《Forward In Time》Chapter Twelve


Katara paced the room nervously. It's night time now and the three boys have not come back yet. She was getting a little nervous.

"Stop pacing Sugar Queen, you're making everyone nervous." Toph said from her seat on the couch. They were still in the main temple room waiting for the arrival of their friends.

"It's dark out Toph and they're still not back yet!" Katara replied as she continued to pace.

"Twinkletoes, Meathead, and Rock Boy can take care of themselves."

"Rock Boy?" Mako asked confused. He sat on the couch across from her with Korra and Asami.

"It's still a work in progress... just like your name. I was thinking of Sparky two point O, but that's just a mouthful."

"Sparky two point O?" Zuko asks. He sat on the other side of the couch, "We're not even related." He looks at Mako, "Are we?" Mako shakes his head.

"I know you're not related but he's a Firebender." Toph replied, "Maybe I should go with Flamehead.... nah."

Katara stopped pacing and turned to Toph with an aggrivated look on her face, "How can you be thinking of nicknames when my boyfriend, my brother, and Bolin are out there! They could be in trouble and we wouldn't even know it!"

"Chill Katara, I'm just trying to lighten the mood since Sokka isn't here to do it." Toph replied

"My brother and I lived on the streets most of our lives. He can take care of himself." Mako said resting his elbows on his knees.

"But you've not seen these guys in action. They knew our every move, and they clearly manipulated us." Katara replied

"There's nothing we can do Katara." Korra said, "Aang wanted us to stay here and watch over the place in case the Black Lotus attacks."

"I just don't get why they brought you guys to our time in the first place." Asami said, "If they can Timebend, why not go back to your time to do this. If there were Black Lotus members in the past, then they can obviously travel in time."


"Maybe to put us in a place we're not familiar with." Toph suggested, "It is a common strategy."

"She's right." Zuko said, "If you want to fight a Firebender and win, you take them to where there's water. If you want to win against an Earthbender, you take them in the air."

"So... you guys are out of your element here." Korra deduced

"Pretty much." Katara replied as she moved to sit next to Toph, "We're not used to the technology here. It's still in the design process back home."

Suddenly, Jinora ran in, "Grandpa Aang is back, I can see his bison flying to us!"

Katara was the first one to jump up. The six friends rushed outside just as Appa landed. They watched as a battered looking Aang pulled an unconcious Bolin out of the saddle and jump off the bison. As soon as Aang hit the ground, he fell. Katara and Korra rushed over to the two boys.

Katara helped Aang sit up, "Aang! What happened? Where's Sokka?"

Korra kneeled next to Bolin as Mako ran up to his brother. Aang struggled to get his words out, "Sokka... he's... I couldn't..." That's when his eyes closed.

Tenzin ran up to them, "What happened?" He asked with worry in his voice.

"I don't know, but I think we need to heal them fast." Korra replied as Katara was too in shock to answer.

"Let's get them to the healing room then." Tenzin said. Mako picked up his brother and headed inside. Katara struggled to get Aang up since he was heavier than when he was twelve.

"Mother, let me carry him." Tenzin said and picked up his unconcious father.

Aang and Bolin was set in the pool of water. Kya and Katara began to heal the two boys, the water glowing as they worked in a rythmic motion.


"Where's our uncle?" Bumi asked as he watched with worry.

"I don't know... Aang couldn't get the words out." Katara replied as tears fell down her face.

"Is Bolin gonna be okay?" Mako asked

"Your brother will be fine." Kya replied calmly, "Whatever happened, Aang got him out of there just in time."

Korra watched Bolin. His clothes were torn and singed and his hair was messed up. He had scars everywhere. He was in the same condition Aang was in.

The two healers stopped working, "That's all we can do for now." Katara said, "They need to get some rest in their rooms."

Bolin woke up startled. He didn't know where he was until he took in his surroundings. He was back at the temple. He sat up and winced in pain, then noticed he was bandaged up.

He slowly got off his bed then made his way outside the men's dormitories. He blocked his eyes once outside from the sun before continuing on. Hearing noise coming from the kitchen, he followed it and stood in the doorway to see Korra and Mako helping the others with breakfast.

Korra gasped when she saw him, "You're awake!" She ran up and hugged him making him wince in pain, "Sorry." She said pulling away with a blush.

"What happened?" Mako asked as he walked up to him, "Do you remember anything?"

Bolin shook his head, "Not yet... it's still a little fuzzy."

"Give him some space, he just woke up." Pema said making Korra and Mako back up from him, "Bolin, why don't you go sit in the dining hall and rest up some more before breakfast." Bolin nodded and walked into the dining hall and sat at his normal place at the table.

Soon, it was time for breakfast and everyone piled in to eat, everyone except Aang and Sokka. Ikki saw Bolin and got excited.

"Bolin! You're okay!" Ikki exclaimed and hugged the Earthbender making him wince. Jinora and Meelo hugged him too.

"Kids, give him some space." Pema said as her, Katara, Kya, and Asami set the table, "He's still healing."

"Sorry." Jinora said as the kids let go of him. They went to their seats as Korra sat next to him with Mako on the other side.

Once the table was set, Tenzin said a prayer before they started eating. It was in silence for once since they were missing two people at the table that day.

"I think I remember some of what happened." Bolin said breaking the silence. Everyone stopped eating and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"We landed at the beach bordering Wulong Forest. There were some guys in masks standing at the edge of the forest. Aang told us to wait with Appa. We could see him talking with the men, but we couldn't hear what they were saying. Suddenly they tried to capture him, so Sokka and I attacked.

Everything happened so fast, I couldn't explain to you what happened. All I know is that they had Firebenders, Waterbenders, Earthbenders, and a chi-blocker. I know cause mine got blocked and I couldn't bend anymore. Last thing I remember is getting knocked out."

Everyone looked at each other as Bolin asked, "Are Aang and Sokka okay?"

"Aang is still unconcious..." Korra replied, "But Sokka... he didn't come back with you."

Bolin looked surprised, "Really?" He looked at everyone and they hung their heads. He frowned and looked down. What happened to Sokka?

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