《Forward In Time》Chapter Twenty-One


Tonraq, Desna, and Eska stand outside P'Li's prison waiting for Lord Zuko and Druk's return. Druk lands on the ground heavily.

“Did you see Zaheer?” Tonraq asked.

“The only thing I saw was a snowstorm heading our way.” Zuko replied.

Tonraq stares at the snowstorm ahead, “That's not a snowstorm, it's him!”

Tonraq and the group begins running toward the snowstorm Zaheer created to cover his snowcat. Zaheer continuously airbends to provide his group with some cover. The snowcat jumps out and Zaheer and Ming-Hua jumps off the snowcat afterward, running toward Tonraq's group.

“I put you away once, Zaheer, and I'm going to do it again!” Tonraq says.

Tonraq waterbends a punch and an ice block at Zaheer, who dodges both attacks. He attacks Zaheer again, which he manages to dodge again before sweeping Tonraq over.

Desna and Eska begin attacking Ming-Hua with multiple ice shards at a rapid pace, which Ming-Hua dodges. The twins create a field of iceberg spikes, but Ming-Hua maneuvers through them with her water arms before she freezes the pair in ice blocks. She jumps up and breaks the ice on the ground with her waterbending before she glides down to P'Li's cell.

A White Lotus sentry firebends at her, but she counters back, defeating him with little trouble. Another sentry attempts to waterbend at Ming-Hua, but she quickly strikes him. She freezes P'Li's prison cell's door, causing it to fall off of its hinges.


“Let's get you out of here.” Ming-Hua said.

Ming-Hua waterbends the metal chains which restrains P'Li. P'Li stands up, removing the cuff on her forehead, revealing her ‘third eye’ tattoo. She clings onto Ming-Hua's back, who uses two ice axes to climb P'Li and herself up to the surface.

“We could have just taken the elevator.” P’Li says. Ming-Hua continues to climb in silence, “Show-off.”

After the two of them reach the surface, Druk firebends at them. P'Li redirects the fire.

“I've waited thirteen years to feel this warm.” P'Li easily tames the fire before using her combustion ability to blast the dragon away.

Lord Zuko dodges a rock from Ghazan and retaliating with his firebending, before dodging again for another strike. Ghazan deflects Lord Zuko's blast before using a rock to strike Lord Zuko down.

Tonraq tries to attack Zaheer, but the airbender continues dodging the blows. The fight ends with P'Li using her combustion on Tonraq. The criminals make their escape; Lord Zuko staring at their snowcat as it departs.

Zaheer and P'Li embrace each other, “I thought I'd never see you again.” P’Li says


“I've never doubted it.” Zaheer kisses P'Li while Ghazan glares at them.

“Really. Right now?”


Tu opens the entrance door to the family’s house, “I've got them. These passports should get you into the Upper Ring.”

“Awesome! Tu, you're the best cousin a guy can have.” The rest of the family looks on with saddened looks, “And my other cousins as well. Yeah. Yeah, you're all the best.”

Mako takes the passports, “Thanks. I know this wasn't easy.”

“It's such a shame you two must leave so soon.” Yin said.

“I wish we could stay. But if it's true the Earth Queen is forcing airbenders into her army, we have to do something about it.”

“I love you both. Come visit again.” She hugs her long lost grandsons, who hug her back.

“We will, Grandma.” Mako replies.

“I love you too, Grandma.” Bolin says, “And Chow, and Tu, and Meng-Meng, and Chow Jr., there is Big Tee and Little Tee, and Medium Yu, and... and... and what was your name again?”

Mako rolls his eyes before pulling his little brother out the door.


Meanwhile, at the Team Avatar's residence, Korra punches a protective glove in anger. The glove was held by Asami who wore protective combat attire.

“I know that Earth Queen,” Asami counter-attacks, which she dodges, “is lying to me!” She kicks at Asami, “I can tell by that stupid little queenly smirk of hers! I can't believe I helped her. I should have known she was using me!”

Korra rises with airbending and attacks Asami with an air kick, knocking off one of her protective gloves.

“Hey, I think I can use a break.” Asami said, “You letting off steam is starting to,” She unstraps her other glove, “hurt. A lot.”

“Sorry.” She pauses before saying, “I wonder how Aang is taking this.”

Just as she said that, the two girls heard Katara say, “Aang, just calm down.”

They look over to see the Gaang exiting the house as Aang says, “I’m calm! I’m completely calm! Can’t you see how calm I am!?” He turns to his friends.

“You know… seeing seems like too much work right now.” Toph replied.

Katara rolled her eyes, “You’re not helping, Toph.”

“Fine. Take me to the queen and I’ll knock some sense into her.” Toph lightly pounds her fist into her hand to demostrate.

“No, you cannot beat up a nation leader.”

“Why? I beat up Sparky all the time.” Toph punches Zuko in the arm to which he winces and rubs the spot she punched.


Suddenly, Pabu chitters and run forward. The group turns to see Mako and Bolin running toward them, panting.

“Mako. Bolin. You're okay.” Asami said, “Where have you been?”

Bolin attempts to catch his breath as he replies, “We chased Kai. Train. Slipped away. Lower Ring. Slept in trash pile. Met our family. Grandma tears. Mako scarf.” He throws Pabu onto his head, mimicking Hou-Ting's royal headgear, “Earth Queen. Lying.” He slumps onto the floor.

Asami looks at Mako, “Can you interpret that?”

“The Earth Queen's been secretly taking away airbenders and forcing them into her army.” Mako says.

“She was lying. I knew it!” Korra says angrily, “I swear, the next time I see her-”

“It's the Queen.” Asami whispers.

Korra softens and looks at the Queen, who is carried in a sedan as Momo quickly digs his way into the back of Aang’s shirt.

Bolin opens his outer shirt, “Quick! Pabu. Shirt.” Pabu jumps in, chittering in protest, “I know. Sorry. Kinda sweaty.”

“Good. You're here.” Hou-Ting said, “Gun, tell them the news.”

“We've received word from the Yang Province. There have been reports of airbenders there.”

“Wonderful, isn't it? It's the very thing you've been looking for.”

“Thank you! That is just the most wonderful news. Ever. Yay.” Korra replies sarcastically.

“So, I assume you and your friends here will be leaving immediately.” Pabu begins wiggling in Bolin’s shirt which makes Hou-Ting sneeze repeated with unease. She turns to Gun, struggling to breathe, “Is there an animal in my presence?”

“N-no, Your Majesty. I would never allow an animal near you.” Gun replies.

Bolin folds his arms innocently. Pabu's tail pops out of his shirt. Shocked, Bolin clasps his arms around the tail and runs off.

Hou-Ting sneezes again, “If I find one within fifty feet of me, it's your head.” She turns to Team Avatar, “Anyway, if you need any assistance packing, let Gun know. He'll see to it that you're on your way by evening.”

“Uhh, this evening? I'm not sure about leaving so soon-” Korra started.

“Because our airship is having engine trouble.” Asami said, playing along, “It'll take me until tomorrow to finish the repairs.”

Hou-Ting continues sneezing. Gun walks off, and the Queen follows, sneezing onto his sleeve.

“Thanks for buying us some time.” Korra says


The group returns into the house to have a meeting. They sit around the dining table, talking about the terrible news Mako and Bolin had delivered.

“I can't believe the Earth Queen is conscripting airbenders.” Tenzin said.

“Those people should not be forced to join an army!” Korra said.

“Well, technically, the Earth Queen has a right to conscript her citizens.” Bumi says. Everyone stares at Bumi silently, “What? It's true.”

“Guys, what if Kai was spotted airbending?” Jinora said worriedly, “He might have been taken too.”

“Probably not.” Bolin replied, “He's surprisingly difficult to catch, like a— like a little, greased hog-monkey.”

“But, what if he was?”

“Don't worry, Jinora. We'll find him.” Korra said, “We just need to figure out where to look.”

“I bet they're under Lake Laogai.” Aang said.

“I agree.” Katara said, “The Dai Li did a pretty good job hiding a lot when we first went to Ba Sing Sei.”

“It's the perfect spot to hide airbenders, and I know how to check it out without being caught.” Jinora added, “I can project my spirit into it!”

“You mean that out-of-body thing you did to help giant, spirity Korra?” Bolin asked

“You can still do that?!” Tenzin asked

“It's not as powerful as it was during Harmonic Convergence, but if I can get close enough, I think I can do it.” Jinora replied.

“Let's go get Kai out.” Korra said, “Let's get all the airbenders out.”


At the Dai Li fortress, the stolen airbenders stand in pairs, one on either side.

“You are the property of the Earth Kingdom.” The Dai Li sergeant says as Kai glares at him, “You will become the Earth Queen's elite fighting force and protect her at all cost. It is your duty to serve the Earth Queen.”

Two airbenders attack their opponents. The opponents redirect the attacks and counter, knocking them off. Kai redirects his opponents blast and prepares to attack fiercely.

“Go easy on me! I'm not that good.” The boy amed Yung said.

Kai throws out a weak blast, which Yung easily dodges. Both smile at each other.

“Never show mercy! Now attack your opponent, and this time, like you mean it!” The Dai Li sergent said sternly.

Kai throws a strong blast, easily knocking Yung out, “Sorry.”

“A soldier never apologizes to his enemy!”

“I'm not a soldier!”

“You will be when I'm through with you.”


Meanwhile, the Red Lotus arrives at their hideout. It was a cave out in the middle of nowhere, where no one could find them. Or so they thought.

As Zaheer led his friends inside, he stopped and said, “Someone’s here.”

The Red Lotus got prepared to fight whoever the intruder was. Their unwanted guest came out of his hiding place in the shadows.

“No need to defend yourselves. I am Admiral Zhou and I’ve come to make a proposition for you regarding the Avatar.”

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