《Forward In Time》Chapter Fifteen


Aang opened his eyes to see himself back at Wulong Forest. He looked around confused since the last thing he remembered was going to sleep. His gaze stopped in front of him when he saw Admiral Zhou behind Sokka who was on his knees.

"Sokka!" Aang exclaimed as he went to step forward, but he couldn't move. He looked down and saw his feet surrounded by rocks.

He tried to earthbend it away, but he couldn't. He couldn't bend any other element either. He was completely helpless. Aang looked back at Zhou and Sokka.

Zhou smirked at the Avatar as his hands began to flame. Aang knew what was about to happen.

"No! Please, don't hurt him!" Aang pleaded.

Zhou laughed as flames surrounded Sokka. Tears ran down Aang's face as he heard his best friend scream.

Aang woke with a start and quickly sat up. He struggled to calm his breathing as Katara woke up herself. She sat up and hugged him from behind.

"What was it this time?" Katara asked.

Aang laced his fingers with hers, "I don't feel like talking about it." Katara frowned and softly kissed the scar on his back, making him shiver, "I think I need some fresh air."

Aang removed Katara's hands from his waist and got out of bed. He slid open the door and walked out of the room. Katara hugged her knees as she struggled to hold back her tears.

The next day, Katara walked around the Air Temple looking for her boyfriend. She hadn't seen him since he left last night and she was getting worried. As she made another round through the Air Temple, she spotted Korra.

“Korra!” Katara rushed up to the Avatar, “Have you seen Aang?”

“I haven’t sorry. I just got back from the city.” Korra replied.

Katara frowned when she noticed her looking a bit down, “It didn’t go so well huh?”

“Everyone’s not really happy about the changes.” Korra sighed, “It’s been two weeks and we haven’t had any luck getting rid of those vines, people are getting impatient. How does Aang make it so easy being the Avatar?”

Katara laughed a little, “Trust me, people get on his back too. He’s even snapped at people before.”

Korra smiled, “There’s no way the calm Avatar Tenzin tells me about ever lost his cool.”

“He did before we were sent here actually. This creepy guy made a move on me, I thought Aang was gonna kill him for a second.” Katara replied.

Korra laughed, “I imagine he can get pretty intimidating.”

“Very.” Katara smiled, “I’m going to go see if Pema needs help in the kitchen. Whenever Aang disappears he always comes back for dinner.” Korra nodded in reply before Katara started her way to the kitchen.

As she got closer, she could hear the sound of a familiar laughter. She picked up her pace and entered the room to see Aang already in there helping Pema. Aang sensed her presence and looked at her with a smile.


Katara rushed to him and embraced him in a hug, “Where have you been all day? I’ve been worried sick.”

“I went flying on Appa.” Aang replied as they pulled away.

“Of course.” Katara said with a small smile before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

The couple went on to helping Pema in the kitchen and helped set the table. Once everything was ready, they went to let everyone know dinner was ready. The dining room was soon filled with family and friends.

“I swear, I'm not making it up.” Bumi said as he continually makes airbending moves.

“Stop waving your arms around at the table. It's not funny anymore.” Tenzin replied, getting irritated

Korra and Asami walk in as Bumi says, “It's not a joke.”

“What's up with him?” Korra asked as she sat down next to Bolin.

“Bumi says he airbended earlier, but he can't now.” Bolin replied, “Oh, and I guess he's not very good at knitting either.” Then he continued on with an upbeat tone, “I gotta say, I love being a part of this family. You got the grumpy dad, the wacky uncle, the put-upon mom, crazy kids. Well, that's just great.”

“Don’t forget the time traveling grandparents.” Korra added with a little laugh

“Where's Mako?” Asami asked when she noticed the empty seat.

“Oh, you mean the brooding teenager? He's staying in the police station.” Bolin said.

“Again?” Korra asked.

“I told him Tenzin invited us to stay here since our apartment is a vine habitat now, but he said he had to focus on work. Especially now that Chief Sokka went missing.”

“Oh, did you see that? I think the napkin moved.” Bumi said suddenly.

“You blew on it.” Kya replied, annoyed.

“Wait!” Bumi ponders, “Maybe I can only do it when my life is in danger. Dad, bend a giant boulder at me.”

Aang frowned, “I don't think that's a good idea.”

“If you're going to be bending giant boulders, you can do it outside.” Pema said, irritated.

Tenzin slams the table, “No one is bending giant boulders!”

Meelo slams the table, and grabs a plate, “Look alive, Uncle Bumi!”

As Meelo throws the plate, Bumi looks on in fear and stretches out his hands, stopping the plate in a ball of air, “I told you!” He said, a little surprised.

The rest of the table looks on in total surprise, “Unbelievable. You're actually an airbender.” Tenzin said

“I am so confused right now.” Zuko said

“Aang, have you ever heard of a non-bender becoming an airbender.” Katara asked.

Aang was still amazed by what happened, “Uh.. no. All the Air Nomads were born benders because of their high spirituality.”

Bumi loses control of his bending, causing the plate to drop onto the table and shatter.


Later that day, the group stands outside the Air Temple to watch Bumi attempt to airbend again.


“Ugh, I can't figure this thing out.” Bumi said.

“You gotta sense the air.” Aang said, attempting to help, “It’s all around you, just feel it and then picture it bending to your will.”

Bumi nodded and attempted to airbend again, following Aang’s instructions.

“Do you think being in the Spirit World during Harmonic Convergence could have given him bending?” Korra asked Tenzin.

“I suppose it's possible.” Tenzin replied.

“Maybe Uncle Bumi is just a late bloomer.” Ikki added

“I have been noticing a change in your aura lately.” Kya said

Bumi stops and looks at his sister, “And you didn't tell me?” He continues airbending while Mako and Lin approach the group.

“Invisible spirit monster attack?” Lin asked Tenzin.

“Lin, you won't believe this. Bumi just started airbending.” Tenzin replied. Lin and Mako widen their eyes in surprise.

“I'm afraid he's not the only one.” Lin said.

“What?” Tenzin, Korra and Aang said at the same time.

“I got a call last night. About a guy who just started airbending out of nowhere.” Mako explained.

“You mean there's another one?”Aang asked, some excitement in his voice.

“Where is he now?” Tenzin asked.

“He... blew a door down on me and got away. We got an all-points bulletin out on him right now.”

Mako and Lin begin to walk away, “Wait, we'll help you look for him.” Korra said, “Where should we start?”

“Oh, well, y'know, you should leave it with the police. It's... police business. Y'know. It's um... official.” Mako replied awkwardly.

“Okay.” Korra said, “How are you doing? You know, you're welcome to stay here instead of sleeping at the police station.”

“No, I'm fine. I should just get going. So, as you were,“ He salutes, “ladies.” He marches off awkwardly, while Korra and Asami look at each other in confusion.

“Well that was awkward.” Toph said, “Is he your ex or something?”

“Uh, he dated both Asami and I.” Korra explained.

“What is it with Water Tribe people and getting exes?” Toph asked, “Sokka has like two and Katara had an ex-boyfriend, I think his name was Jet.” She smirked lightly since she knew the mention of him would get a rise out of Aang. And Katara wasn’t there to stop it.

“Can we not talk about him?” Aang said.

“Why? ‘Cause you’re jealous!?”

“No! I'm not jealous!”

“I can tell you’re lying Twinkletoes.”

Aang sighed angrily, “They knew each other for one day and he ended up lying to us! That does not count as a boyfriend!”

“Whatever you say, Twinkletoes. But you’re still jealous.”

“I’m not jealous!” Aang exclaimed before walking off. Toph laughed as he did.


Korra and Asami walks up to the Satomobile, “This is so exciting!” Korra said, “New airbenders in the city. I bet we can find that guy before Mako does.” She catches car keys thrown to her by Asami, “You know I'm not very good at this.”

“You're the Avatar, master of all the elements. You should know how to drive.” Asami replied, “Besides, it's relaxing.”


Korra drives down the road crazily while Asami sits in the passenger seat looking distressed, “Clutch! Clutch!” She exclaims. Korra constantly jerks and brakes the car, while a car stops behind them, “That's the brake. Let's try again. You ready?” The car behind honks at them, and Korra salutes to Asami, mimicking Mako. The ladies laugh.

Korra restarts the engine, “How long do you think talking to Mako is gonna be like pulling teeth?”

“Well, Mako has never been the most... "in touch with his feelings" guy, but it'll get better eventually.” Asami replied.

“I bet it’s gonna be more awkward when he finds out I’m with Bolin now.” Korra realized what she said and blushed.

“You’re with Bolin now?” Asami asked with a smile, “When did that happen?”

“Uh… sometime after he got back with Aang.”

“I honestly thought you liked Bolin instead of Mako when we first met.”


“Yeah, you two seem to have a lot in common and you just work well together.”

“I guess Mako and I don’t really have anything in common. I don’t even know what I was thinking.”

“You were probably just drawn to the mysterious bad boy.”

Korra frowned, “So I’m guessing he told you that we broke up while I was gone.”

“Yeah... we all knew. Sorry.”

Korra blushes, “That's pretty embarrassing.”

“Actually, I need to tell you something about that,” Asami started, unsure and awkward, “and I should have told you this sooner, but... while you were gone... I... kind of... kissed him. I'm sorry.”

Korra laughs, “No wonder he's so nervous around us!”

“You're not mad?”

“No! I mean, I kissed Mako when he was going out with you, so…”

Asami acted annoyed, “You what?”

Korra was shocked, “I'm so sorry! I thought you knew!”

Asami smiled, “I'm just kidding. I knew a long time ago.”

Korra chuckles in relief, “Well, whatever happened with Mako, I'm glad it hasn't come between us. I've never had a girlfriend to hang out with and talk to before, except for Naga. This is nice.”

“Vine! Vine!”

Korra slams the brakes and swerves the car, narrowly missing the vines in the middle of the road. A hedgehog-like plant spirit phases toward the car and Asami gasps.

“Hey! Watch where you're going!” The spirit said.

“What are you doing living in the middle of the road in the first place?!” Korra asked

“Don't ask me, Avatar! You made the world this way; we're just living in it!”

“Look, I don't have anything against spirits, but these vines are causing major problems all over the city!”

“Spirits, vines. We're all the same. Seems like the Avatar would know that.” The spirit walks off.

Korra sits back staring into blank space, “Korra, you okay?” Asami asked.

“I think that spirit just gave me an idea how to get rid of these vines…” She ponders, “But I'm gonna need a lot of water and Aang’s help.”

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