《Forward In Time》Chapter Twenty-Three


Naga jumps and catches a ball with her mouth before making her way to Korra. As Naga drops the ball in front of Korra, she airbends the ball away from the airship, getting Naga to fetch it back.

“While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals are hunting you down. We should get moving.” Lin said

“Relax, we just got here.” Korra replies, “Besides, no one knows where I am except us.” Naga returns and drops the ball, Korra pats her, “I think she wants you to throw it for her.”

Lin looks down at the saliva and grass-coated ball. Naga whined at her to throw it. Lin keeps looking down for a few seconds before glancing at Korra, “I'll pass, thanks.”

Asami and Mako walks over to them, “We just got a call from the radio about another airbender.” Asami says

“Finally! Where are they?” Korra asks

“A city called Zaofu,” Mako says as Lin visibly becomes uneasy and uncomfortable, “the home of the Metal Clan.”

“You know the place?” Korra asks Lin

Lin uneasily replies as she looks to the side, “Uhh... Never been there.” She folds her arms, “But I don't want you going there. I would rest a lot easier if you and Aang were back at Republic City.”

“Sorry, if there's an airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we are going next.” Korra replies, “And Aang should be with us on this journey so he can help restore the Air Nation.”

Lin glares to the side and puts her head down in disappointment. Naga bends down and nudges the ball over to Lin with her nose. The metalbender regards the polar bear dog for a moment before bending out her cable and slapping it against the ball, thereby puncturing it and causing it to deflate as she leaves. Naga is left upset after Lin bursts it using her cables.

Naga looks down at the deflated ball and lowers herself down, pawing at it, attempting to roll it on the ground. She makes a sad whining noise and her tail sags.


The police airship flew over the plains and soon made it into the clouds and over the city of Zaofu. As the clouds past, a huge gleaming city made entirely out of metal in the shape of a lotus flower is seen. There are smaller metal flowers around the city too.

“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Bolin exclaims, “An entire city made of metal! Wohoho,” He turns and looks at Lin, “you should feel right at home, Beifong.”


Lin is seated on a bench far away from the windows with her arms crossed. Naga, Pabu and Momo are near her, “Hmm…”

“It looks very impressive.” Sokka said, looking out the window in awe.

“I’d agree with you but,” Toph waves her hand in front of her face, “you know. But I’ll take your word for it.”

“I’m glad metalbenders became a thing.” Aang said with a smile, “And it’s all thanks to you Toph.” He nudges the earth bender next to him.

“Yeah, I know. I’m amazing.” Toph says with a grin.

“And humble too.” Zuko adds.

The police airship proceeds to land at one of the stations controlled by metalbenders. A metalbender uses and bends a string of cable out of the crane and it loops itself around a hook under the airship to connect the metal cable to the airship. Two other metalbenders subsequently bend and build an intricate stairway for the airship's passengers.

Bolin runs out excitedly, while the rest of Team Avatar and the Gaang walks out calmly. Lin is slumped on the seat and still seated in the background, uninterested.

“Yeah!” Bolin exclaims excitedly.

Asami stops and turns to Lin, “Aren't you coming?”

“What's there to see? It's metal. Big whoop.” Lin replies, “Just find the airbender and let's get moving. Don't tell anyone I'm here.”

“Why not?” Korra asks

“I don't need to explain myself to you.” She points to the team, “Just do what I say.”

“Fine.” Korra rolls her eyes and walks away, “You got it, Chief Crankypants.”

Team Avatar exits the airship, where they are greeted by a man in green and yellow robes and two Metal Clan escorts.

“Avatar Korra, Avatar Aang. It is an honor to meet you.” He bows with his hands clasped, “My name is Aiwei.”

Korra and Aang bow back, “Thanks for having us.” Aang replies

Aiwei gestures his hand to the group, “Is this everyone?”

Korra looks behind her, “Yup.” She looks back at Aiwei, “Just us. So, can we meet the new airbender?”

Aiwei responds a little stiffly, “Of course,” He gestures his palm out, “right this way.”

Aiwei gestures for Team Avatar and the Gaang to follow him. The escorts close the gate after them and they descend down the dock.


“And this is the Air Acolyte dining hall where everyone eats.” Ikki says, addressing two new airbenders, “And this is Daw.” Daw stops eating and turns around to look at them, “He's a new airbender too,” He puts his utensils down, “like you guys.”


Daw drops his bowl and airbends up then bows, “It's so nice to meet you. How exciting. New friends.”

“Excuse me, hello?” Zaheer says. He opens a door to the side, a hood covering his face, “My name is Yorru.” He pushes down his hood and enters the hall with a bald head and clean shaven face, “I heard this is the place to come for if you're a new airbender.”

“You got that right, stranger.” Meelo replied

“Well, a couple of weeks ago, I woke up and suddenly I can do this.” Zaheer bends out a small vortex on his palm.

“Mom!” ikki calls excitedly. Pema and Kya, who are seated in the background, glance over, “Aunt Kya!” Ikki raises both arms with glee, “We got another one!”

Zaheer smiles at his successful deception.


In Zaofu, Team Avatar, the Gaang and Aiwei ride in a train. Bolin looks out excitedly ss the tram passes a statue of Toph Beifong.

“Toph look it’s you-” Sokka pauses as he notices the glare from the blind earthbender, “Uh… I mean… there’s a statue of you and it looks really cool.”

Zuko and Aang hold in their laughter as Toph punches Sokka’s arm.

“That statue honors the first metalbender, Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of.” Aiwei said, “Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his, or her, highest potential.”

“So does the future Toph live here?” Aang asks

“Are we going to get to meet her? Bet she didn’t change one bit.” Sokka adds.

“I'm afraid not.” Aiwei replies, “She would visit from time to time, but years ago she left to wander the world, in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since.”

The train continues its path and heads for the edge of Zaofu, stopping at the terminal.

“Wow. Is this where the airbender lives?” Korra asks as everyone exits the train.

“Yes. But first, her mother wants to meet you.”

Aiwei leads the group to the dance studio and they enter the building. They see eight dancers rehearsing on a flattened metal lotus flower. They fire metal cables to the ceiling, and four of them swing upward before landing, while the four bottom dancers bend the petals for their team-mates to land on.

The dancers bounce from petal to petal, before jumping to the middle, where the flower closes. The dancers open the flower, where the inside dancers pose with graceful poise.

“Is this some kind of combat training?” Korra asked

“Not exactly, they are rehearsing for a dance premiere next month.” Aiwei replies

Suyin turns to see the group and claps to her dancers, “That's it for today everyone.” She walks up to the group

“Allow me to introduce the matriarch of the Metal Clan, Suyin.”

“Please call me Su.” Suyin presses a fist into her palm as a greeting, “Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra.” Korra bows back as Suyin looks at the rest of Team Avatar, “And this must be Mako, Bolin, and Asami.”

“You've done your research.” Mako says.

“I make it my business to know who's visiting my city.” Suyin replies. Then she looks at the Gaang and she becomes less professional, “And it’s good to see you and your friends again Avatar Aang.” She pauses when she realizes they’re down a member, “Where’s Master Katara.”

“She went to the Northern Air Temple with the other airbenders.” Aang replied

“So, you're a dancer.” Korra says quickly so Aang wouldn’t have to explain why.

“Dancer. Leader. Wife. Mother. Collector of rare meteorites. You'll find people here have many skills and interests.” Suyin replies

Aiwei leans into Suyin's ear and whispers to her, causing her eyes to widen and she glances at him. After Aiwei moves away from Suyin, she turns and narrows her eyes with suspicion on the group unhappily, “Korra, why did you lie when Aiwei asked if there was anyone else with you?”

Korra becomes surprised. Behind her, Bolin claps a hand over his mouth nervously.

“What? I, uh, I didn't. I mean…”


“How did you know I was lying?”

“I'm a truth seer.” Aiwei replies, “When people lie, their heart rate and breathing increase. I can sense the most subtle of changes.”

“Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city.”

Korra relents remorsefully, “We came with Republic City's Chief of Police. She didn't want anyone to know she was here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.”

“Lin's here?” Suyin asks, surprised and excitedly, “Well, I would love to say hello.”

“Wait, you two know each other?” Toph asks

“You're joking, right?” There's silence from the teens as they stare at each other awkwardly. A hurt Suyin sighs and looks to the side sadly, “ Lin never told you about me.”

“No. Why would she?” Korra asks

“I'm Lin's sister.”

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