su's daughter Opal. She'll be headed your way soon."

"Really? That's wonderful!"

"How's the training going?"

"Not so well, I'm afraid. No one seems to be interested in the hard work of becoming part of the Air Nation."

"You need to give yourself a break. Let Jinora and the kids help you out, and what about Bumi? He was a naval commander, maybe he has some ideas about how you get people motivated."

"Bumi?! He's my worst student."

"Yeah, but he loves to organize people. If you ask him for help, you can trick him into taking more responsibility by making him think the whole thing with his idea."

"That actually sounds like a good plan. You're turning into a pretty wise Avatar after all."

"Conflict resolution, that's what I do. Oh, Aang wants to talk with Katara."

Tenzin moves and hands the microphone to Katara as Korra does the same for Aang.


"Katara, it's really good to hear your voice."

"Yours too. How are you? Are you sleeping well?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm okay Aang. Are the others staying out of trouble?"

"Um... sort of." Aang glances out the window to see Sokka and Zuko arguing while Toph laughs, "Nothings burned down or broken if that's what you mean."

Katara smiles, "I miss you."

"I miss you too. But we'll get to see each other soon, when we bring Opal to the Air Temple."

"Always the optimist."

"You're optimistic as well."

"So, I guess I'll see you in a few days then?"

"Yep." Aang glances out the window again, "Uh I better go before the city gets burned down."

Katara laughs, "Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."


Jinora and Kai overlook the mountain ranges, observing a herd of bison.

"We should go down there." Kai says, "I want to fly one of those bisons."

"I don't know. We might get in trouble." Jinora replies.

"Come on? Let's have some fun. We'll be back before anyone realizes we're gone."

Jinora smiles a little, "I guess it would be all right."

Kai and Jinora pick up their gliders to open them and fly down to the lake where the herd of bison is. A group of several spirits look up and watch Kai and Jinora flying and a few accompany them. A little bird-like spirit squeaks and flies in front of Jinora along with other kinds of flying spirits. Jinora gives a smile to the bird-like creature. The pair flies over a little mountain ridge as they catch sight of bison below near a watering hole.

"Look! Baby bisons." Kai points out the three baby bison. One was grooming itself while the other two play fight with each other, "How come they're on the ground?"

"Air bison calves can't fly after a week or two after they're born. So the entire herd will stay near the ground, near the valley."

Kai angles his glider downwards, "Let's go see the babies."

"Be careful. The mothers are very protective."

Kai lands, folds his glider, and proceeds to pet one of the calves, "Aww, look how cute!"

"Kai, get out of there!" Jinora notices an adult bison approaching and flies toward Kai.

Kai, paralyzed with fear, watches the angry adult bison charge toward him. Jinora flies past and grabs him out of harm's way.

"Wow, you really saved me down there. You know, you're an incredible airbender."

"Well, I've been training for a long time."

"Then, why don't you have tattoos like an airbending master?"

"My dad says I'm not a master yet."

"You can do everything your dad can." Jinora looks at Kai, wide-eyed, "Plus, you have all these spirit-y powers. If anyone's a master, you are."


Three airbenders sit in the courtyards outside the air temple, listening to Bumi tell a story of his Commander days, "And so, we bring the net down on the head pirate, and he looks around real sad and says, 'I knew I should have followed my dreams and become a dentist.'

Yung laughs, "How come you grow up to be so cool, while Tenzin became such a stick-in-the-mud?"

"Well, I guess cool is something you're born with."

Tenzin walks out of the temple from a small passage way leading to the courtyard, "Bumi, can I talk to you?"

The airbenders walk away as Bumi looks at his brother, "Let me guess, you want to criticize me for something?"

"Actually, I need your help."

Bumi begins to dig his ear with his pinky, "Oh yeah. With what?"

"I don't think I'm doing well with the new airbenders, and everyone knows you're a natural leader." He smiles awkwardly at his brother.

Bumi removes his pinky from his ear with a pop, "True, I did win the Admiral Tung Natural Leadership Award, twice."

Tenzin looks a bit skeptical but forces a pleasant smile, "What would you do if you were in charge? Help me be more like you."

"I'd love to." He stands up before standing at attention, "You've got to use military discipline to whip these troops into shape. The only way to deal with new recruits is to," he punches a hand forward, "break them down so you can," he brings both hands up, "build them back up. Rule with an iron fist," he clenches his hand into a fist, "Show them who the master is." He waves his fist very close to Tenzin's face.

"Thanks for the insight."

"My pleasure."


Now daybreak, Tenzin barges into the dorm and uses airbending to blast a horn, waking all the airbenders, "Dawn patrol! Everyone up!"

"What are you doing? It's barely light out." Bumi said.

"I'm taking your advice. I'm going to break you down and build you back up! Now get moving recruit!"

Bumi sighs.

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