《Forward In Time》Chapter Fourteen


"I've got every available officer searching everywhere for Sokka." Lin said to the group in front of her. Tenzin had informed the police chief if his missing uncle, so now she was at the temple informing them of their progress.

"Thank you Lin." Tenzin replied

"Is there anyway I can help?" Mako asked stepping forward

"Yes. Stay here and protect the... er... Gaang as they call themselves."

"It was... Sokka's idea..." Katara said making a sad silence fill the room.

"I can help out in the search." Korra said, breaking the silence, "Maybe having an Avatar there might help speed things along."

"Then I'm coming too." A voice behind them said. The group turned to the doorway to see Aang, who was still not recovered.

"Aang no. You need to rest." Katara said walking up to them

"I can't rest while my best friend is in the hands of the Black Lotus!" Aang replied, "They could be doing anything to him!"

"I'm worried about him too." Katara said as she put her hands on his shoulders, "But you can't help him if you're too weak to fight."

Aang sighed as she removed her hands from his shoulders, "Then I'm going to meditate."

Katara frowned, "Are you sure you're strong enough for that?"

"I have to do something Katara!" Aang replied, "If I could access the Avatar state, he would be here right now! I need answers!" He grabs her shoulders, "What if it's you next time!? What if the Black Lotus attacks and I can't stop them from getting you!? If anything happened to you, I-I'd lose myself!"

Katara took his hands from her shoulders and held them in her own, "Aang, that's not going to happen."


"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do." Katara replied and gave him a stern look, "And I also know that you don't have the strength for a journey to the Spirit World! You need to rest."

Aang sighed defeated, "Fine..."

Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo sat outside in the courtyard. Each had their elbows on their knees and their heads resting in their hands.

"Grandpa Aang seemed really worried." Jinora said

"Maybe we can do something to cheer him up." Ikki suggested

"Let's have an air scooter race with him!" Meelo said jumping up

"Grandma Katara said he should be resting." Jinora replied, "Air scooter racing isn't resting."

Meelo frowned and sat back down, resting his head in his hands again. The siblings sat in silence as they pondered over how to cheer up their grandfather. That's when Tenzin walked out to see his kids being strangely quiet.

"What's going on here?" Tenzin asked walking up to the three siblings

"We're trying to think of something to do to cheer up Grandpa Aang." Jinora replied

Tenzin smiled, "Why don't you make something for him?" He sat down with his kids, "When I was a boy, I would always make him something when he looked down. So would your Aunt Kya and Uncle Bumi. He always cheered up because he knew we put thought into the gifts and worked hard on it. It showed that we loved him."

Jinora perked up, "That's a great idea!" She jumped up and hugged her dad, "Thanks dad!" The others hugged him as well, "Come on! I know what we can do!" Jinora said once they pulled away. Tenzin smiled as he watched his kids run inside the temple.

Aang sat in the library reading a book. He didn't want to stay cooped up in his room to rest, but thankfully his future self had built a library in the temple. He wasn't sure where all the books came from, since they were the same books the other temples had before they were destroyed, but he enjoyed getting to read old material.


Suddenly, his three future grandkids bursted into the room. Aang looked at them a little startled as they gathered around him. Jinora had something hidden behind her back.

"Hello." Aang said a little confused

"We know you're feeling a little down about Uncle Sokka, so we made you something." Jinora explained before revealing what she had behind her back. It was a wooden toy carved and painted to look like a flying bison.

Aang smiled and took the toy in his hands, "Wow. This looks really good." He said as admired it. It wasn't perfect, the eyes were a little lopsided and it was jagged in some areas. The arrow on the bison wasn't in a straight line, but he didn't care.

"I carved the bison." Jinora said

"I painted it white!" Ikki added

"And I painted the arrow!" Meelo finished

"I know it's not perfect..." Jinora started

"No... It's great." Aang looked at the three kids, "Thank you this means a lot." The three kids smiled wide and hugged him, which he returned.

Happy tears formed in Aang's eyes. He still couldn't believe that he would end up having such a loving family.

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